DQ1It is significantly erroneous to believe that project implementation is simply a matter of organization and theory—that is, working the right processes and tasks, writing a perfect change document, having good leadership mechanisms in place, as well as having a perfect understanding of all the relevant change theories, including Lewin’s three stage theory, Lippit’s seven-step theory, B. F. Skinner’s and Pavlov’s operant and classical conditioning. Successful project implementation goes beyond these activities, and must include stakeholder support and involvement.It is therefore pertinent to consider internal stakeholders, such as the nursing staff, supervisors, nurse managers, and other entities within the health care setting and the external stakeholders, which include health care regulators, competitors, health care consumers, and other entities outside the setting. According to Panorama Consulting Group (2020), doing a stakeholder analysis is very key for change implementation efforts for four reasons: to understand stakeholder needs and perspectives; to detect change resistance and increase commitment; to determine the best approach for stakeholder engagement; and to determine the appropriate messaging tactics that generate positive influence.In view of the above, ensuring stakeholder support is important for the success of my change proposal because it ensure commitment and support for the change project. In a situation where most stakeholders in the setting where the change project will be implemented are in support and are fully involved, the chances are high that implementation will be successful. One important way to secure the support of both my internal and external stakeholders will include the organization of interactive forums in which the change project and its benefits will be discussed.ReferencePanorama Consulting Group (2020). The role of a stakeholder analysis in change management. Available from: https://www.panorama-consulting.com/stakeholder-analysis-in-change-management/Joseph, M. (2019). Importance of stakeholder support in implementation of evidence-based practice project in nursing. The Nursing Ace. Available from: https://thenursingace.com/importance-of-stakeholder-support-in-implementation-of-evidence-based-practice-project-in-nursing/#:~:text=Their%20support%20is%20necessary%20because,project%20in%20in%20interactive%20forums.DQ2Stakeholders are important in performance of an organization way of operating, by investing interest in medical decisions, and evidence-based practice. This can in include nurse, doctors, patients, payers, and policy-makers. Policy-makers create population-level metrics that inform their economic policies. Important questions they ask are eligibility to receive care, services provided, how services will be paid for, accessibility, other health care concerns to plan for. They set context in how the health care system will operate. Policies created are made to maximize patient health within the country’s financial and resources available. Patients receive care, and are the beneficiary customers of payers, who want to access health information from their smart phone or computer. Providers deliver care within policy framework. They are independent businesses that manage their own operations and finances. Payers are the financial element, who enroll patients as beneficiaries. They report to policy-makers about financial sustainability of the care program they have.For my change project, it is important to have the support of my fellow nurses, director, and possibly doctors. Evidence-based practice on why medication intervention for dementia related behavior are not effective, but instead adversely affects the patient is important to provide. I personally have noticed doctors like to prescribe many anti psychotics to patients with behavioral symptoms, which tend to sedate them and leads to decreased quality of life. I remember talking to the doctor about holding the patients second dose of quetiapine for the evening because I noticed he gets more confused and gets out of bed without calling for help. That evening I was able to communicate with the patient more effectively, and he seemed more relaxed with less confusion. It is important to have my fellow nurses to be on board with trying non-pharmacological interventions, instead of quickly asking for medications or restraining individuals.Pressbooks. (n.d.). 3. Introducing the key stakeholders: Patients, providers, payors, and plicymakers (the four p’s). Retrieved from https://jln1.pressbooks.com/chapter/3-introducing-the-key-stakeholders-patients-providers-payors-and-policymakers-the-four-ps/