ASSESSMENT TASK 3 Critical Reflective Essay
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1,2,3,5
Due Date: Thursday 20th September, 4pm (Week 11)
Weight: 50% (marked out of 100)
Length: 2000 words (excluding concept map and reference list, includes in text citations)
Submission: . Parts A & B are to be submitted via TURNITIN as one document.
Task aim: To critically reflect on how your own culture, life experiences, worldview and dominant cultural paradigms, influences your perceptions of, and interactions with, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples in health care.
Task rationale:
Critical reflection of an experience, situation or performance allows for deeper learning, insight and conscious decision making to improve and transform professional practice (Walker, Schultz & Sonn, 2014). Critical
reflection is identified in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework as an important process to lifelong learning (Department of Health, 2014).
Department of Health. (2014). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health curriculum framework. Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.
Walker, R., Schultz, C., & Sonn, C. (2014). Cultural Competence Transforming Policy, Services, Programs and Practice. Dudgeon, P., Milroy, Walker, R. (Eds.). Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (pp. 195 220)
Task description:
Part A Create a detailed concept map that explores a subject that has resonated with you in the First Peoples Health and Practice course (3121MED). To assist you, you should ask yourself:
1. What has resonated with me the most in this course? 2. What are key concepts within this subject that stood out to me? 3. How did these concepts make me feel and/or how did I react when I heard this? 4. Why did I feel or react this way? 5. Continue to ask yourself why to unpack each concept in detail, from your personal, professional and the dominant cultural lens.
Part B Using the concept map completed in Part A as a guide, write a 2000 word critical reflective essay, applying the Critical Reflection Framework adapted from Walker, Schultz and Sonn (2014):
1. Define and discuss the subject and its key concepts and then choose one concept to write about. 2. Reflect on how your own culture as well as your professional culture, influences your understanding of the concept. 3. Analyse the viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the concept. 4. Discuss what you have learnt from this critical reflective process and how this learning influences your perceptions of, and interactions with, Australias First Peoples in the health
care setting? 5. Discuss how your future practice may be transformed as part of this process.
NOTE: You can also refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide for tips about reflective essay tasks. Please use APA 6th formatting for referencing.
Criteria -/ 100 Exemplary Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Concept Map Highly detailed concept map; insightful exploration of the subject and key concepts; deep questioning and explicit thought process. 5 marks
Detailed concept map; indepth exploration of the subject and key concepts; deep questioning and clear thought process. 4 marks
Some detail provided in concept map; some exploration of the topic and key concepts; sound questioning and thought process. 3 marks
Basic concept map with some exploration of key concepts; basic questioning and thought process. 2.5 marks
Limited to no concept map submitted
0-2 marks
10% Depth that subject DEFINED
Insightful definition and discussion of the subject and key concepts, supported by reputable evidence found in scholarly literature. 8.5 10 marks
Indepth definition and discussion of the subject and key concepts, supported mostly by reputable evidence found in scholarly literature. 7.5 8.4 marks
Detailed definition and discussion of the subject and key concepts, with some support from relevant literature. 6.5 7.4 marks
Describes the subject and key concepts, basic details are supported by literature.
5.0 6.4 marks
Poor definition and discussion of the subject with limited or no support by literature.
0-4 marks
Depth of REFLECTION demonstrated
Insightful reflection on how your own culture and professional culture influences your understanding of the key concept. Uses exemplary evidence of scholarly literature; shows explicit links between how your personal and professional cultures influence your understanding of the chosen subject.
17 20 marks
Indepth reflection on how your own culture and professional culture influences your understanding of the key concept. Uses detailed evidence of scholarly literature; shows strong links between how your personal and professional cultures influence your understanding of the chosen subject.
15 16 marks
Detailed reflection on how your own culture and professional culture influences your understanding of the key concept. Uses evidence of some scholarly literature; shows some links between how your personal and professional cultures influence your understanding of the chosen subject.
13 14 marks
Basic reflection on how your own culture and professional culture influences your understanding of the key concept with reference to the literature.
10 12 marks
Limited reflection on how your own culture and professional culture influences your understanding of the key concept with minimal reference to the literature.
0-9 marks
20% Depth of ANALYSIS demonstrated
Insightful analysis of the underlying issues, causes, effects, viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the chosen key concept. Uses exemplary evidence of scholarly literature; shows explicit links between how the dominant cultural paradigm influences your understanding of the chosen subject.
17 20 marks
Indepth analysis of the underlying issues, causes, effects, viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the chosen key concept. Uses detailed evidence of scholarly literature; shows strong links between how the dominant cultural paradigm influences your understanding of the chosen subject.
15 16 marks
Detailed analysis of the underlying issues, causes, effects, viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the chosen key concept. Uses evidence of some scholarly literature; shows some links between how the dominant cultural paradigm influences your understanding of the chosen subject.
13 14 marks
Basic analysis of the underlying issues, causes, effects, viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the chosen key concept, with reference to the literature.
10 12 marks
Limited analysis of the underlying issues, causes, effects, viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the chosen key concept, with minimal reference to the literature.
0-9 marks
20% Depth of LEARNING Demonstrated
Insightful reflection and discussion about what you have learnt from undertaking this critical reflection process, including how this may influence your perceptions of and interactions with First Peoples in the healthcare setting.
17 20 marks
Indepth reflection and discussion about what you have learnt from undertaking this critical reflection process, including how this may influence your perceptions of and interactions with First Peoples in the healthcare setting.
15 16 marks
Detailed reflection and discussion about what you have learnt from undertaking this critical reflection process, including how this may influence your perceptions of and interactions with First Peoples in the healthcare setting. 13 14 marks
Basic reflection and discussion about what you have learnt from undertaking this critical reflection process, including how this may influence your perceptions of and interactions with First Peoples in the healthcare setting. 10 12 marks
Limited reflection and discussion about what you have learnt from undertaking this critical reflection process, including how this may influence your perceptions of and interactions with First Peoples in the healthcare setting. 0-9 marks
Reflect on TRANFORMATION to your professional practice
Insightful discussion on how your health professional practice may be transformed after undertaking this critical reflective process. Detailed examples are provided.
13 15 marks
Indepth discussion on how your health professional practice may be transformed after undertaking this critical reflective process. Detailed examples are provided.
11 12 marks
Detailed discussion on how your health professional practice may be transformed after undertaking this critical reflective process. Some examples are provided.
9 10 marks
Basic discussion on how your health professional practice may be transformed after undertaking this critical reflective process. Minimal examples are provided.