
@3 ½ PAGES (Single or Double–sided), TYPED, STAPLED, 11’-12’ FONT, (double or 1.5 spacing), NORMAL margins

At this point in IPE, you have identified your inner IPE child.* This means that you have a sense of which IPE paradigm or hybrid paradigm makes the most sense to you as a lens of analysis for understanding the international political economy. A paradigm is a POV (point of view) utilized to understand something. It determines your priorities, the questions that you find most interesting and important, and locates policy goals, methods to solve problems, and prioritization of Cui Bono interests. (See Paradigm grid on Canvas, ppts, lecture notes and textbooks).

*IPE children may be Liberal (Heterodox or Orthodox) or Structuralist or HYBRID (hyphenated as i.e. Ecological and/or Feminist Liberal or Structuralist). Note that Neo-Mercantilism refers to a set of policies – not a paradigm.


Brainstorm with colleagues, but be sure that your paper is your own unique work.

Introduce me to your inner IPE child* and explain why you have chosen this paradigm.

You will be graded on each of these mandatory sections:

your understanding of your paradigm and the reasons you have chosen it (explain your paradigm @ 1.5 page),

locate one scholarly article aligned with your paradigm regarding an IPE Conflict (see below) (@ 2 page), this will be your only outside source and a MAP of the geographic area at issue. [JSTOR library data base, articles 2010 or more recent ONLY] GO TO LIBRARY go to ALL DATA BASES, scroll to JSTOR, then SEARCH.

your final reflection on this course (open ended conclusion – @ .5 page). Please avoid ‘fluff’ in this section. Use your ½ page to reflect on what your take-away is from the course: how do you now see the IPE as a result of your IPE studies, what concerns and/or hopes have you re-evaluated or discovered, what would you like to better understand going forward.

Max paper length 4 pgs. (DOUBLE-SIDED-preferred). Note: no more than 4 pages, i.e. not even a half page over.

Be Sure to:

Use vocabulary, concepts, and specific examples from this course.

Use complete sentences and write clearly.

Proof your work (this requires writing and rewriting a few times).

SECTION b – Conflict at the international or global level of IPE analysis only/ two pages max/ this section is based solely on your scholarly article (minimum four pages), any other legitimate media source (TedTalk, mainstream newspaper/magazine, reference to data published by UN or IO or Country Watch). Be CERTAIN that your article reflects your paradigm which is you POV!

Choose a Conflict area and the IPE Structure that it is rooted in. Find a substantial article about it in a scholarly article that reflects your POV.

2010 or more recent only. GO TO LIBRARY go to ALL DATA BASES, scroll to JSTOR, then SEARCH.

Also see Library module in Canvas.

A scholarly journal is written by scholars or experts in their fields, it is peer-reviewed (selected by other scholars for publication in a blind review), and published in journals that are considered legitimate and reliable sources.

1.Briefly describe and explain:

the conflict (international or global level of analysis only)

the major actors by designation (not names), i.e. the name of country/state/political branch/NGO/IO/TNC, specific population affected,

very brief history and context of the conflict,

identify and comment on the IPE structure the conflict is rooted in (reference text in your explanation).

2.Conflict and Cui Bono:

specific case of human trafficking (specific area/demographic/sending& receiving nations),

specific illegal drug or conflict (resource curse/value commodity chain),

specific TNC activity (labor, ie Fox sub-contractors for Apple in PRC or FDI or SAP ie see examples in Chang or environmental issue –ie Shell in Niger Delta),

specific IPE Environmental climate (economic and political impacts onlyl– no scientific articles, not ‘climate change’) (dumping in international waters, toxic waste exports, ancient forests),

specific national or area border conflict,

specific minority IPE conflict (refugees, race/ethnicity/gender),

specific IPE food conflict (GMO, over-fishing, etc.),

specific IPE technology conflict (i.e. media/TNC surveillance).

Scholarly Citation immediately after your last paragraph – no additional pages, as follows:

3. Last, First (name of author/s), title of article in italics, title of scholarly journal underlined, month/year of publication.

**for the scholarly article i will upload options**

i wanted to choose structuralism as my “inner child”