1. Use the link below to watch the video about Napoleon during his reign as Emperor of France. 2. Open the file attached above to access the video guide. Answer the video guide questions while watching the documentary. 3. Upload the completed video guide as a Word, rich text, or pdf file with your answers to the questions using the link below. * The video is 1 hour and 47 minutes long.
Due Date: Wednesday, December 4 at 11:59 PM.
Value: This extra credit opportunity will replace a quiz grade.
To access the video, follow these steps: Option 1: 1. Select this link to go the CPCC library research databases webpage. 2. Select “videos”. 3. Select “Films on Demand”. 4. Type “Napoleon 2” in the search box. 5. Select “Napoleon: 2, Summit of Ambition; The End)”.
Option 2:You can view the video on YouTube by selecting the links below. The assigned part of the documentary is available on YouTube in two parts – Part 3 and Part 4.

“Napoleon: Soldier, Emperor, Lover, Statesman”
Brief Military Timeline
1792-1797: Campaign of the First Coalition (Britain, Spain, Portugal, Prussia, Austria, Holland, Sardinia, Naples) oppose revolutionary France.
– Napoleon’s success as an artillery officer quickly moved him up the ranks.
1798-1801: Campaign of the Second Coalition
– Napoleon invaded Egypt (attacked British there); marooned in Egypt when British destroyed his fleet. Napoleon lived luxuriously; interested in Egypt’s history. Rosetta Stone discovered.
– Napoleon instrumental in France defeating Austria in northern Italy*, Switzerland*, and southern Germany*. (These regions had been part of the Austrian empire. In 20th century, Benito Mussolini credited Napoleon for being Italy’s liberator and for bringing ideas of the French Revolution to Italy.) *Refers to regions of modern-day countries, which did not exist as unified states during the Napoleonic wars.
1805: Campaign of the Third Coalition (Austria, Russia, Sweden, Great Britain)
– Napoleon’s stunning military victories conquering much of western Europe.
1806-1807: Campaign of the Fourth Coalition
– Napoleon fought and defeated Prussia; battle for Poland. Napoleon added central European lands to his empire.
1808-1814: Peninsular War
– Spain rebels against Napoleon’s attempts to conquer Spain. Guerilla warfare.
1809: Campaign of the Fifth Coalition
– Austrians attacked France.
1812: Russian Campaign
– 1813: Germany liberated from France
– 1814: Allies invaded France. Napoleon exiled to Elba
1815: The Hundred Days and Waterloo
– Napoleon’s return, defeat, and exile to St. Helena
Video Guide:

December 2, 1804: Napoleon crowned Emperor Napoleon I.
1805: Began planning an invasion of Britain.

1. How did the British view Napoleon?
2. Why did he have to abandon his plan by the fall?

Napoleon’s army was a formidable military force and would spread ideas of the Revolution to the lands France conquered during its wars against the Third Coalition

– A large, citizen army was divided into moderate sized units, which could be flexible in
– Napoleon’s armies lived off the land as the marched long distances. Allowed them to
move more quickly since they would not be dependent on supply trains.
3. What motivated the French citizen armies to fight?
4. What effect did Napoleon’s presence have on his soldiers?

Napoleon quickly defeated Austrian armies in the western part of its empire. The Austrian emperor fled Vienna as Napoleon entered the capital city.

5. How did Napoleon portray himself when he entered Vienna? How did Ludwig von
Beethoven (and others in Europe) view Napoleon once he became emperor?

October 21, 1805: British Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated the French navy in a battle at Trafalgar off the coast of Spain.

6. What was significant about this battle?

In the war against the Third Coalition, Napoleon won a series of stunning victories with high numbers of casualties and prisoners of war.

7. What was significant about the Battle of Austerlitz (December 2, 1805)?

8. According to himself, how were Napoleon’s war aims different than other monarchs?

In 1806, Prussia, who was concerned about France’s growing power, went to war with Napoleon and was defeated in three weeks.

9. What did Napoleon believe about liberty?

10. What kinds of reforms did Napoleon implement in the regions of Europe he’d conquered?

11. What did Napoleon do for his family members after creating his empire?

12. Who was Josephine to Napoleon? How important was she?

After defeating the Third Coalition and Prussia, Napoleon (still at war with Britain) implemented the Continental System. He knew he could not invade Britain, so he ordered an economic boycott of Britain (the Continental System) in France and all her conquered territories. The French navy patrolled Europe’s coastline to enforce the Continental System. Britain retaliated by also patrolling Europe’s coast to prevent the French from trading overseas. The Continental System never worked as well as Napoleon had intended. Because Britain could continue to trade with the Americas and its colonies in Asia (India), Britain was not severely affected; Britain had a superior navy. Conversely, the boycott had a negative effect on France’s economy and created a lot of resentment among the European peoples he had conquered.
After the “butchery” of the Battle of Friedland, France and Russia signed the Treaty of Tilsit (1807), forming an alliance and agreeing to cooperate in the Continental System.

13. How did the success of creating an empire across Europe impact Napoleon’s attitude
about himself?

1808: Napoleon planned to depose the Spanish Bourbon monarch and make his brother king of Spain. Spain was also trading with England, which he wanted stopped.

14. How did the Spanish respond to Napoleon’s “liberation” of Spain?

15. How did fighting in Spain (the Peninsular Campaign) affect Napoleon’s army?

16. Why did Napoleon divorce Josephine and marry Austrian Archduchess Marie Louise in 1809? Why did Marie Louise marry him?

By 1810, the Continental System had damaged the French economy and Russian Czar Alexander would no longer cooperate with it. Napoleon gathered an army of soldiers from all over his conquered territories in Europe and marched to Russia for war. Disease plagued the soldiers as they headed toward Russia, and about ¼ of his army deserted.

17. Why did so many of Napoleon’s soldiers in this army desert him?

18. Why did Napoleon lose the Russian campaign? (Out of 600,000 soldiers, only about
100,000 survived.)

In 1813, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain formed the Fourth Coalition.

– The fighting in Germany between the Fourth Coalition and Napoleon was seen as a war to
liberate Germany from Napoleon’s rule.
– After the French were defeated at the Battle of Leipzig (1813), French armies retreated,
continuing to fight for two more months.
– By early 1814, Austria had joined the Fourth Coalition and the Allies invaded France.
– After the Allies took Paris, Napoleon abdicated on April 12, 1814. Louis XVIII (brother of
executed Louis XVI) was reinstated as the French king.
19. What happened to Napoleon?

March 1815: Napoleon entered Paris with an army. Louis XVIII fled and Napoleon resumed rule for 100 days. The Allies, who had been meeting in Vienna to reorganize Europe (the Congress of Vienna) once again formed a coalition to oppose Napoleon.

20. What is significant about the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815)? What happened to

Napoleon’s Effects on Europe (Just a few of the big ones):

– He was simultaneously a traitor and hero across Europe.
– He spread ideas of the French Revolution:
a) Ended serfdom in conquered areas.
b) Abolished established churches and monasteries.
c) The Napoleonic Code impacted legal systems around the world.
– In reaction to Napoleon, nationalism sprang up throughout Europe and Latin America.
– The map of Europe changed:
a) No more Holy Roman Empire: More than 300 German states consolidated into 39 states.
b) France lost importance as a European (world) power for the next thirty years.
c) Britain’s navy ruled the seas.