If you were to choose just one of the theories of how children learn and develop from this lesson’s readings, which do you most closely relate to? Explain the reasons for your choice. For the purpose of this assignment, you must choose just one.

Minimum 250 words answer.

Classmate #1:


Based on our lesson this week, the theory that I found I related closely to is the constructivist theory, as studied by Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. This study believes that children learn in a hands-on environment. Although this is a theory I have learned about in the past, I relate to it closely because it is something that I have experienced first-hand. Working with children, it is easy to see that they are little sponges. At a young age they become a product of their environment, sucking up everything around. I do believe that it is important for children to learn in many different ways, but I have seen that hands on is very effective. For example, when learning about community service helpers such as policemen, firemen and librarians, I like to engage the class in a dress up, or role play. Making learning fun will keep the children engaged.

Fiskars, he school supply brand, recently published an article called “Hands on, Minds on.” The article spoke about how children, through elementary school years, are more focused on learning when their hands are busy alongside their brains. Their concern is public schooling has shifted the focus from creativity, to a more stoic way of learning, with just a pencil and paper.

Other than keeping the students engaged, how do you think hands on learning affects a child’s education?

Classmate #2:

Hello everyone!

For this week discussion, we are asked to answer the following prompt

If you were to choose one of the theories of how children learn and develop from this lesson’s readings, which do you most closely relate to? Explain the reasons for your choice. For the purpose of this assignment, you must choose just one.

This week lesson’s reading gave us knowledge of a number of theories of how children learn and develop. As a matter of fact, we learned about the constructivist theory, the sociocultural theory , the multiple intelligence theory, the social learning theory, the psychosocial development theory , the ecological systems theory, and the behaviorism theory ( CHFD 210/ Lesson 2, n.d.). Among all these theories, the theory that I most closely relate to is the “multiple intelligences theory” , a theory put forth by Howard Gardner based on how children learn cognitively ( CHFD 210/Lesson 2, n.d.). According to Garner, children can be smart in many different ways as he does describe 9 different areas of intelligence and promote that teachers should plan learning experiences aiming at fostering growth and intelligence across as many of the intelligences as possible so that children can learn in the manner best suit them.

I did choose this theory because I have a 5 years old daughter , who is autistic and non verbal, but she does learn when the information are put in a song as she likes to sing a lot. Some people might be confused as I said earlier one that she is non verbal. What I am trying to say is that she repeats the information that are put in a song and even sing the song, but after the song is over, no more words from her. Her teachers in school do know that she loves songs and have included music in her learning as they do sometimes use music to teach her. In order words, one could say that she is a musical learner. As the multiple intelligence theory describes a number of ways by which children can learn and different type of learners among which it is mentioned the musical learner, who is a learner that use patterns , rhythm and music to learn, which is what my daughter is, I feel close to this theory. Moreover, I do believe that this theory does take into account different way used by children to learn.


CHFD 210/Lesson 2. (n.d). Observation, Assessment, and Theory. American Public University System, 2019.

Retrieved from https://apus.realizeithome.com

Minimum 150 words answer to each.

Lesson 2 Reference:
