section 1 Metacognitive Checkpoint #6: Ownership and Takeaways (about 500 words)
Please Read RA and RIP before actual writing
In a response of at least 500 words, answer the questions below. You may include multimodal features in this response if you’d like.
1) How have I met the 39B course learning outcomes?
Describe what you have learned in WR 39B. How have you learned to read texts critically, and with productive attention to rhetorical situation and genre? How have you learned to write rhetorically, letting genre, purpose, audience, and context shape your choices? How have you learned to develop arguments and analysis, integrate sources meaningfully, and organize your ideas? How have you learned to improve your writing habits, especially in the invention, drafting, and revision stages? How have you learned to prioritize feedback and participate in our class’s academic discourse community?
Maybe you haven’t learned everything perfectly or equally well. Which skills are you strongest in and which skills do you still struggle with?
And what skills will you take with you into your future classes?
2) How did I take ownership over my writing process?
Describe the way(s) in which you’ve taken charge of your own learning this quarter.Have you come to office hours? Done extra work to improve your writing that wasn’t asked of you? Spent time at the Writing Center or the Peer Tutors? Attended the WR 39B Writing Studio? Done research you didn’t have to do? Written extra drafts of papers? Something else?
Maybe you haven’t taken such charge of your own learning this quarter, and you want to discuss what you’d do differently next time. What opportunities did you miss this quarter to take ownership over your writing and how do you know they were missed opportunities?
In general, how have the actions you’ve taken helped to improve your writing process, and your writing itself? Be brave and be honest.
3) How did I manage challenges this quarter?
Maybe this quarter hasn’t gone perfectly for you. That’s all right–it’s part of growing as a student, a person, and a writer. What difficulties have you had this quarter with your work, your writing, your ability to keep up with things, etc? Most importantly: How did (or how will) you overcome these problems? Describe your game plan and specific, concrete steps you took to overcome these difficulties. Be specific, be searching, and be honest. (This is something many portfolios forget to address– it gives you the chance to “spin” failures and issues in a positive way and use them to your advantage, so don’t neglect this chance!)

Section 2 Portfolio Introduction Rough Draft (about 500 words)
Please read all files before actual writing
There is a simple Final Portfolio Introduction!!!!!!! extremely important
Look back through all the writing you’ve done in WR39B so far. For each item below, choose a piece of writing that you can analyze as an example in your portfolio introduction.
As you work your way through the list, you should find that you can use a few pieces of writing to discuss multiple aspects of your writing process. These examples of your writing will be most useful for your portfolio introduction.
Your understanding of rhetorical situation (choose at least two):

A piece of writing that illustrates your understanding of how to write to achieve a specific purpose

A piece of writing that illustrates your understanding of how to address a specific audience

A piece of writing that illustrates your understanding of how to write to address a specific cultural or social context

A piece of writing that illustrates your understanding of how to construct a purposeful and effective persona (ethos)

Your understanding of genre (choose at least two):

A piece of writing that illustrates how you follow a specific convention of apocalyptic writing to achieve a specific purpose

A piece of writing that illustrates how you subvert a specific convention of apocalyptic writing to achieve a specific purpose

A piece of writing that illustrates how you adopt the conventions of any genre (not apocalyptic writing) to achieve a specific purpose

A piece of writing that illustrates your understanding of academic writing conventions

Your (ongoing) mastery of specific writing skills (choose at least two):

A piece of writing that illustrates your ability to generate insightful claims

A piece of writing that illustrates your ability to analyze a text

A piece of writing that illustrates your ability to organize an argument effectively

A piece of writing that illustrates your ability to introduce and integrate sources effectively

A piece of writing that illustrates your ability to develop a paragraph effectively, or transition effectively between paragraphs

A piece of writing that illustrates your ability to craft an effective sentence or choose precise, appropriate words

A piece of writing that illustrates your struggle with a specific writing skill

Your writing process (choose at least two):

A piece of writing that illustrates your unique voice as a writer

A piece of writing that illustrates your note-taking strategies

A piece of writing that illustrates your prewriting strategies

A piece of writing that illustrates your drafting strategies

Your revision process (choose at least two):

Two pieces of writing that illustrate a specific aspect of your writing before and after revision

Feedback from a peer + a piece of writing that illustrates how you revised afterward

Feedback from me (or Writing Center tutor) + a piece of writing that illustrates how you revised afterward

Feedback you have given to one of your peers + a piece of writing that shows how you take your own advice