Be sure to cite page numbers from the novel, and list both novel and film as sources on a Works Cited entry.

1.) Using Giannetti?s glossary definition of film noir choose a specific scene of either Rebecca the novel or Citizen Kane the film and argue how this scene evokes noir as well as how it fails to conform to noir expectations.

2) Considering Rebecca as part of the film noir genre, discuss a specific scene from the novel and from the film in terms of its adaptation and argue for how the film maintains the audience expectations for the genre of noir as detective fiction. Be sure to cite page numbers from the novel, and list both novel and film as sources on a Works Cited entry.

3)Using at least 7 of Giannetti?s 15 points of mise-en-scene analysis (see Chapter 2: Mise en Scene), discuss a photo that you have taken and posted as an attachment to this Discussion thread (just hit ?reply? to this post). Your post should run about 250 words. If you don?t have a way to take your own photo, you can link to a photo or image to analyze, but it?s a more effective exercise if you take the photograph and then analyze it. you can get the more informaiton from this book Understanding Movies (13th Edition) theres a pdf online
