Wk 3 – The Helping Process [due Mon]
Wk 3 – The Helping Process [due Mon]

Assignment Content

In this assignment, case management (including case plan development) must be used based on the specific needs of an offender. A strength-based approach to case management services must also be implemented. Case management professionals follow a three-phase process, known as the helping process, to provide the support and structure needed to help others. The helping process includes the following three phases:


Write a 525- to 700-word paper exploring the importance of the three phases. Include the following information:

Describe the significance of client participation during the helping process.
Discuss how a strength-based approach is used in each phase.
Describe the ethical considerations that must be addressed during each phase.

Book-Prisoner Reentry in the Era of Mass Incarceration-By Daniel Mears (Preston) and Joshua Cochran (Clifford)

Prisoner Reentry in the Era of Mass Incarceration, Ch. 9

Read pp. 221-223 in Ch. 9 of Prisoner Reentry in the Era of Mass Incarceration. Review pp. 230 & 231 in Ch. 9 of Prisoner Reentry in the Era of Mass Incarceration.
Watch the following videos located on the Justice Center website:

Sharing Information between Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Systems
This video shows how interagency collaboration is a critical part of the case management process in regard to the reentry process. These individuals often need a variety of resources and services when they return to communities to ensure their transition back into society is successful.
Homeless Services 101, What Reentry Service Providers Need to Know
Homelessness is a reality for many offenders who return to the community. This video highlights why, after leaving incarceration, offenders have some unique challenges that contribute to the issue of being homeless.
Addressing the Housing Needs of Youth and Young Adults in Contact with the Justice System
This video focuses on housing services for youth who leave custody and are placed back into community settings poses some unique challenges.

Read the
Week 3 University Library Readings:

Corrections Compendium
“Critical Time Intervention for Reentry From Prison for Persons With Mental Illness”
This reading shows why it is extremely important to ensure a continuum of care is achieved for offenders who have mental health illness from the time of incarceration to when they reenter society.
“Community Case Management for Former Jail Inmates: Its Impacts on Rearrest, Drug Use, and HIV Risk”
This reading highlights why case management services play an important role in the reentry process, especially for offenders with high needs such as HIV risk and those who are addicted to drugs.
