Technology Lesson Plan, Part 1: TIP Analysis Textbook required: Roblyer, M.D., & Doering, A.H. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson. Print version: ISBN 13: 978-0-261225-8 or ISBN 10: 0-13-261125-9. e-Book version: ISBN-10 0-13-282015-3, ISBN-13 978-0-13-282015-8 Technology Lesson Plan, Part 1: TIP Analysis (This assignment fulfills these NETS-T, InTASC, and CCTC Standards) In this assignment, you will analyze a classroom learning problem (pages 55-56 in textbook) and use the TIP Technology Integration Planning (TIP) process to choose a technology-based strategy to solve it. Phase 1: Analysis of Learning and Teaching Needs (pages 55-58) Phase 2: Planning for Integration (pages 58-63) Phase 3: Post-Instruction Analysis and Revisions (pages 63-64) In Week 4 Assignment 3 (assignment attached see file lesson_plan_on_data , you will write an original lesson plan that solves this learning problem using the technology strategy in your TIP analysis. READ the Week 4 Assignment 3 instructions before completing your TIP analysis, so you know what other requirements will be added in the lesson plan that may affect your TIP learning problem choice and solution. Assignment Instructions Review the TIP process Review the TIP examples listed in the Week 4 Reading. Textbook Chapter 15: Teaching and Learning With Technology in Special Education Review the following TIP analyses examples: Math by Design (pages 75-77) Can You Afford Your Dream Car? (pages 111-113) Sharing a Passion for Poetry (pages 139-141) Let me Show You Want I Mean: Persuasive Bioethics Videos (pages 171-173) A Research Paper (pages 203-205) Agayu: Adventure Learning in Chukotka, Russia (pages 235-237) My Side of the Story: Teaching Digital Literacies with a Multimedia Storytelling Project (pages 265-267) Writing in Blogs En Francais (pages 287-289) Hot and Cold Data (pages 307-309) Learning Geometry with Geospatial Technologies (pages 331-333) The Fine Art of Electronic Portfolios (pages 353-355) Personal Fitness Plans You Can Live With (pages 377-379) Helping Students With Disabilities Blend In (pages 397-399) See the lesson plan instructions (Week 4 Assignment 3). See attached lesson_plan_on_data_structures file see attached TIP_planning_Questionnaire file Follow the instructions in the documents to complete the assessment. TIP Planning Questionnaire Week 4, Assignment 1: TIP Process Analysis Points Phase 1: Analysis of Learning and Teaching Needs 35 Phase 2: Planning for Integration 35 Phase 3: Post-Instruction Analysis and Revisions 25 Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and APA citations 5 Explain TIP Analysis learning problem and technology-based solution (100 words) TIP Planning Questionnaire Instructions: Answer the following questions in each section below. ________________________________________ Phase 1: Analysis of Learning and Teaching Needs (See pages 55-58 in the textbook.) Step 1: Determine Relative Advantage What is the problem? Do technology-based methods offer a solution with sufficient relative advantage? Step 2: Tech-PACK Assessment What is my content knowledge (CK)? What is my knowledge of pedagogy (PK)? What is my knowledge of technology (TK)? Phase 2: Planning for Integration (See pages 58-63 in the textbook.) Step 3: Decide on Objectives and Assessments What outcomes do I expect from using the new methods? What are the best ways of assessing these outcomes? Step 4: Design Integration Strategies What kind of content approach is needed? What grouping approach should I use? How can I prepare students adequately to use technologies? Step 5: Prepare the Instructional Environment What equipment, software, media, and materials will I need to carry out the instructional strategies? How should resources be arranged to support instruction and learning? What planning is required to make sure technology resources work well? Phase 3: Post-Instruction Analysis and Revisions (See pages 63-64 in the textbook.) This phase normally requires that you conduct your technology lesson so you can analyze how to improve it. However, you will have to œimagine that you have conducted the lesson in order to answer the questions below. Think critically about your lesson to see where there might be problems, so you can make recommendations for improvement. Step 6: Analyze Results Were the objectives achieved? What do students say? Could improving instructional strategies improve results? Could improving the environment improve results? Have I integrated technology well? How well has the technology integration strategy worked? What could be improved to make the technology integration strategy work better? Step 7: Make Revisions What revisions would you make?



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