
For this assignment you will be watching the movie Ordinary People (2001) in class. The link to the movie is posted on our Canvas site. Be sure to use the questions below to guide your attention as you watch the film.

The written portion of this assignment must be computer-generated, double-spaced, 12 point font with 1-inch margins, and written in APA format. The final document should be 4-5 pages (900-1000 words) with a word count shown at the end of the paper. This page count does not include the Title page or Reference page. The word count should not include the set of questions. You may exceed this limit but direct your efforts to answering the questions posed. A grading rubric is provided on the Canvas site for the class. This assignment must be submitted in Canvas and MUST generate a Unicheck score.

Steps for writing the paper:

Create a title page which includes: The title of the assignment, your name and your Instructor’s name. (3 pts).
The body of the paper will focus on answering the questions below. Copy and paste the questions into a word document, putting the answers after each set of questions.
Summary of the movie plot, in your own words (1/2 page maximum) (5 pts)
What is the major psychological disorder that Conrad suffers from? Discuss the etiology (symptoms) of his psychological disorder. How do the symptoms interfere in his life? Substantiate your answer with information from the film and your textbook. (10 pts)
How does Conrad cope with his illness? What steps does he take to be treated? What impact does the treatment have on his life? Support your answer by citing specific examples from the movie. (10 pts)
What part does the therapist play, including important information, generally of the relationship between Conrad and his therapist? What type of therapy is Conrad’s therapist using? Describe specific techniques and evaluate their effectiveness for Conrad. (10 pts)
How does Conrad’s illness impact his relationship with his mother and father? Support your discussion with evidence from the movie. Make sure you discuss his mother and father separately! (10 pts)
Describe 2 other characters in the movie (besides his parents and his therapist). Discuss how Conrad’s illness impacts his relationship with both of these characters. Do these characters help or hinder Conrad’s recovery? (10 pts)
Reference page, reference citations, grammar/spelling, written communication (17 pts): Include an APA style reference page which includes the video and your textbook. (5 pts) You must also cite the movie and textbook using APA style within the body of the paper and your paper will be graded for grammatical and spelling accuracy (8 pts) Finally your paper will be graded for written communication (4 pts)

Citing the movie in APA format:

If you describe a scene by saying: In the movie Ordinary People (1980) …, the title is italicized and the year is in parentheses.
If you describe a scene by saying Conrad showed signs of … (Ordinary People, 1980). The title is italicized and both the title and year go in the parentheses before the period at the end of the sentence.

Citing the textbook in APA format:

In Grison & Gazzaniga (2019, p. 570), family of people diagnosed with … Only the year of publication and the page number go in the parentheses. The page number included if the page number from the book from which the reference comes.
Treatment issues include… (Grison & Gazzinga, 2019, p. 611). The author’s name, year of publication and page number all go in the parentheses before the period at the end of the sentence.

Basic APA reference format for the film looks like this. (Reference page should begin on a separate page!):


Schwary, R. (Producer), & Redford, R. (Director). (1989). Ordinary People [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.

Make sure you also include the textbook on the Reference page and make sure you cite the appropriate pages!

The following are the main characters in Ordinary People (1980):

Conrad – the main character in the movie.

Buck – the oldest son who died in the boating accident

Beth – the mother

Cal – the father

Dr. Berger – the psychiatrist

Karen – the girl he met in the mental hospital

Jeanine – the girl in the choir Conrad takes bowling

Remember, anytime you describe a scene from the movie you must cite the movie appropriately.


