The purpose of this paper is to guide you through a process of self-reflection and self-evaluation to discover the scope of your personal and professional development while enrolled in the RN>BSN nursing program.

The assignment is designed to help you prepare for your Portfolio. The Practice Summary Paper is designed to demonstrate the attainment of the 8 core competencies in general. The Portfolio demonstrates the achievement of the Core Competencies through the attainment of specific elements [the bullets] within the Core Competencies.


Guidelines for Preparing the Paper:


Formatting. Papers should be formatted according the 6th edition of the APA Style Manual, typewritten and double-spaced with a 12-font type.

Title Page. A title page formatted per APA 6th edition with a running head should be included.

Writing Style: Attention should be given to assure that paragraphs are focused and well-constructed, sentences are complete, and grammar and punctuation are correct. You may use 1st person for this paper as it is reflective personal writing.

Portfolio and Submission. The Practice Summary Paper is to be inserted and identified within the e-portfolio with an associated Intro page. A copy of the paper is to be electronically submitted via the Safe Assign link on the Bb site on or before the due date.

Content: The paper should address your attainment of all eight behaviors and/or competencies that are specific outcomes of the program including: critical thinking, nursing practice, communication, teaching, research, leadership, professionalism and culture. The definition of each of the eight criteria is found in the objectives, as stated in the syllabus for each course you have taken.

Examples of Attainment: Review all course-related activities to identify specific examples of how you have attained each of the program outcomes. This may include projects or assignments for non-nursing course (including cluster courses and minor degree courses). It may also include discussion activities you had within courses such as discussion board posts. You may also use examples within your practice in which your coursework has impacted an area of your practice.  Keep in mind that your goal is to identify and discuss the ways in which you have attained the program outcomes: However, the paper does not require that you provide examples from every course.

Discussion of Examples. Discussion pertaining to each of the outcome behaviors should describe the activity or activities that you feel best demonstrate the

attainment of the behavior, along with an explanation of how the activity demonstrates your attainment of the behavior. [For example, if you select an activity as an example of critical thinking, then you are expected to give an overview of the activity as well as describe the critical thinking skills used and how these skills were refined during the course of the activity.] Please be specific. The examples are to come from your assignments within the program, and may come from the practice environment.

Length and Organization: The Practice Summary Paper should be approximately 7 to 9 pages in length and organized in the following manner:


The introduction should include a paragraph that describes why you are enrolled in the RN->BSN program and what you had hoped to accomplish by obtaining the degree.

Analysis of the Attainment of Program Outcomes

Discussion pertaining to each of the outcome behaviors should describe the activity or activities that you feel best demonstrate the attainment of the behavior, along with an explanation of how the activity demonstrates your attainment of the behavior. [For example, if you select activities as an example of critical thinking, then you are expected to give an overview of the activity was well as describe the critical thinking skills used and how these skills were refined during the course of the activity.]

Critical Thinking

Nursing Practice







Overall Appraisal and Summary of Professional Progress while Enrolled in the School of Nursing.

There are no right or wrong answers to this section. The criteria should be discussed with specific examples.

The three paragraph summary should include:

The first paragraph of the summary should offer an overall reflection and evaluation of your learning [expectations versus reality], skills [acquired or not acquired], and overall growth and development [perceived degree of preparedness to function more successfully in your current role, expand your current role or assume new and different roles within the nursing profession.]

The second paragraph should explore the question:
How has knowledge of nursing theory influenced your overall philosophy and practice of nursing?

The third paragraph should discuss how your practice has changed as a result of your enrollment in the baccalaureate-nursing program. [What are you doing new and/or different as a result of the courses you have taken.]


In the conclusion follow the principles of good writing. Review the major points presented within the paper

Grading Guidelines

Utilize the grading guidelines that are provided in module Resources under Rubrics to check your work and assure you are meeting all requirements.