2 Full pages- in-text citations and works cited on the third page. You are the President of the either a major hormone free Beef supplier in the United States. You are asking the federal government for money to subsidize your production to be more competitive in the EU. Using Chapter 6 and previous chapters but together 3-4 reasons the federal government should subsidize your organization.

Use some concept or theories in the textbook or Chapter 6 ppt
use outside research no wikis, and outside research involve the rate of countries GDP, risk, populations, and economic freedom.( You can put more in order to make the essay more reasonable)
provide specific proof and evidence: data?specific data to support your answers, must credits next to the data and proof ( as above explained)
must use APA citation as Paraphrases; use in-text citations please list page numbers or paragraph number
Use at least 4 resources

The overall essay should 360 degrees perspective to think about a question not only answer for it. Do not plagiarism!!!!!!!

Support materials:

Beef talks with EU/Hormone free


Video today?s news-EU proposes talks to settles row with us over beef


Beef industry


WTO and the Beef Dispute


Low Cost Tires From China


Cost Of Tariffs On Tires


A Review Of The Us Tariff Rate Quotas For Beef Imports


Textbook (click to download the E-BOOK)


Chapter 6 PPT, Please see the attached document.
