Analyze ONE of the following topics:
1. Should alcohol, tobacco, fast food and/or pharmaceutical advertising be prohibited? Make a case for and against.
2. Select TWO public service announcements from the Ad Council ( Link) and make an argument for or against their effectiveness. What issue would you create a psa for?
3. Analyze any recent public relations campaign.
4. Discuss the cultural and economic influence of the Walt Disney Company.
Critical process papers should be written as a formal paper with an introduction, clear thesis statement, body paragraphs discussing the topic, and a strong conclusion. Im interested in reading about what you have to say about the topic, so dont rely too heavily on outside sources. If you do choose to quote an outside source, make sure to include an in-text citation and full citation at the end of the paper. MLA or APA format should be used for the paper. For more information about proper formatting, please visit the Purdue OWL online resource: Research and Citation Resources.
Critical process papers should be double spaced, 10-12 point font, and 4-5 pages in length. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
MAC 143- Critical Process Paper
MAC 143- Critical Process Paper
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStimulating IdeasThe writing: ⢠focuses on a specific topic clearly expressed in a thesis statement. ⢠contains specific facts, examples, and quotations to support the thesis. ⢠displays critical thinking. ⢠thoroughly informs and engages the reader.
40.0 to >30.0 pts
All Criteria Met
The writing: ⢠focuses on a specific topic clearly expressed in a thesis statement. ⢠contains specific facts, examples, and quotations to support the thesis. ⢠displays critical thinking. ⢠thoroughly informs and engages the reader.
30.0 to >20.0 pts
Meets 3 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠focuses on a specific topic clearly expressed in a thesis statement. ⢠contains specific facts, examples, and quotations to support the thesis. ⢠displays critical thinking. ⢠thoroughly informs and engages the reader.
20.0 to >10.0 pts
Meets 2 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠focuses on a specific topic clearly expressed in a thesis statement. ⢠contains specific facts, examples, and quotations to support the thesis. ⢠displays critical thinking. ⢠thoroughly informs and engages the reader.
10.0 to >0.0 pts
Meets 1 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠focuses on a specific topic clearly expressed in a thesis statement. ⢠contains specific facts, examples, and quotations to support the thesis. ⢠displays critical thinking. ⢠thoroughly informs and engages the reader.
0.0 pts
Meets 0 of 4 Criteria
The writing : ⢠focuses on a specific topic clearly expressed in a thesis statement. ⢠contains specific facts, examples, and quotations to support the thesis. ⢠displays critical thinking. ⢠thoroughly informs and engages the reader.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoiceThe writing: ⢠employs a level of language suitable for the topic and audience ⢠shows the writerâs commitment to the topic ⢠explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms ⢠includes unbiased, fair language appropriate for the topic
20.0 to >15.0 pts
All Criteria Met
The writing: ⢠employs a level of language suitable for the topic and audience ⢠shows the writerâs commitment to the topic ⢠explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms ⢠includes unbiased, fair language appropriate for the topic
15.0 to >10.0 pts
Meets 3 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠employs a level of language suitable for the topic and audience ⢠shows the writerâs commitment to the topic ⢠explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms ⢠includes unbiased, fair language appropriate for the topic
10.0 to >5.0 pts
Meets 2 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠employs a level of language suitable for the topic and audience ⢠shows the writerâs commitment to the topic ⢠explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms ⢠includes unbiased, fair language appropriate for the topic
5.0 to >0.0 pts
Meets 1 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠employs a level of language suitable for the topic and audience ⢠shows the writerâs commitment to the topic ⢠explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms ⢠includes unbiased, fair language appropriate for the topic
0.0 pts
Meets 0 of 4 Criteria
The writing: ⢠employs a level of language suitable for the topic and audience ⢠shows the writerâs commitment to the topic ⢠explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms ⢠includes unbiased, fair language appropriate for the topic
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationPaper: ⢠follows a well-chosen pattern of organization established in the thesis ⢠forms a meaningful whole, including a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending ⢠establishes a unified, coherent line of thinking ⢠uses transitions to link ideas
20.0 to >15.0 pts
Meets All Criteria
Paper: ⢠follows a well-chosen pattern of organization established in the thesis ⢠forms a meaningful whole, including a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending ⢠establishes a unified, coherent line of thinking ⢠uses transitions to link ideas
15.0 to >10.0 pts
Meets 3 of 4 Criteria
Paper: ⢠follows a well-chosen pattern of organization established in the thesis ⢠forms a meaningful whole, including a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending ⢠establishes a unified, coherent line of thinking ⢠uses transitions to link ideas
10.0 to >5.0 pts
Meets 2 of 4 Criteria
Paper: ⢠follows a well-chosen pattern of organization established in the thesis ⢠forms a meaningful whole, including a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending ⢠establishes a unified, coherent line of thinking ⢠uses transitions to link ideas
5.0 to >0.0 pts
Meets 1 of 4 Criteria
Paper: ⢠follows a well-chosen pattern of organization established in the thesis ⢠forms a meaningful whole, including a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending ⢠establishes a unified, coherent line of thinking ⢠uses transitions to link ideas
0.0 pts
Meets 0 of 4 Criteria
Paper: ⢠follows a well-chosen pattern of organization established in the thesis ⢠forms a meaningful whole, including a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending ⢠establishes a unified, coherent line of thinking ⢠uses transitions to link ideas
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting QualityWriting: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures.
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Meets All Criteria
Writing: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures. ⢠no major spelling errors present ⢠writer uses proper grammar throughout ⢠MLA or APA format used correctly
8.0 to >6.0 pts
Meets 4 of 5 criteria
Writing: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures. ⢠no major spelling errors present ⢠writer uses proper grammar throughout ⢠MLA or APA format used correctly
6.0 to >4.0 pts
Meets 3 of 5 criteria
Writing: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures. ⢠no major spelling errors present ⢠writer uses proper grammar throughout ⢠MLA or APA format used correctly
4.0 to >2.0 pts
Meets 2 of 5 Criteria
Writing: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures. ⢠no major spelling errors present ⢠writer uses proper grammar throughout ⢠MLA or APA format used correctly
2.0 to >0.0 pts
Meets 1 of 5 Criteria
Writing: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures. ⢠no major spelling errors present ⢠writer uses proper grammar throughout ⢠MLA or APA format used correctly
0.0 pts
Meets 0 of 5 Criteria
Writing: ⢠flows smoothly from one idea to the next. ⢠exhibits a variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, and structures. ⢠no major spelling errors present ⢠writer uses proper grammar throughout ⢠MLA or APA format used correctly
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDue DatePaper is turned in by assigned due date
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Paper is turned in by assigned due date
0.0 pts
No Marks
Paper is turned in after assignment due date
10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0