Try to choose sources that are no more than 1 or 2 pages, otherwise you may face difficulty in summarizing your information.

Make sure you choose a source that has either Introduction, Body, Conclusion (Opinion-Text type) or Introduction/Body (Fact-Text type).

It is not possible to do a summary of only part of a source or from selected pages. Choose a source that is similar to the MTE, a Reading of 400-500 words which you can fit into models of ‘summary’ taught during the course.

Mr. Brown- Course Notes 181-214

Basics of Report Writing

214 report has 6 separate parts

Introduction, Background, 2 different Body sections, Conclusion and Recommendation.

You must narrow your topic further to focus on one of the following:- Saudi Arabia, Neom, Internet of Things, Vision 2030 or the GCC. This will make it easier to identify a purpose for your report and make recommendations at the end.


Final Report is minimum 1200 words and maximum 1800 words.( 1500 recommended ).

Final Report needs to be put through the Plagiarism Checker (on blackboard).

Guide to the different parts of your report

Introduction ( see BB Final Report resources –model report_holmsglen)

Aim– Rewrite your title in your own words.

Define your terms– Provide a short definition of key words in your title.

Purpose-Who you are making your recommendations to.

Scope (thesis statement)- Paraphrase what will be in the body of the report.

Do not begin answering the question in the Introduction*

*Limit your Introduction to the aim, definition, purpose and scope and write between 80-100 words*


Provide facts relevant to your topic.

Apply the question words to generate ideas…

Example- Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Power in Saudi Arabia

What is a Solar Power Plant? (needs more detail than just a simple definition)

How is Solar Power is converted to electricity

Where the process happens in Saudi Arabia

What is the future plan for Solar power in Saudi Arabia?

Why is this future plan important?

Who is responsible for this future plan?

When is this expected to happen?(vision 2030).

What is the expected outcome

*Background need to be a separate section and should not be part of the Introduction*

*Only Facts should appear in the Background. Do not start answering the question here*

Narrow down the topic

Try to find a topic that is connected in some way to Saudi Arabia.

Think about your topic in terms of Vision 2030 (what will happen in future).

Other ideas could be Neom (new green city to be built in Saudi Arabia), IoT (Internet of Things) and GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council).

Make a title for your report

Decide what will be the focus of your report- Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Problem/Solution or Advantage and Disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Power in Saudi Arabia

Do some basic reading for your topic

Use Wikipedia or some basic websites to get your own information about your topic. Remember you need to write the report in your own words and use the sources as evidence to support your ideas.

Think about the Background of your report as you will need some Facts to include before you start the Body of the report.

Make a basic outline

Decide on some main headings that you will use as part of your report.

Introduction (Aim, Definition, Purpose, Scope)

Background ( What, How, Who, Where, When )

Body– Disadvantages – Cost, Lack of Technical knowledge, Dusty/Sandy – Advantages- Future economic benefit, Environmentally friendly, Job creation Conclusion

Recommendations (linked to your Purpose) 4

Find Sources

You need 6 sources to complete the report.

2 sources can be used in the Background Section of your report.

4 sources need to be used in the Body part of the report.

1 of your sources needs to be from an Academic journal.

Make sure that each source has a date and an author as you will need this information for citation and referencing.

Make a more detailed outline

Add subheadings for the heading you already have.

Change from a 2 step outline to a 3 step outline.

Introduction (Aim, Definition, Purpose, Scope) Background ( What, How, Who, Where, When ) Body– Disadvantages –

1. Cost ( Infrastructure, technical skills training and man-power)

2. Lack of Technical knowledge (Training, New degrees for Universities)

3. Dusty/Sandy – (Saudi climate and effect of sand storms).


1. Future economic benefit ( future plans for solar city and selling solar power)

2. Environmentally friendly ( move from non-renewable to renewable)

3. Job creation (create employ

Conclusion Recommendations (Who will implement this and when will they do it)

Map your sources to your outline

You will need 6 sources for your report.

2 sources can be used in the Background and 4 must be used in the Body.

You may use additional sources for the Recommendations (if needed).

You should not use any sources in the Introduction or Conclusion.

Map your sources to where you will use them in your report.

Background ( What, How, Who, Where, When ) Source 1 and 2 Body– Disadvantages –

1. Cost ( Infrastructure, technical skills training/man-power) Source 3

2. Lack of Technical knowledge (Training, New degrees for Universities)

3. Dusty/Sandy – (Saudi climate and effect of sand storms).Source 4


1. Future economic benefit ( future plans for solar city and selling solar power) Source 5

2. Environmentally friendly ( move from non-renewable to renewable)

3. Job creation (create employment for Saudi graduates) Source 6

Conclusion Recommendations (Who will implement this and when will they do it)

Citation (final report)

You will need to show a variety of the 3 citation methods in your final report.

There are 3 main citation methods

Cover Page

You need to include a Cover Page ( your Name and ID and Title).

You need to include a Reference list (at the end). This reference list will be a list of all your sources in APA style. This should be 6 as a minimum, but you can use more if you need.