Upon completion you will have a document containing a list of reliable and valid online resources you chose related to the preparation to successfully become a certified nurse educator.
The learning outcomes for this WebQuest.

Describe resources necessary for preparation for the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) exam.
Recommend evidence based teaching strategies for a diverse student population.
Identify evidence based teaching strategies aligned with the eight core competencies of a nurse educator.

To help you complete the WebQuest, these resources are provided.

National League for Nursing

Discussion AreaAn ungraded discussion area is provided for you to share informal conversation with classmates regarding the assignment in Unit 5. Collaboration is encouraged as you work through the requirements of the assignment. Share and learn together. Rules of netiquette apply. The instructor will monitor the conversation in this area but not respond in the discussion forum. This is not a graded discussion.
Kaplan Online Library

EduCause Review
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
Journal of Nursing Education
Journal of Professional Nursing
Nursing Education Perspectives
Nurse Educator
Teaching in Higher Education

Kelly, a new faculty member who recently completed a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a focus on Nursing Education, has been an instructor on a team of nursing instructors for six months. Details about Kelly’s work environment include:

The faculty team working with Kelly is comprised of four instructors with experience ranging from two to 15 years.
One faculty member Edith, the longest residing member of the nursing faculty has a PhD, one faculty member has a DNP and has only been on the team 6 months longer than Kelly, and the remaining two faculty members have a MSN: Manny acting as the simulation and lab coordinator for the past four years and Andre, a staff nurse at the local hospital on joint appointment with the School of Nursing.
The program is a prelicensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program with a traditional entry for four years and a two year accelerated option.
The program has applied for Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accreditation and expects a visit in six months. Currently the program has provisional accreditation pending the upcoming site visit.

The BSN program recently received a grant supplying funds for the nurse educators on staff to take the certified nurse educator (CNE) exam. No faculty member is currently a CNE. Recently, at a weekly faculty meeting Kelly presented a faculty enrichment program titled: “Prepare for the CNE Exam”. The presentation was a success with the faculty who signed up to take the CNE exam. The Dean was excited and asked Kelly to continue the weekly series regarding CNE preparation. The Dean stated, “Kelley, please compile a list of resources faculty can use to prepare for the CNE exam. Currently I have a list of textbooks and journals from the CNE Candidate Handbook which I have ordered. What I need you to do is locate specific evidence based material which will support development of the faculty related to the eight core competencies of an educator. I would like you to present your findings for the first category of the CNE detailed test blueprint, facilitate learning at the next meeting. Specifically, I want the evidence based findings you select to support development and implementation of teaching strategies which constitutes approximately twenty-five percent of the CNE exam. Remember, I want the faculty to leave the meeting with a list of resources they can use to study.”
Kelley was excited and assured the Dean she would locate what was requested. Kelley identified the outcomes for her presentation which included:

Select appropriate evidence based findings to provide scholarly support for these categories of the CNE detailed test blueprint:

Use educational theory based on evidence-based practices related to education.
Implement teaching strategies and learning experiences based on a diverse student population.
Modify teaching strategies and learning experiences based on a diverse student population.
Create a positive learning environment that fosters a free exchange of ideas.
Use information technologies to support the teaching-learning process.
Create opportunities for learners to develop their own teaching skills.


Use the assignment template to identify at least one online resource and one article for each category listed below.
Each article selected must be from the list of eight journals provided in the resources area. The eight journals listed are available in the Kaplan online library.
Make sure to save it appropriately (refer to Unit 1 Assignment)


Use educational theory based on evidence-based practices related to education.
Implement teaching strategies and learning experiences based on a diverse student population.
Modify teaching strategies and learning experiences based on a diverse student population.
Create a positive learning environment that fosters a free exchange of ideas.
Use information technologies to support the teaching-learning process.
Create opportunities for learners to develop their own teaching skills.

Each online resource identified must include:

a functional link for the resource
brief description of the resource including rationale for selection