
I need help with the final paper (150 pts worth), please. These are the instructions we were given. I have also attached all the Assignments that were done this semester, along with an attachment of the comments from the TA. The final paper should be putting all the assignments attached into one final paper. Hope this makes sense.

Thank you so much.


Your final paper should be the cumulative result of the efforts made throughout the semester to design a research project. Use the prior assignments and feedback to develop your final paper. Your Final Paper should be 8-12 pages long, and it should include all of the following elements:

Title page
Literature Review
Hypothetical Methods Section
Conclusion section
Why this research would be useful
How might this research affect policy or practice in the field of criminology/criminal justice

Your paper should contain at least 10 citations from high quality external sources. A high quality source is one coming from peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly books, and governmental records or reports.

All of these assignments should be typed; double-spaced; with 12-point Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font; and with one-inch margins. Use a formal writing tone that reflects a thoughtful synthesis of the many principles covered in the course, and that exhibits a high level of professionalism. You need a strong thesis, clear organization, lucid points, a formal tone, conventional use of language, and formatting in the APA style. (You do not need to provide an abstract for these papers, though.)


Term Paper Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness

25.0 pts

Full Credit

All required topics were covered in the paper.

12.5 pts

Partial Credit

Most of the topics in the assignment prompt were addressed, but at least one crucial point was missing.

0.0 pts

No Credit

2 or more required topics were not covered in the paper.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

25.0 pts

Full Credit

Arguments were explained thoroughly and developed clearly. Evidence and logic were always used to support claims made.

12.5 pts

Partial Credit

There were a few insufficient explanations or unclear points. Evidence and logic were sometimes used to support claims made, but at least one major point was unsupported.

0.0 pts

No Credit

Very little analysis was demonstrated.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality Sources

25.0 pts

Full Credit

10 or more quality sources were cited.

12.5 pts

Partial Credit

Fewer than 10 quality sources were cited.

0.0 pts

No Credit

No quality sources were cited.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Flow

25.0 pts

Full Credit

Paper was harmonious and integrated, with a unified theme and purpose. Organization and integration were apparent both within and between paragraphs.

12.5 pts

Partial Credit

Paper was organized with discernible sections. Some transitions were missing or inadequate. Connection of ideas to the central purpose and/or theme of the paper were not always clear.

0.0 pts

No Credit

Paper lacked a central organizing structure. There was very little use of transitions. Thoughts and ideas were presented without clear purpose or connection.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting

15.0 pts

Full Credit

No APA formatting errors.

7.5 pts

Partial Credit

A few (1-5) APA formatting errors.

0.0 pts

No Credit

6 or more APA formatting errors.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

25.0 pts

Full Credit

No writing errors associated with grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.

20.0 pts

Very Good

A small number of writing errors associated with grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.

10.0 pts


A moderate number of writing errors associated with grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.

0.0 pts

No Credit

A small number of writing errors associated with grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength

10.0 pts

Full Credit

Paper was between 10-12 pages long (not including the references).

5.0 pts

Partial Credit

Paper was one page too short or too long.

0.0 pts

No Credit

Paper was two or more pages too short or too long.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 150.0