MAJOR EXAM #5 (Final Exam) is based on chapter 14 (Unjust Wars & professional Obligations) and chapter 15 (the Role of the United Nations). PLEASE be sure that you have carefully reviewed these 2 chapters before you take this exam.
In this exam you are to answer separately (thoroughly and thoughtfully) each question asked in each number. Be sure to answer each question in complete sentences (not fragments). Be sure to proofread your answer for clarity, coherence and correctness in grammar, spelling, punctuation mark, etc. Make sure that you label or identify each part of your answer (for example, #1A, 1B, 1C, etc.). Please do not lump together your answers. Your answer must be word-processed, double-spaced, using 10-12 font size and number the pages of exam. If you quote a passage from the reading to support your answer to a question you need to cite reference (using parenthetical citation) for that passage you are quoting from the reading.
If you do not submit your final exam to Safe Assign your final exam will receive an automatic deduction of 25 points even before I read and grade it. So that you will be able to submit your final exam to Safe Assign, you must make sure that you submit it by the due date for this final exam. Please note that you get only ONE ATTEMPT to submit your final exam to Safe Assign. NOTE: In your answer to the final exam questions, please do not include the questions asked because that will automatically trigger a Safe Assign match that will cause your exam to exceed the 25% acceptable limit.

1. State clearly the view of the secretary of defense during the early years of Vietnam, Robert McNamara, about the Vietnam war. What does this view of McNamara mean to the U.S. military profession? Are professional soldiers culpable for fighting in a war that the secretary of defense believed to be unjust? Should military leaders resign their commissions if they believe a war to be unjust? (10 points)
2. What does the concept of civilian control of the military mean (at least in the context of the United States)? Explain everything that this concept entails. (10 points)
3. Explain all the legal stipulations implicit in the military subordination to political authority (at least in the context of the United States). (10 points)
4. Regarding the issue of military officership, 1st, explain clearly what being a member of a profession means; and 2nd, explain clearly everything that military officership entails. (10 points)
5. Is there ever a scenario where the United States (acting either unilaterally or in conjunction with the United Nations) can forcibly intervene in the internal affairs of another sovereign country for humanitarian purpose? Explain fully you answer. (10 points)
6. What is the long-standing presumption in the international community against states interfering in each other’s internal affairs? State the various articles in the United States Charter that reflect this presumption. (10 points)
7. What is the common factor in all cases of humanitarian intervention? What are the humanitarian reasons for such intervention? In the case of the United Nations’ intervention in Somalia in 1993, what are the human rights violations that nations cited for humanitarian intervention? (10 points)
8. Explain at least 3 external interventions that do not quality as humanitarian interventions. (NOTE: You need to explain here why each of these 3 external interventions does not qualify as humanitarian intervention (10 points).
9. Explain the view of Ellen Fey-Wouters about humanitarian intervention. What would be your own view on the so-called “crimes against humanity”? (10 points).
10. Explain fully each of the objective criteria would warrant overriding the principle of non-intervention. (10 points)