Writing Prompt:

For your final paper, I would like you to respond to the essay assigned for Week 15: “A Curious Case of the ‘New Black’: A Conversation, (Links to an external site.)” Gawker, October 2014.


Please address the following: What do you think about the concept “new black”? In relation to our course, how do you think this idea fits with the goals of black people in the African diaspora? Does the emergence of “new black” indicate that black people have achieved full citizenship? What historical changes, if any, permit the possibility of this concept? Can the “new black” apply to black people throughout the African diaspora, or just in the United States? Does race still matter in the 21st century?

The goal of this assignment is for you to present your position on this current, real-world topic within the context of our course. Meaning, you must clearly state your opinion and then make a fact-based case to back up your position.

Learning Outcomes:
(SLO 1) Students will analyze how diversity affects interactions with major societal institutions (such as health care, criminal justice, education, employment, voting, military) from contemporary and/or historical perspectives.

(SLO 2) Students will weigh options/planned actions (such as policies and practices) to formulate possible solutions to reduce inequality and disparities in access and success in major societal institutions (such as health care, criminal justice, education, employment, voting, military).

(SLO 4) Students will assess the various strategies that black peoples have adopted in their struggles for survival, equality, and human dignity in Africa and the Diaspora.

(SLO 5) Students will analyze the significance and multiple roles of black cultural expressions in Africa and the Diaspora.

(SLO 6) Students will demonstrate college-level writing skills through process writing on multiple assignments.

(SLO 7) Students will describe multiple dimensions of global/cultural systems

(SLO 8) Students will synthesize different types and sources of information to assess global/cultural issues or situations.

Word Count: 1000 words, minimum
There will be no credit for essays that do not meet the word requirement

Process Writing:
This assignment treats writing as a recursive process, meaning students will develop the essay in several steps including: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. You will submit three assignments:

– Thesis statement due on December 4 (5 points)
– Outline due on December 6 (5 points)
– Final Paper due on December 8 (40 points)

This paper is worth 50% of your midterm exam grade.

Part 1: Thesis:
The thesis statement is worth 5 points (out of 50). You will submit the thesis statement on December 4 and it will appear in your essay, which is due on December 8.

Your thesis statement should:
• Provide a persuasive, crystal clear argument
• Not merely restate the question and offer a brief response
• Answer the specific central questions asked

Part 2: Outline:
Your outline is worth 5 points (out of 50). You will submit your outline on December 6.

Your outline should include an overview of the main elements your essay will contain: argument, introduction, main points of the body of the essay, and conclusion.

Part 3: Essay:
The essay is worth 40 points (out of 50). You will submit your essay on December 8.
Essays will be graded based primarily on the following questions:

• Does your essay have a central argument?
• How well organized is your paper? Does it revolve around one central argument?
• How interesting, persuasive, and sophisticated is the argument and the analysis that leads to it?
• Is your writing clear and concise?

Essay Rubric:

Category Goal Points Possible
Thesis • Provides a persuasive, crystal clear argument
• Does not merely restate the question and offer a brief response
• Answers the specific central questions asked 2.5
Evidence • References lectures, including (if applicable) video clips
• References readings
• Provides several, specific examples
• Answers all parts of the question as fully as possible 5
Analysis • The essay provides the student’s analysis (does not simply repeat the lectures/ readings) 10
Organization • Maintains focus/avoids being sidetracked by tangents
• Presents all information clearly and concisely and in an organized manner
• Avoids distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems 2.5

Writing Tips:
• Argument: Your first paragraph must contain your essay’s central argument. You might consider underlining this argument, so that it is crystal clear.

• Clarity and Organization: Once you’ve settled on a central argument, be sure that you organize your paper around it and cut out any word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph that doesn’t advance it.

• Evidence: In building the case for your argument, be sure to cite numerous, specific examples. Please use parenthetic citations: (Gomez, 104). For lecture notes, you can write my name and the date: (Lahey, September 13). Please include a bibliography. You will not be graded on the formatting of these citations; just make it clear what source you’re citing.

• Analysis: Sophisticated, nuanced arguments are best. So do not ignore evidence that doesn’t quite fit your thesis. Instead, try to tweak your thesis to accommodate this conflicting evidence; or briefly mention this evidence and then explain why it is perhaps an exception to the general rule or argument you’re laying out.

• Writing tone and style: This paper, unlike your weekly responses, must be scholarly in tone. For example, do not use “I” or contractions such as “don’t.” In terms of style, focus most intently on being clear and concise; creativity is less important for this assignment.