IntroductionQuantitative research design provides an approach to finding scholarly evidence.  There are a variety of philosophical considerations, strategies of inquiry, and methods of data collection and analysis based on the study question and the types and numbers of variables.  For example, having one or more dependent and/or independent variables is what prescribes the statistical tests needed to answer the study question(s).  It is important for nurse researchers, leaders, educators, and practitioners to know how to select the correct statistical analysis for a study.Upon successful completion of this assignment you should be able to:Select a data analysis method / tests appropriate for a potential research study.Expound on interpretation of data for a quantitative study.ResourcesTextbook:  Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches (2018), Chapters 7, 8PowerPoint:Chapter 7 Questions and HypothesesFile:Chapter 7 Questions and Hypotheses, NotesPowerPoint:Chapter 8 Quantitative MethodsFile:Chapter 8 Quantitative Methods, NotesTextbook:  Practical Research: Planning and Design (2016), Chapters 4, 8PowerPoint:Chapter 4 PlanningPowerPoint:Chapter 8 Analyzing Quantitative DataFile:Tests of SignificanceFile:Finger’s Chart of Statistical Testswith video walk throughFile:Matching Statistical Tests to MethodologyWebsite:IWU Off Campus Library ServicesWebsite: Summary Form– keep filling this in for Assignment 6.3.InstructionsRead chapters 7 and 8 in Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches (2018),and chapters 4 and 8 in Practical Research: Planning and Design (2016). Review all other materials listed.Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to the following:Post your quantitative question.Describe your proposed data collection tool.Respond to the questions found in Practical Research: Planning and Design (2016) pages 245-246 and post your responses.  For your convenience, the checklist is included in the resources above.Use Dr. Finger’s Chart of Statistical Tests and your texts from GNUR-528 Biostatistics and Epidemiology course to determine what statistical tests you would select to demonstrate the answer(s) to your problem, subproblems, and research question.  Be sure and refer to the studies related to your topic found in OCLS.  Post at least one test to use on your data along with your rationale.What interpretive criteria would you use to give meaning and significance to your findings?What if your findings do not support your hypothesis or hunch?This discussion should be referenced with at least three references.Your initial post is due by day five of the workshop.The post should be written in scholarly and scientific writing with use of APA style.Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings and any questions you are asked in your initial post by the end of the workshop.Navigate to the threaded discussion here.Assessment CriteriaCriteria16 Points12 Points8 Points4 PointsQualityYour postings are well developed and answers provide clear evidence of critical thinking.Your questions or observations add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.A current, professional source is used to validate your thoughts.Your postings show some development and some critical thinking is evident in your answers.Your questions and observations add to the discussion by expanding the ideas of others.A current, professional source is used to validate your thoughts.Your postings show nominal development and only the beginnings of critical thinking.Your contributions (questions or observations) do not clearly add to the discussion.No source is used.Your postings show no development and are mostly a reiteration of what the textbook or others have said.Your questions and observations detract from the discussion.No source is used.Criteria12 points8 Points4 Points0 PointsTimelinessYour initial posting to the question or topic assigned in the workshop activity is made by day five of the workshop.Your initial posting to the question or topic assigned in the workshop activity is made by the day six of the workshop.Your initial posting to the question or topic assigned in the workshop activity is made by day seven of the workshop.No initial post made.Criteria12 Points8 Points4 Points0 PointsInteractionYou respond to a minimum of two other classmates as well as all follow-up faculty questions directed to you.You are clearly collaborative by taking the initiative to respond to classmates’ questions, providing clarification and insight on issues in the discussion.You respond to two classmates and some of the faculty follow-up questions directed to you.You are collaborative in some situations and show some initiative in workshop discussions.You respond to two classmates but do not respond to faculty follow-up questions directed to you.You show little initiative in discussions and your presence is not collaborative.You do not respond to the postings of others in the discussion.Total Points40