Develop a training plan for one of the role groups in the organization that will be responsible for implementing practice guidelines under the new organizational policy you presented in Assessment 3. Prepare an agenda for a two-hour workshop, and summarize your strategies for working with this group, the expected outcomes of the training, and why you chose this group to pilot the change.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Training and educating those within an organization who will be responsible for implementing and working with changes in organizational policy is a critical step in ensuring that prescribed changes have their intended benefit. A leader in a health care profession needs to be able to apply effective leadership, management, and educational strategies to ensure that colleagues and subordinates will be prepared to do the work that is asked of them. This assessment offers you an opportunity to develop and implement such strategies.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 2: Analyze relevant health care laws and regulations and their applications and effects on processes within a health care team or organization.

. Describe changes to policy or practice guidelines to be implemented in an organization.

· Competency 3: Lead the development and implementation of ethical and culturally sensitive policies that improve health outcomes for individuals, organizations, and populations.

. Identify training activities and materials that support learning and skill development, and prepare a specific group to successfully apply a new policy or practice guidelines to its work.

. Justify the importance of an institutional policy or practice guidelines to improve the quality of care or outcomes related to a specific group.

· Competency 5: Develop strategies to work collaboratively with policy makers, stakeholders, and colleagues to address environmental (governmental and regulatory) forces.

. Develop strategies for engaging with a specific group to ensure buy in, support, and preparedness to implement changes in policy and practice guidelines.

. Advocate for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines.

· Competency 6: Apply various methods of communicating with policy makers, stakeholders, colleagues, and patients to ensure that communication in a given situation is professional, clear, efficient, and effective.

. Interpret complex policy considerations or practice guidelines for a specific group with respect and clarity.

. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

. Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

In this assessment, you will build on the policy presentation work you completed in Assessment 3.


Your policy proposal presentation secured buy in and support from the stakeholder group you addressed. They are enthusiastic about implementing your proposed policy and practice guidelines. In an effort to help ensure a smooth roll out and implementation of your proposal, senior leaders have asked you to create and lead a training session for one of the role groups in the organization that will be responsible for enacting the new policy and practices.

In addition, senior leaders have asked you to develop and submit a training plan for review and approval before conducting the requested training session. They have also requested that you cite 2–4 credible sources that support your proposed training strategies, your intended approach to generating buy in and support from the group, and your plans for working with the group to facilitate implementation of the policy and practice changes.

As outcomes of this training session, participants are expected to:

· Understand the organizational policy and practice guidelines to be implemented.

· Understand the importance of the policy to improving health care quality or outcomes.

· Understand that, as a group, they are key to successful implementation.

· Possess the necessary knowledge and skills for successful implementation.

Training Plan Requirements

Note: The tasks outlined below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide.

As key elements of your training plan, senior leaders have asked that you:

· Develop strategies for engaging with the selected role group to ensure the group’s buy in, support, and preparedness to implement the changes in policy and practice guidelines. In a brief summary:

. Describe your evidence-based strategies for engaging with the group during the training session.

. Explain how you will ensure the group’s buy in, support, and preparedness.

. Explain why you chose this group to pilot your proposal.

· Identify the training activities and materials needed support learning and skill development and to prepare the group to successfully apply the new policy or practice guidelines to their work.

. Create an annotated agenda and outline for a two-hour training workshop.

. Explain how each proposed activity and individual item of training material in your workshop will support learning and skill development.

· Describe the policy and practice guidelines changes to be implemented.

. How will these changes affect the group’s daily work routines and responsibilities?

. What examples, activities, or materials could you provide to help illustrate or clarify the nature and scope of the changes in policy and practice guidelines?

· Justify the importance of the changes in policy or practice guidelines to improving the quality of care or outcomes that are related to this role group.

. Why are these changes important?

. How will these changes help improve the quality of care or outcomes?

. How could you help to illustrate the importance of improved quality of care or outcomes for the role group you will be training?

· Advocate for the importance of the role the group will play in implementing the changes in policy and practice guidelines.

. Why is the group’s buy in and support important in implementing the changes?

. Why is this group’s work important in implementing the changes?

. How could you help the group feel empowered by their involvement in implementing the changes?

· Interpret complex policy considerations or practice guidelines for the role group with respect and clarity.

. Does your training plan clearly lay out the expected outcomes of training for this role group?

· Communicate your strategies for engaging and training the role group in a professional and persuasive manner.

. Write clearly and logically, using correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

· Integrate relevant sources to support your arguments, correctly formatting source citations and references using current APA style.

. Did you cite an additional 2–4 credible sources to support your strategies for engaging and training the role group?

Training Session for Policy Implementation Scoring Guide

Training Strategies for Policy Implementation

This study evaluated differences in the implementation and results achieved with a variety of strategies.

· Dannapfel, P., Poksinska, B., & Thomas, K. (2014). Dissemination strategy for lean thinking in health care. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27(5), 391–404.

This resource is helpful for understanding the consequences of introducing change, how to best implement new procedures and techniques, and how to evaluate success and to improve the quality of patient care.