Ordinary People

Ordinary People


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle page on separate page

3.0 pts

Title page has all 3 required parts: title of assignment, student name, Instructor name

2.0 pts

Title page is missing 1 of 3 required parts

1.0 pts

Title page is missing 2 of the 3 required parts

0.0 pts

No title page included

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummarize the plot of Ordinary People

5.0 pts

Student provides a detailed, concise summary of the plot of Ordinary People

3.0 pts

Student provides a summary of Ordinary People, but is missing at least one critical detail

1.0 pts

Student provides a summary of Ordinary People, but is missing more than one critical detail OR the summary is not in student’s own words

0.0 pts

Summary is not provided

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMajor Psychological disorder Conrad suffers from

10.0 pts

Student correctly describes the MAJOR psychological disorder and etiology (symptoms), describes how the symptoms interfere in his life AND cites the textbook and movie

7.0 pts

Student correctly describes the MAJOR psychological disorder and cites the textbook and movie, but may be missing some information on the etiology (symptoms) or description of how the symptoms interfere in his life

4.0 pts

Student correctly describes the MAJOR psychological disorder, but is missing information on both etiology (symptoms) and/or description of how the symptoms interfere in his life OR does not cite the textbook or movie

0.0 pts

Student does not answer the question

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoping and treatment

10.0 pts

Student describes Conrad’s coping abilities, what steps he takes to get treatment and the impact treatment has on his life, citing evidence from the movie

7.0 pts

Student is missing some information on Conrad’s coping abilities, or what steps he takes to get treatment or the impact treatment has on his life, BUT cites evidence from the movie

4.0 pts

Student is missing major information about Conrad’s coping abilities, the steps he takes to get treatment and/or the impact treatment has on his life, OR does not cite evidence from the movie

0.0 pts

Student does not answer the question

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRole of Therapist

10.0 pts

Student describes the role of the therapist and his relationship with Conrad, including the type of treatment and techniques used and includes evidence from the movie

7.0 pts

Student describes the role of the therapist and his relationship with Conrad, but is missing information about the type of therapy or techniques BUT includes evidence from the movie

4.0 pts

Student describes the role of the therapist but is missing major information on either Conrad’s relationship with him, the type of treatment and/or the techniques used OR does not include evidence from the movie

0.0 pts

Student does not answer the question

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelationship with parents

10.0 pts

Student describes how Conrad’s illness impacts his relationship with both his mother and father and includes evidence from the movie

7.0 pts

Student describes both parents, but is missing information on his relationship with his mother and/or his father but cites the movie

5.0 pts

Student describes how Conrad’s illness impacts his relationship with only ONE parent and includes evidence from the movie

3.0 pts

Student describes both parents, but is missing major information about them

0.0 pts

Student does not answer the question

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo other characters in movie

10.0 pts

Student describes 2 other characters, describes how Conrad’s illness impacts his relationship with both, and explains if they help or hinder Conrad’s recovery

7.0 pts

Student describes 2 characters, but is missing information on either the description of how Conrad’s illness impacts his relationship with both, OR whether they help or hinder Conrad’s recovery

5.0 pts

Student describes only 1 character, OR is missing important information on either the description of how Conrad’s illness impacts his relationship with both, OR whether they help or hinder Conrad’s recovery

3.0 pts

Student describes 2 other characters, but is missing major information about them

0.0 pts

Student does not answer the question

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA referencing in body of paper & Grammar/spelling mistakes

7.0 pts

0 APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

6.0 pts

1 APA referencing mistake in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

5.0 pts

2 APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

4.0 pts

3 APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

3.0 pts

4 APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

2.0 pts

5 APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

1.0 pts

6 APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

0.0 pts

7 or more APA referencing mistakes in body of paper and/or grammar & spelling mistakes

7.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReference page APA style

6.0 pts

0 APA referencing mistakes on Reference page

5.0 pts

1 APA referencing mistake on Reference page

4.0 pts

2 APA referencing mistakes on Reference page

3.0 pts

3 APA referencing mistakes on Reference page

2.0 pts

4 APA referencing mistakes on Reference page

1.0 pts

5 APA referencing mistakes on Reference page

0.0 pts

6 or more APA referencing mistakes on Reference page

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePSYC101.WO-Written communication

4.0 pts

Formulates a clear, sophisticated and controlling main idea or focus that is supported and extended throughout the paper

3.0 pts

Formulates a sufficient main idea or focus that is supported and extended throughout the paper

2.0 pts

Contains main idea or focus, but minimally and with major digressions resulting in a lack of unity

1.0 pts

Lacks any unifying thesis or thesis is completely off topic

4.0 pts

Total Points: 75.0