Conceptualizing a Qualitative Research Question

Good research is driven by the synthesis of one’s passion or interest with a topic that has been under-studied in the professional literature. Out of that synthesis emerges a gap—an area in need of further study that is consistent with your interests—that defines the research problem. Clarifying the research problem takes time, effort, and thought.

Once you have developed your research problem, the research purpose and research question become self-evident.

What also becomes evident is your position with respect to the topic, the question, and what you hope to find. Qualitative research recognizes that the research “space” is shaped by both the participants and the researcher.

… the identities of both researcher and participants have the potential to impact the research process. Identities come into play via our perceptions, not only of others, but of the ways in which we expect others will perceive us. Our own biases shape the research process, serving as checkpoints along the way. Through recognition of our biases, we presume to gain insights into how we might approach a research setting, members of particular groups, and how we might seek to engage with participants (Bourke, 2014, p. 1).

For this Discussion, you will examine a research question based on the purpose for inquiry, a rationale for the study, and issues of positionality. To prepare for this Discussion: Consider the research topic you are developing for your Major Assignment 1. Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and use Table 3.1, page 69 to help you create a rationale using the questions as your guide. Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and specifically use pages 70–76 to create a positionality memo to reflect on your relationship to the topic. Review the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question media program as a guideline to help you create a research question.

Transform your notes from your preparation work into four paragraphs and briefly explain in your post the following:

The research purpose of your inquiry

The rationale

Issues of positionality

The research question

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

Resources of exploration: Organizational leadership role in community project sustainability: The case of Bayelsa state.
In the progression of my learning as a Project Management Professional (PMP), I have observed and learnt that people deliver projects and at the same time, they are the ultimate beneficiaries of these projects. People are involved from the initiation, through the execution to the finishing and commissioning phase of the project. They are also involved in the usage and application of these projects after commissioning and handover. In our communities and all over the world, life-touching and sustainable projects are a source of effecting positive social change in the lives of the people.
The phenomenon of Interest
The phenomenon of interest is linked with the spate of failure of delivered community projects in Nigeria, with emphasis to projects cited in rural communities of Bayelsa state. What are the leadership roles of the Bayelsa state government and the project contractors in ensuring the sustainability of the projects delivered to the various rural communities? How can the “3-party” leadership (the government, the project contractor, and the community) are harmonized to ensure the longevity and environmental sustainability of these projects? How can the project contractors practice the successful implementation of sustainable and socially responsible construction management practice? In covering the phenomenon of interest and its context, a large number of potentially relevant variables will be yielded through employment of large number of cases to allow statistical consideration (Ravitch & Carl, 2016).
Experiences of contextual issues that might influence how this phenomenon could be studied
The contextual issues that will drive the study will be presented in the theories, concepts and methods (Ravitch & Carl, 2016; Adeniran, 2014) that will be espoused in the qualitative research. In a bid to emphasize the study’s facts, a combination ‘social action’ and ‘transnational social field’ theories will be espoused. The development of a conceptual framework that shows how various issues of phenomenal interest in the research will be carried out. For example, the interdependence that exists among different ‘sustainability players’ – 3-party actors from the point of decision making, approving, and allocation of funds that drives the initiation of the projects —up till the point of project completion and handover to the stakeholders is considered. Similarly, the methodological alignment for analyzing how sustainable and environmentally friendly projects could be realized to cause positive social change in Bayelsa state rural communities will be presented.
Setting(s) to explore the topic
In the early preliminary stage of concept formulation, qualitative research can be invaluable in a bid to grasping the concept of social and cultural phenomena in natural settings in the light of experiences, meanings, and views of all participants. According to Norum (2008), qualitative research is conducted in natural settings. This means qualitative researchers study things as they are. They do not manipulate the environment. For instance, there are no experimental and control groups. Although multiple approaches to research are used. In this case study, the collection of data is directly performed in the field, which involves communicating with the people through structured interviews and observation of their natural setting.
My connection to this topic, and the important to explore it as a qualitative study
My connection to the topic is strong and in a bid to unravelling the issues surrounding the regular failure of government projects in the rural communities in Bayelsa state. My affinity and compassion for the people for their sufferings and pains form the driving force to this study. The environmental suffering, violence, and degradation that the Niger Delta is undergoing have remained unabated (Ikeke, 2012). It is based on the direct suffering of the people that the qualitative research is ideal for the study, and it begins with an interest, problem or question. To develop this interest, I may look at various different sources to get an idea on the topic. Qualitative research is a stance of inquiry on or in the practice of a researcher. Qualitative research is about understanding and engaging with people directly affected and knowing their experiences (Ravitch & Carl, 2016).
The impact of the result of this research for social change
In a study conducted by (Ikeke 2012), the researcher found out that the Niger Delta region is one of the most devastated regions in the world. The region has suffered from pollution of land and rivers as a result of oil spillage, oil wars and conflicts between various ethnic groups, communities, and oil multinationals, poverty and joblessness, death of marine and other organic life both on land and streams. Due to untold suffering experienced by the people, the government and the oil multinationals set up poverty alleviation projects (e.g., rural electrification, water reticulation, cottage hospital, schools, sporting facilities, etc.) in these communities as compensation strategy. However, often time, these projects are not sustainable and would not last for more than a year, plunging these people to suffering. The result or outcome of the proposed study will try to unravel the mystery behind the incessant failure of these laudable projects delivered to the communities. The implementation of the findings will impact positively on social change In the Niger Delta communities of Bayelsa State of Nigeria.
Ravitch, S. M; & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Adeniran, A. I. (2014). Theoretical, Conceptual and Methodological Frameworks for a Borderless ECOWAS. In Migration and Regional Integration in West Africa: A Borderless ECOWAS (pp. 89-107). Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781137479532_8
Norum K.E. (2008). Natural setting. In L.M. Given (Ed), the SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (4th ed., pp 43-58). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. doi:
Ikeke, M.O. (2012). Environmental philosophy and suffering in the Niger Delta. African Journals Online, 6(2), 123-135. doi: 10.4314/afrrev.v6i2.11



The post Consider the research topic you are developing for your Major Assignment 1. Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and use Table 3.1, page 69 to help you create a rationale using the questions as your guide appeared first on BEST NURSING TUTORS .