Humanities paper, you must carefully read the questions below and:

1.) Choose 10 questions to answer. Each question is worth 10 points, for a total of 100 points.

2.) Write at least 150 words for each question. Answers that have fewer than 150 words for each question will not be graded.

3.) Remember that your answers must be your own words, and your original thoughts. Your answers will be run against the Vericite database, which stores answers from this and previous semesters. Answers that are plagiarized or not properly cited will not receive credit.

To submit your work, click the green SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button on the upper right to get started.

Late papers will be accepted at half credit only, until the due date and time (5pm CST) of the final exam. After that, any submissions received will be a zero.


1.) Ancient Greek children were taught morals and ethical lessons from reading The Iliad, and Ancient Roman children were taught the same lessons by reading The Aeneid. In your opinion, what stories do children look to today for the same types of ethical teaching?

2.) After learning about Aristotle’s new branch of philosophy known as ethics, what kind of moral obligations do you think we have to people we do not know or care about? Do we owe them anything? Or help, concern, or assistance? Or are we only required to help those we know or those who ask for help?

3.) You are shopping and notice a woman stuffing a pair of stockings into her purse. Do you report her? Explain why or why not. What if she were stealing something more valuable, like jewelry? Does that change your answer? Why or why not?

4.) Do you believe the law should punish the theft of $1000 more than the theft of $100? Explain why or why not.

5.) You are an English teacher at a high school. One of your pupils is a very bright and gifted girl, whom you have always enjoyed teaching. She has always achieved A grades throughout her school years, and is now in her final year and getting ready to graduate. Unfortunately she has been very ill this term, and missed several weeks of schooling. She has just turned in a report which is worth 40% of her final grade, but you realize that she did not write it herself – she has copied a report found online and tried to pass it off as her own work.If you report her plagiarism to the school authorities it will be entered on her permanent record and she will no longer be eligible to attend the prestigious university that she has dreamed of attending all through high

school. If you refuse to accept the report, her final mark will be very poor and may harm her chances of being chosen for this university. If you mark the paper as though you believed it was her own work, she will do very well, and stand every chance of getting her desired university place.

What should you do?

6.) You have witnessed a man rob a bank, but then, he did something completely unusual and unexpected with the money. He donated it to an orphanage that was poor, run-down and lacking in proper food, care, water and amenities. The sum of money would be a great benefit to the orphanage, and the children’s lives would turn from poor to prosperous. Would you: a: Call the police and report the robber, even though they would likely take the money away from the orphanage, or b: Do nothing and leave the robber and the orphans alone? Why?

7.) Given what you have learned about Ancient Greece and Rome, which empire would you prefer to live in, if you had to choose? Explain your choice.

8.) The rise of the Catholic Church in the early Middle Ages was swift and at times, surprising. The Church went from a period of persecution to becoming a world dominating monopoly of power. What do you believe are the factors for this? How did the Church assume power so quickly after the fall of Rome?

9.) During the early part of the Middle Ages, records show that there were more men than women. As a result, women were in demand as wives. The value of women and their status in society increased. Men actually paid high prices to the fathers of girls in order to marry them. But why do you think so many women were treated so poorly by the husbands that wanted to marry them?

10.) Do you believe that Dante’s Inferno should be classified as a religious piece of literature, or a work of revenge? Why?

11.) Do you think Thomas Aquinas was right that science and faith can co-exist? Or do you think we should always keep those separate? Why?

12.) If you lived during the Middle Ages, and could only choose one of the following, what would you choose and why?:
Choice A: could read and write, but never traveled outside of your home town
Choice B: can’t read or write, but can travel far because you are a knight
Choice C: can’t read or write, but can play music with the troubadours
Choice D: Live as the king, but always need someone to read for you and record your notes, ideas, and history.

13.) In your opinion, do you think the Catholic Church was an institution that provided security to people in a troubling time during the Middle Ages, or do you believe it was a corrupt institution that abused its power, as Martin Luther himself argued? Explain your point of view. You could argue that it was both, but support your opinions with description.

14.) A Renaissance writer that your textbook discusses, named Castiglione, writes about the social expectations for men and women in the Renaissance. Do you believe that there are “rules of behavior” for men and women today? If so, what are they? If not, why not?

15.) Do you agree with Machiavelli that all people are inherently selfish and evil, and only care about themselves? Why or why not?

16.) Who do you believe is the most important Renaissance artist? Why?

17.) In light of what you read and learned about Leonardo da Vinci, do you think movies like The Da Vinci Code could be truthful? Or, do you think Hollywood is merely exaggerating the mysteries of Da Vinci’s life?

18.) Do you believe that Shakespeare is deserving of his title as the greatest author in history? Why or why not?

19.) Do you agree or disagree with Luther’s objections to the Catholic Church? Why?

20.) If you had a time machine, would you go back to visit the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, or the Renaissance? Explain your choice