200-250 words, and at least 1 reference.
Rubric Name: Discussion Participation

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.

5 Points

4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 or Fewer Points
0 Points

To earn an A, 5 points:
The major answer to a question is well prepared; it shows sound, analytical, scholarly interpretation and use of primary sources. Indicates correct citation methods. Comments are well written and have been proofread. The major answer is submitted by the Wednesday deadline. The student‘s responses to two other students’ answers are thoughtful, substantive, make use of primary sources, and are submitted by the Saturday deadline.

To earn a B, 4 points:
The major answer to a question indicates decent preparation and some scholarly interpretation, with use of primary sources. Analysis is weak. Citations may have errors; and there may be grammatical and spelling errors. The major answer is submitted by the deadline. The student‘s responses to two other students’ answers make use of primary sources, but the analysis is weak. The student met the deadlines.

To earn a C, 3 points:
The major answer to a question is passable but demonstrates some issues with scholarly interpretation. The student relies on the textbook. Commentary lacks analysis. Errors appear in citations, grammar, and spelling. The student does not meet the Wednesday deadline. The student‘s responses to two other students’ answers are simplistic and do not meet the Saturday deadline.

To earn a D, 2 points:
The major answer to a question is poorly prepared; lacks focus and scholarly interpretation. The student relies on the textbook, quotes extensively, and does not use primary sources. Citations are missing or inaccurate; grammar is uneven. The student‘s work shows no evidence of proofreading and does not meet the Wednesday deadline. The student‘s responses to two other students’ answers are missing or show no preparation and do not meet the Saturday deadline.

To earn and F, 1 point:
The major answer to a question is incorrect. It lacks preparation, focus, and analysis. It also is written poorly. The student relies on the textbook exclusively. Citations are missing; grammar and spelling are inaccurate. The student missed the Wednesday deadline. The student‘s responses to two other students’ answers are missing or show no preparation and do not meet the Saturday deadline.

The student did not post any commentaries or responses for this discussion.