4-Lewin’s 3 stage change model includes unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. Unfreezing is when you recognize change is needed, moving is when a change occurs, refreezing is when an equilibrium is established ( Mitchell,2013), and you’re satisfied with the results. The cycle may eventually repeat itself. Most often nursing is complicated in a way that one can not use a three-step process to find solutions since some issues get complex at multiple levels and will require more than just three stepsAnother theory is the Lippitts seven phase theory, which focuses more on the revolution and the change itself. Starting with phase one diagnosing the problem, assess motivation and capacity for change, evaluate change agent’s motivation and resources, choose the appropriate role of the change agent, maintain difference, terminate the helping relationship( Mitchell,2013). This is comparable to the nursing process analyzing all the steps necessary for a project to success.My mentor has implemented the Lippitts theory to resolve skin issues. She starts she felt at one point there were infested with bed sore, and she needed to take action to resolve the issue which involves many other things such as staff shortage, inadequately trained staff, and poor work ethics. In my change project, I am also using the Lippitts theory since it will be necessary to uncover all other issues contributing to increase fall rates in this facility. To successfully make a change in a facility, staffs need to be involved, and Lippitt’s theory will be an excellent choice to include staffs.ReferenceMitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change. Nursing Management – UK, 20(1), 32–37. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=108003510&site=eds-live&scope=site5-Change theories are very important at ensuring that the change process has been taken in the right way. In other words, the theories ensure that change in an organization is carried out in a way that is safe and that the change is implemented as planned. Two of the most common change theories in nursing include the Kurt Lewin change theory as well as the innovation diffusion theory. In these two theories, the focus is on the change itself unlike in other theories where the focus is on the change agent. The Kurt Lewin theory has three stages while the innovation diffusion theory has five steps. The Lewin theory focuses on how a nurse can be able to implement an action through first unfreezing the culture in the society, then implementing the change and finally refreezing or then returning to norm. The innovation diffusion theory focuses on how the nurse can be able to diffuse innovations or even ideas in an organization (Santacreu, 2014). This theory has five steps including where the nurse has the knowledge, the nurse has to then persuade the other people to use the theory, then the nurse will decide on whether it will be implemented or not. Once the decision is made, then the implementation stage is reached and the nurses can be able to confirm the use of the theory.When implementing an EBP project, the Lewin change theory makes more sense. This is because unlike the other theory, this theory prepares the organization for change (Nursing Theory, n.d.). This is because it prepares the organization to prepare for change. Therefore, the nurse reduces the chances of problems such as resistance to change among other common problems in change process. My mentor has been able to implement the use of the Lewin change theory to an extent that it can be said to have been successfully been implemented and resulted to the desired change.ReferencesNursing Theory. (n.d.). Lewin’s Change Theory. Retrieved from http://www.nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/Lewin-Change-Theory.phpSantacreu, A. M. (2014). Innovation, Diffusion, and Trade: Theory and Measurement. doi:10.20955/wp.2014.0426-YOur comparison of two different change theories provide a clear comparison of the theories. Lippit’s theory is an expansion of Lewin’s theory and follows the nursing process providing additional guidelines with support of the change theory guiding the EBP change proposal forward. How will the theory impact your change proposal?