Creating Websites in Dreamweaver® & Google Sites

As a final assignment in this Web Authoring Tools course, you will identify one organization and create two websites that meet their needs: one utilizing Adobe® Dreamweaver® and one utilizing Google Sites. Lastly, you will write approximately a 3-page MS Word report comparing the two web-authoring tools.

Adobe® Dreamweaver®

Dreamweaver is an industry-leading web design software program that provides an intuitive visual interface for creating and editing HTML websites and mobile applications. With Dreamweaver, you can use a Fluid Grid Layout that facilitates cross-platform compatibility while creating adaptive layouts. Once finished, you can then simultaneously review designs with the enhanced Multiscreen.

Google Sites

Offered as part of the Google Apps Productivity suite, Google Sites can help anyone create a team-oriented site where multiple people can collaborate and share files. Google Sites is a versatile tool for advanced web designers as well as beginners.


Part I: Develop a Website in Adobe Dreamweaver

Follow the below directions to develop an informational website in Dreamweaver for your identified organization. Please note, you may have already purchased the Dreamweaver software as a part of your IST program.

Pre-Reading & Software

To help you prepare, you should review the following website to further educate yourself on Dreamweaver’s functionality.

Adobe Systems Incorporated (2013). Learn dreamweaver CS6. Retrieved from:

Choose an organization in which you have familiarity (i.e., past or present employer). As mentioned above, you may use the same organization and content utilized in M3 Assignment 2 LASA 1.
In Dreamweaver, design and create a 3-page website for your identified organization.
Upload the Dreamweaver software from: Adobe creative cloud: Dreamweaver cc. (2013). Adobe Systems Incorporated. Retrieved from:

Each page should include:

Approximately informational text concerning the organization.
One picture (.jpg or .png).
One embedded video from the University YouTube channel:
Links to all other pages on the website.
Part II: Develop a Website in Google Sites

Using the same organization and its informational content, develop the Google Site following the below directions:

Pre-Reading & Software

First, review the following to further educate yourself on Google Site’s functionality:

Specky Boy Design Magazine (2013). Google docs templates for web designers and developers. Specky Boy Design Magazine. Retrieved from:…

Google (2013). Beginner’s guide: Create a site. Retrieved from:…

Google (2013). Google sites: Creating, editing and sharing a site. Retrieved from:…

Google (2013). Sites: Getting started. Retrieved from:


Create a Google Account at If you use Gmail, you already have an account.
In Google Sites, design and create a 3-page website for the same organization. Again, use the same information that you gathered previously when you created the Dreamweaver web page. Each page should include:
Approximately informational text concerning the organization.
One picture (.jpg or .png).
One embedded video from the University YouTube channel:
Links to all other pages on the website.
Part III: Write a Comparison Report

Lastly, you are to write approximately a 3-page MS Word document comparing Dreamweaver and Google Sites in terms of:

Ease of Use
Support Issues
Uploading Instructions:

When completed, preview your websites on your computer to make sure they are operating correctly. Upload your report to the M5 Assignment 2 Dropbox and add the link to both of your websites to the comments section of the Dropbox.

Your final deliverable will be two websites and a Word document of approximately 3 pages. Utilize at least 3 scholarly/professional sources (beyond your textbook) in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
In Dreamweaver, design and create a 3-page website for your identified organization. Page two includes text, one picture, one embedded video, and links to the other pages.
In Dreamweaver, design and create a 3-page website for your identified organization. Page three includes text, one picture, one embedded video, and links to the other pages.
In Google Sites, design and create a 3-page website for the same organization. Page two should include text, one picture, one embedded video, and links to the other pages.
Write a 2- to 3-page report comparing Dreamweaver and Google Sites in terms of Pricing, Functionality, Strengths, Weaknesses, Ease of Use, Support Issues, and Feasibility.
Academic Writing

Organization (16)

Usage and Mechanics (16)

APA Elements (24)Style (8)
