14 pages if content please!!! Does not include cover or appendix

1) What idea do you have to improve something at your job or in your community?

Is it a new process or policy?

Is it a new position that should be created?

Is it a new program that could be created?

2) Who would care about this idea? In other words, who should be your intended audience?

Is it your boss? Your boss’s boss? A board? An elected official?

What do you need to do in this report to convince your audience that your idea is worth implementing?

Your report must include recommendations! Remember that you are writing a recommendation report.

Example Ideas (from previous students):

Recommendations for a training program to better acclimate new employees

Recommendations to change operations to enhance efficiency at a bank

Recommendations for an after-school program from a non-profit agency

Recommendations to provide raises to staff employees

Recommendations to implement a new technology package

Recommendations to streamline student organization offerings

General Guidelines

Keep in mind your report must:

be 12-20 pages in length (including all components)

follow an appropriate format for a business report at the highest level (you may or may not use a template for all or a few of the components)

be free from errors

be submitted as one, complete document – multiple files will not be accepted

Be sure to review NIUCOB Business Writing Rubric for the standards and protocols for excellent writing.

Your report must include the following research (all items required):

1) Information from 7-10 secondary sources

Sources judged on validity and appropriateness

Sources must be incorporated using MLA or APA standards

GALILEO is the recommended search tool (not Google)

2) Information from primary sources

Survey questions created by the student (the survey must have no fewer than 15 responses and 3-5 survey questions)

1-3 Interviews (should be cited on works cited page)

3) Must include at least 3 charts, graphs, or other visuals appropriately labeled, inserted, and titled

Required Elements

Remember that adding what is required at the base level is regarded as meets expectations not exceeds expectations. To receive a higher grade, you should go above and beyond what is listed as required.

Letter of Transmittal

Letter of transmittal should be written to your intended audience

Should be the first page of the report and written following business letter standards

Should be written in full block format and include:

An explanation of why the report was completed

Key recommendations and reasons for those recommendations

A request for feedback

Title Page

Your name and title/rank

your company name (if applicable)

date of submission

name of the company or organization for which you have prepared

your document

a full and accurate title

Table of Contents

Pagination should begin after the table of contents (see optional module 8 readings for a “how to” video)

Can be very detailed or show the larger categories – the choice is yours.

Should include the preliminary material paginated correctly with lower-case Roman numerals


The word abstract should be centered as the title

The abstract should be approximately 150 words and should summarize the document as a whole.


Background and any historical information

Statement of the problem (your reason for writing the report)

Purpose statement (what you hope to accomplish by writing this report)

Scope of your report (what you will cover in the report)

Discussion section

Longest portion of your report (at least 900 words)

Provide information about your topic in this section

Use your research, interviews, and data to develop your ideas

Show different options for recommendations

Use headings, formatting, and transitions to help guide your reader

Written mostly like a research paper

Provide a budget (if money is needed)

Provide a timeline (if needed)

Either a budget or a timeline must be included as a chart

Conclusion and Recommendations

Can be separate sections if desired, or can be combined

Wrap up information found in the report

Don’t start something new in this section; you should have referenced the information at least initially in the previous sections

Recommendations are traditionally numbered

Works cited page

List all sources cited and consulted in the report

Remember that citations should be included to show that you used someone’s idea, even if you did not necessarily use their words. Quotation marks, however, are needed if you have used someone’s words.

In-text citations must be used throughout and correctly, in addition to providing a works cited page.

Citations may follow APA or MLA format, but the style must be consistent throughout

Appendix (see module 8 readings for a “how to” video)

You must have at least one piece of information listed in the appendix

Ideas for the appendix:

Additional charts or graphs that do not fit within the report but may add more context

Glossary of unfamiliar terms (useful if you are writing for a business that u