Unit V Annotated Bibliography

Weight: 10% of course grade
Grading Rubric

Using scholarly resources from the CSU Online Library, complete an annotated bibliography for the reference resources you will use for the Unit VII assignment, which involves responding to a hazardous materials incident. Make sure your paper has resources that identify the following areas:

Describe inorganic compounds and the chemical family they belong to as well as the hazards associated with that chemical family.
Describe what the chemical(s) are used for in the industrial setting.
Assess the patterns of reactions within inorganic chemistry nomenclature.
Evaluate the methods that could be used to quantify the hazard at an incident site.

Your annotated bibliography should meet all APA style requirements and should have a robust description of each source that is being used (approximately 150 words describing each reference). You should have a minimum of five external sources, one of which can be your textbook. Each source used should be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.
Unit VI Outline Open

Weight: 10% of course grade
Grading Rubric

In the assignment for this unit, you will create an outline in preparation for the report you will write in your assignment for Unit VII. In the scenario for the Unit VII assignment, you are a first responder who is responding to an incident that is a mass casualty event where a school bus carrying middle school children collided with two trucks. One track is carrying benzene, and the other truck is carrying ammonium nitrate. Both trucks have released their cargo via spill, and now the school students are in danger of breathing in the vapors.
Complete an outline of how you will write the paper. In your outline, make sure you have components that meet the following requirements:

Distinguish between organic and inorganic chemicals.
Apply chemical reaction basic precautions at the accident scene.
Describe potential reactions that may be present with the chemicals.
Describe the families of hydrocarbons in terms of hazard.
Explain the chemical characteristics of each chemical family.
Outline the potential chemical reactions of hydrocarbons.

Your outline should have a thesis statement at the beginning and follow a logical progressive format that flows appropriately for the given scenario for the Unit VII assignment. Your outline should contain the following:

Title page
Supporting evidence (You should have a minimum of eight external sources)
Headers and sub-headers (All headers and sub-headers should use the same part of speech.)
Reference page
Outline should follow APA formatting guidelines.

Your outline should be a minimum of two pages in length.
Unit VII Course Project Open

Weight: 13% of course grade
Grading Rubric

For this assignment, you will write a paper in response to the scenario described below. Be sure to use the sources from the annotated bibliography assignment in Unit V. You may also use additional sources as needed. Also, be sure to use the outline you created in the Unit VI assignment.
Scenario: You are a first responder who is responding to an incident that is a mass casualty event where a school bus carrying middle school children collided with two trucks, one carrying benzene and the other carrying ammonium nitrate. Both trucks have released their cargo via spill, and now the school students are in danger of breathing in the vapors. The incident happened on Highway 182 in Orange Beach, Alabama. It is the middle of July and the temperature is 89oF with sunny skies, and the winds are calm for now. Because it is summer, there are clouds building to the west with thunderstorms predicted in the next 90 minutes.
Compile a minimum of four pages to appropriately answer the following questions:

What form would you expect to find the chemicals (liquid, gas, solid, etc.)? Will this form change based on the weather?
Which Department of Transportation (DOT) placards would be used to identify the different hazardous materials cargo?
How would the children on the school bus be best protected from the chemicals (e.g. evacuated, shelter in the bus, etc.)?
Describe the chemical reactions that may take place.
Recommend the risk-based response steps you would take to control the hazardous materials event.
Determine the impact of the weather conditions on the accident site.

Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources used.