· Grol, R., Wensing, M., Eccles, M., & Davis, D. (Eds.). (2013).  Improving patient care: The implementation of change in health care (2nd ed.). Somerset, England: Wiley-Blackwell.

. Chapter 10, “Development and Selection of Strategies for Improving Patient Care.”

. Chapter 11, “Dissemination of Innovations.”


Engaging Specific Groups in Policy and Practice Change

This study evaluates how the ways in which health care employees conceptualize patient-centered care affects their implementation of transformational initiatives, and will be helpful in developing strategies for specific groups.

· Fix, G. M., VanDeusen Lukas, C., Bolton, R. E., Hill, J. N., Mueller, N., LaVela, S. L., & Bokhour, B. G. (2018).  Patient-centred care is a way of doing things: How healthcare employees conceptualize patient-centred care. Health Expectations, 21(1), 300–307.

This article provides an example of specific group engagement by the American College of Cardiology (ACC), which convened a health care innovation summit to inform their ACC Health Policy Statement that intends to advocate, inform, and guide health care policies and programs related to new health care innovations.

· Bhavnani, S. P., Parakh, K., Atreja, A., Druz, R., Graham, G. N., Hayek, S. S., . . . Shah, B. R. (2017).  2017 roadmap for innovation—ACC health policy statement on healthcare transformation in the era of digital health, big data, and precision health. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70(21), 2696–2718.

This article discusses data displays and four quality improvement tools as strategies for change initiatives specific to hospital intensive care units.

· Gershengorn, H. B., Kocher, R., & Factor, P. (2014). Management strategies to effect change in intensive care units: Lessons from the world of business part II: Quality-improvement strategies. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11(3), 444–453.

Training Session for Policy Implementation Scoring Guide

Develop strategies for engaging with a specific group to ensure buy in, support, and preparedness to implement changes in policy and practice guidelines. Does not suggest approaches for engaging with a specific group to ensure buy in, support, and preparedness to implement changes in policy and practice guidelines. Suggests poorly developed approaches for engaging with a specific group that will not clearly ensure buy in, support, and preparedness, or strategies are not supported by evidence. Develops strategies for engaging with a specific group to ensure buy in, support, and preparedness to implement changes in policy and practice guidelines. Develops strategies for engaging with a specific group to ensure buy in, support, and preparedness to implement changes in policy and practice guidelines, and suggests early indicators to measure success of strategies.
Identify training activities and materials that support learning and skill development, and prepare a specific group to successfully apply a new policy or practice guidelines to its work. Does not identify training activities and materials that support learning and skill development, or prepare a specific group to successfully apply a new policy or practice guidelines to its work. Outlines an impractical training schedule, or activities and materials do not support learning and skill development of a specific group; materials will not enable the group to be successful in applying a new policy or practice guidelines to its work. Identifies training activities and materials that support learning and skill development, and prepare a specific group to successfully apply a new policy or practice guidelines to its work. Identifies training activities and materials that support learning and skill development, and prepare a specific group to successfully apply a new policy or practice guidelines to its work, showing insight into the work of the role group and the needed changes.
Describe changes to policy or practice guidelines to be implemented in an organization. Does not list changes to policy or practice guidelines to be implemented in an organization. Lists but does not describe changes to policy or practice guidelines to be implemented in an organization. Describes changes to policy or practice guidelines to be implemented in an organization. Describes changes to policy or practice guidelines to be implemented in an organization, and anticipates and addresses possible objections that might be raised by the specific group.
Justify the importance of an institutional policy or practice guidelines to improve the quality of care or outcomes related to a specific group. Does not justify the importance of an institutional policy or practice guidelines to improve the quality of care or outcomes related to a specific group. Describes but does not advocate for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines. Justifies the importance of an institutional policy or practice guidelines to improve the quality of care or outcomes related to a specific group. Advocates for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines, and suggests a future vision highlighting the positive contribution of the group.
Advocate for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines. Does not describe the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines. Describes but does not advocate for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines. Advocates for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines. Advocates for the importance of the role a specific group will play in implementing changes in policy and practice guidelines, and suggests a future vision highlighting the positive contribution of the group.
Interpret complex policy considerations or practice guidelines for a specific group with respect and clarity. Does not interpret complex policy considerations or practice guidelines for a specific group with respect and clarity. Describes complex policy changes without useful interpretation, or communication is unclear or lacks respect for the audience. Interprets complex policy considerations or practice guidelines for a specific group with respect and clarity. Interprets complex policy considerations or practice guidelines for a specific group with respect and clarity, and identifies assumptions on which the proposed changes are based.
Write clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Does not write clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Writes in a way that is not consistently clear and logical, or errors in use of grammar, punctuation, or spelling distract from the message. Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Writes clearly, logically, and persuasively; grammar, punctuation, and spelling are without errors.
Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Does not integrate relevant sources to support arguments; does not correctly format citations and references using current APA style. Cites sources that lack relevance or integrates them poorly, or formats citations or references incorrectly. Integrates relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Integrates relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Citations are free from all errors.