CHOOSE ANY ONE of the TOPICS FROM THE LIST BELOW (100-point final essay)
Format: Word Document (Arial or Calibri) 12 pt. font 1.5 spacing at least 1500-word count (translates to 3pages if you follow the strict setting noted above.
Read each segment of the question carefully as you prepare your submission:) Have you answered all elements of the question; 2) Have you used the resources required (our course textbook(s) and lectures;) Did you proofread your work) Are all references properly cited (MLA).
Link to MLA citation format.

Using both text and lectures What are the components of Edith Hall’s paradigm for the heroine? Why is Iphigenia the model she chooses for her theory? Why do you think that the Amazons were not considered heroines? Consider the stereotypical representation in the various artistic factors and concept of the ‘feminine’ in the at least 2 of the myths we have studied in your response.
Using both text and lectures: Utilizing the plays by Euripides, covered in lecture and text:Medea, The Bacchae, and Iphigenia; discuss how female characters were presented by Euripides? You must discuss at least two of the plays/characters, and of course you are free to discuss all three in your response. Consider such elements as status of women, agency (power) of women and the nature of sacrifice, (such as Iphigenia’s offering of her life), and madness in the case of Medea, if applicable.
Using both text and lectures: Consideringbad-boy Dionysius, how does he become associated with wine, revelry, and emotion-based unseemly behavior?How did he become associated with theater? In your response, you must include a discussion of his association with wine as an important product in the social and economic factor of Ancient Greece.
Using both text and lecture: Discuss fully the adaptation of the mythical figure Orpheus in literature over several time periods? How and why was his character easily adapted to religious motifs in Early Christianity? What were the consistent themes?
Using both text and lecture: How is the journey of Odysseus a journey of self-discovery?Why must heroic figures descend to the underworld and what is the purpose of Odysseus’ journey to Hades? His conversations with Agamemnon, Achilles and others reflect the traditional warrior society that he lived in. What does he learn from those encounters? What is the nature of his meeting with his mother? Is she a model for his conscience?What can you discern about the Greek view of the afterlife from this segment of lecture and text?

Using both text and lectures: How do the Heroic stories we have studied, both plus documentary and fiction films, exhibit the heroic motif of Ancient Greece? Consider both Jason and Hercules in your response. How are there tragic flaws influence the outcomes of their stories? How does the ‘hero’ fall from the heights Why does this motif appeal to the modern and contemporary public? Use as least four examplesto support your argument. How does the hero figure transcend time and place with universal traits and fates?

Essay Writing Guidelines
Academic Essay
An academic essay is a continuous piece of writing focusing on a particular issue, which is carefully framed by the title.The writer must define the question, and then respond to it, supporting statements with evidence, example and logical argument.
Ok so why?Since the instructor already has an ‘answer’?

Think deeply about the issue
Develop the ability to think logically
Relate theoretical knowledge to particular issues.
Help you write cogently and fluently;

Begin by identifying the key elements; locate the information to support your response.This involves rereading lecture notes, reading assigned texts and brainstorming.
What does the assignment ask you to do? Describe, analyze, discuss, form an opinion, assess, etc.
Essay formats:
Introduction, a key part of your essay, and one that sets the tone for the reader; it should unravel the question, create threads, define key terms, AND give an indication of how you intend to answer the question.An introduction is read first but should be completed last, when you know the direction your answer has taken.
Development: this is the main section of your essay, where you set out your response, mixing argument with supporting evidence (facts, examples, lecture quotes, text quotes).Try to see it as a series of points, each to be developed in a separate paragraph, though there should be an overall thread linking the points in a thematic way. Sometimes you will find a national theme; at other times you may need to put a more artificial framework on your work.
Conclusion: another key part, where you pull together and restate, SUBTLEY, the main points of your essay and make an overall statement in response to the question.
The term Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:
The use of someone else’s words or ideas without crediting them. Use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference;

Unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic papers;
Unacknowledged use of original work/material that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators.

3. You must of course document all direct quotations.You must also cite any ideas borrowed from a source: paraphrases of sentences, summaries of paragraphs or chapters, statistics and little-known facts, and tables, graphs, or diagrams. Summarizing and paraphrasing are covered in class.

Getting Started
Introduction Check List
 Have you got one?
Does it take your reader straight from the question into your answer?
Does it unpack/interpret/frame the question as necessary?
Does it broadly signpost your essay? Tell the reader where he/she is going?

Main Section Check List
Is your essay in paragraphs?
Does each paragraph express and develop a single idea?
Does each follow logically from the last, with no sudden breaks or shifts of topic?
Have you dealt with all the issues posed in the question?
Have you explicated important concepts/ideas, using examples where appropriate?
Have you substantiated all your arguments with fact/evidence/opinion/quotations?
Have you sidetracked anywhere, gone off on a tangent?

Conclusion Check List
Do you have one?
Have you drawn together the main threads of your essay? Can you restate them without just restating the question?
What general inferences can you draw from your argument? (Conclude don’t just summarize) Where do you stand in relation to the case/position?
Have you placed your conclusion in a broader context?

General Points
Vocabulary: should be varied, precise and apt; not vague and cliché ridden (got, sort of, kind of, like); nor too overblown, pedantic and repetitious.
Spelling: check technical, specialist terms and proper names in particular;
Grammar: Sentence structure should be varied; not too simple, nor too convoluted (complex sentences do not always signify complex thought)
Have you used signpost words (but, however, although, etc.) appropriately to give your essay cohesion.
Have you generally signposted where you are taking your reader: For example: (There are two points here…, Now to move on to…’ Having covered…’)?
Punctuation: Make sure it is used correctly; beware of overworking commas and dashes.
Bibliography/References: Have you done citations correctly; have you developed a bibliography page if required?