??? Article Review Paper: Review a scholarly article related to human development and the Adverse

Childhood Experiences Scale (ACES).

Assignment: Locate and select a current peer-reviewed article (between 2011 and 2019; emphasis on current

research here) on the Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale (ACES). Carefully read, provide an accurate

summary, and critically analyze the article. Consider the following questions when writing your paper: what

type of article is it (i.e. research, theoretical, literature review, etc.); what is the objective of the article; how

does the author(s) offer information that is building on previous knowledge and/or is new material offered and

questioned; and what do you identify as the article?s strengths and limitations separate from what the author(s)

may have identified. Finally, include a conclusion about the article and about ACES as a measure of adult

health and well-being. If you like, you can take the ACES and report on its application to your life. Please

Evaluation Criteria: The paper should be 6-8 pages in length (not including references), 12-point font, double

spaced, 1-inch margins, including your name, and utilizing proper APA citation format. 

The Grading Rubric below will serve as the evaluation tool when grading this paper.

The paper should include only two citations: the textbook and journal article that you are reviewing. Please use

the Santrock textbook and relevant library databases to research articles. Library databases include Proquest,

Psychinfo, Social Work, ERIC, etc.

Submit your paper via Blackboard. Paper is 25% of the final grade.