Initial Post Activity and Writing Prompts

You will be provided the opportunity to apply principles from either Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to a situation. Please select one of the below two options for writing your initial post.

Initial Post Option 1: REBT

You will be applying the ABCDE approach from REBT to a situation in your life.

First, review the material in the textbook on the ABC approach from REBT
Second, think of an example in your life that you can apply the ABC approach to, and apply the approach to your situation. Please only self-disclose what you feel comfortable sharing with the class. Remember to also honor confidentiality and do not discuss your classmate?s posts with anyone outside of our class. If for any reason you would prefer not to self-disclose any personal information you may state that your post will be fictional, and you may pretend you are a fictional character of your choosing. You would then address the below points from the perspective of that fictional character. 
Third, address the below prompts
Respond to the below prompts:
Describe the ABCDE approach. Support with references.
Describe a situation in your life (you will later apply the approach to this situation).
Applying the ABCDE approach to your situation. In other words, discuss each of the letters (A, B, C, D, E) as they can be applied to your situation.
TIP: Consider organizing your post with level one headings.

Initial Post Option 2: CT

You will be discussing strategies for working with cognitive distortions

First, review the material in the textbook on cognitive distortions from CBT.
Second, think of examples of cognitive distortions that you have observed. Please only self-disclose what you feel comfortable sharing with the class. Remember to also honor confidentiality and do not discuss your classmate?s posts with anyone outside of our class.
Third, address the below prompts:
Identify and describe three distorted cognitions and provide a situation or context based on your experiences where you have observed those distorted cognitions (in other words, provide examples of those three distorted cognitions). Support with reference/s.
Identify and discuss strategies that you would use to enable a client in this context to evaluate and subsequently modify each type of distortion. You may utilize your-self as the client or another individual (please do not list any personally identifiable information of other individuals). Support with reference/s
TIP: Consider organizing your post with level one headings.

TIP: Consider organizing your post with level one headings.