Mitigation Plan, Part 1

In 2015, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) reported nearly 300,000 complaints of fraud, identity theft, cyber-bullying, harassment, and extortion, among others (Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2015). This is a startling number, especially considering that the IC3 only handles incidents from digital technology. The list of potential topics for mitigation is extensive.

This week, you will develop Part 1 of your Final Project: Mitigation Plan by selecting a topic for mitigation and find at least two scholarly articles related to your topic. You will determine a developmental age group and any relevant diversity factors.

To Prepare for this Final Project Part 1 Assignment:

· Select a topic for mitigation. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

· Cyberbullying

· Obesity

· Identify theft/Phishing

· Digital divide

· Trolling/Baiting/Flaming

· Cyber victimization

· Physical or developmental disability limitations

· Identify the developmental age group that can be affected by the topic you chose

· Identify any diversity factors (e.g., gender, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation) relevant to the topic and developmental age you will be discussing

· Search the Internet and the Walden Library for at least two scholarly articles related to the topic you chose for mitigation

For this Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 1 Assignment:

Write a 1-page paper (not including references) in which you:

· Describe the topic you selected for mitigation and explain why you selected this topic

· Define the problem relative to a particular developmental age group, culture, and/or gender and explain why you selected this this group and how the digital technology you chose relates to the problem

· Explain briefly the developmental and psychological risks associated with failure to address the problem

Use your Learning Resources and the articles you found in your search to support your findings. Use proper APA format and citations.

Mitigation Plan, Part 2

In Part 1 of your Final Project: Mitigation Plan, you selected a topic for mitigation and a developmental age group on which to focus. You also researched articles to help you identify diversity factors related to the relationship between your topic and age group. Now that you have a foundation in place, you can expand on your topic by researching the benefits and drawbacks of digital technology and its impact on the topic and group on which you are focusing.

For this week, you will begin your work in Part 2 of your Final Project: Mitigation Plan. You will continue developing Part 2 in Weeks 4, 5, and 6, before you submit for instructor feedback.

To Prepare this Part 2 Final Project Assignment:

· Consider at least two benefits and two drawbacks of digital technology related to the topic problem and group you selected

· Search the Internet and the Walden library for articles that focus on the benefits and drawbacks of digital technology related to the topic problem and the developmental group that you selected

For this Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 2 Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper (not including title page and references) in which you:

· Explain two benefits of the digital technology related to the topic problem you selected and why you believe these to be beneficial for the group you selected.

· Explain two drawbacks or limitations of the digital technology related to the topic problem you selected and why you believe these to be risks for the group you selected.

Use your Learning Resources and the articles you found in your search to support your findings. Use proper APA format and citations.

Mitigation Plan, Part 3

So far with your Final Project, you have selected a specific digital technology topic and you have determined a specific developmental age group and relevant diversity factors. You have discussed the strengths and the weaknesses with regard to the impact of digital technology on the developmental age group.

For Part 3, you begin developing strategies for resolving some of the problems brought on by the impact of digital technology on your selected age group.

To Prepare for this Part 3 of your Final Project Assignment:

· Search the Internet and the Walden library for articles related to digital technology and strategies to address the topic problem you selected.

· Consider how these strategies might bring about positive social change for the group you selected.

For this Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 3 Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper (not including title page and references) in which you

· Develop 2-3 strategies for mitigation and explain how each strategy might support mitigation of the topic problem. Describe how digital technology is relevant to your mitigation strategies. Use your research to support your explanation.

· Explain how the strategies might bring about positive social change.

Use your Learning Resources and the articles you found in your search to support your findings. Use proper APA format and citations.

Final Project: Mitigation Plan Submission

For several weeks you have been developing parts of your Final Project: Mitigation Plan. This included selecting a specific digital technology topic and a specific developmental age group. You submitted each part to your instructor for feedback. Now is your chance to begin incorporating that feedback and combining the different parts into one cohesive document. You will also develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you illustrate key points of your Mitigation Plan.
