
week 1

“Hazards, Vulnerability, and Disaster Risks” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, analyze the major hazards or risks that are present in the community you have researched. Speculate on whether or not you believe your researched location is vulnerable to disaster(s) or risk(s) that have not occurred in the past. Provide a rationale for your response. Note: Be sure to state the location you researched in your response, and provide a link to the location.
From Part One (1) of this discussion, evaluate the level of threat that each of the hazards or risks you have analyzed specifically poses to you, your family, your school, and / or businesses in the selected area.

week 2

Emergency and Crisis Management Stakeholders” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, describe the roles of the two (2) stakeholders you have identified within the larger emergency networks involved in the hazard. Compare and contrast the efficiency of emergency management (e.g., disaster response, recovery networks, etc.) of the two (2) roles of the stakeholders that you have described.
From the e-Activity, debate whether your selected hazard would be best dealt with at the local, state, or federal level (or a combination of these levels). Provide a rationale for your response.

week 3

“Risk Communication” Please respond to the following:

Per the text, a poor working relationship between the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA contributed to the failed response to the devastation Hurricane Katrina caused. Take a position on this statement, and provide a rationale and examples for your response.
Per the e-Activity, analyze one (1) of the core tenets established in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Take a position on how closely following this tenet could have resulted in better protection of critical infrastructure during Hurricane Katrina. Provide a rationale for your response.

week 4

“Prevention, Mitigation, and Preparedness and Community Resilience in Disaster Response” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, briefly summarize the two (2) mitigation strategies that you have researched. Next, evaluate the efficiency of the strategies in question if the disaster actually occurred. Provide a rationale for your response.
From the e-Activity, briefly summarize the two (2) preparedness strategies that you have researched. Next, evaluate the efficiency of the strategies in question if the disaster actually occurred. Provide a rationale for your response.

FOLKS: Feel free to use the Nepal Earthquake and/or the Baltimore Riots as your disaster/crisis. I would like to stay with current events nationally and internationally so I hope that you incorporate the present news into your discussions. Thank you.

week 5

“Disaster Response and Recovery” Please respond to the following:

From the case study, analyze the main ways in which the massive poverty of this nation hindered response and recovery efforts. Provide a rationale for your response.
From the case study, compare and contrast the response and recovery actions among the U.S. government, Haiti government, and United Nations. Next, imagine that you are an emergency manager from any of these three (3) parties. Suggest one (1) method you would use to increase cooperation with the other two parties in order to provide effective disaster response and recovery in this case. Provide a rationale for your response.

week 6

“Decision Making in Managing Disasters and Crises” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, analyze the problematic decision that the agency made during the disaster or crisis with respect to preparedness, response, recovery, and / or mitigation. Specify the main reason(s) why you believe the decision in question was problematic.
From the e-Activity, put yourself in the role of the emergency management agency director. Explain whether or not you would have handled the situation differently. Provide a rationale for your response.



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