What is your position on vegetarianism, and why? Defend or attack the vegetarian position, giving good reasons and arguments for whichever side you take.

In two paragraphs or more, create your post by answering the questions in a scholarly manner using the textbook and/or outside resources. If using outside sources, it is important that your sources are credible. Acceptable sources come from the following: the library, .org, .mil, .gov, .edu. Wikipedia, or any other “open” sources, are not to be used within collegiate writing. Within your posting, include any in-paragraph citations, and reference the text at the end.

After your initial posting, respond in a scholarly manner to two of your classmates’ posts.

Demonstrate more depth of thought than simply stating “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Your responses to your classmates should be well-thought-out, scholarly, informative, and delivered in a non-threatening matter. Opinions are welcome, but remember to always back up your opinions with scholarly research.

Reply 1: Natalie DeGrazia

Hello class,

With this discussion I do not have a side to pick on this argument I believe in both vegetarians and those who decided to eat meat especially because of our freedom and choices we all have to make for ourselves. If I was not one who liked to eat meat I would become a vegetarian but when it comes to eat I have switched over to only grass fed animal meat due to the health benefits. There are many kinds of people who call themselves vegetarians-some who will not eat any meat at all, some who will eat only poultry and fish, and some who will not even eat animal products such as dairy and eggs (Thiroux, & Krasemann, 2015). Usually those who become vegetarians usually is due to the cruelty done to animals or may be simply unappealing to those. Also, health benefits are a huge factor especially nowadays. Many animals are being fed the wrongs kinds of food to not make them last as long and we aren’t realizing these animals are not healthy and then we are consuming an unhealthy animal that is going to end up affecting our bodies.

Some argue that even animals have interests and rights, those interest and rights are of less importance than those of humans, therefore we have a right to use them for food (Thiroux, & Krasemann, 2015). I believe this statement is very wrong. Animals should not be looked to less than us, yes we do use them for food products but it should not be less important considering they have their own lives and live just to die unlike us. But when it comes to hurting these animals for us to have food it is very sad to take into consideration we are taking a life for us to eat when we have so many other kinds of foods to eat not just animals.

Thiroux, J.P., & Krasemann, K.W. (2015). Ethics: Theory and practice, (11th ed.). Boston, MA” Pearson Education Inc.

Reply 2: Zoe Stoddart

People are vegetarian for a variety of reasons. Some are vegetarian due to religious beliefs others take on the diet for health purposes and then others do it for animal rights and well being. What ever the case it is really up to the individual ,their bodies own needs and their moral belief. I am a strong advocate for the welfare and humane treatment of animals as is my sister. However, I am a meat eater and she has never eaten meat in her entire life. I began eating meat for my own health reasons in my early 20s and it changed my life for the better. I had an extremely hard time with the thought of killing an animal however our history shows that at one time there may have been a need for our ancestors to eat meat .Some ideas have to do with potential changes in climate, where foods like fruit and different plants and other things that we may have eaten may have became less available This is why I think that Idaho may be known as a meat and potatoes state since there are not as many fruits and veggies grown there like here in California. What ever the reason a lot of meat eaters still struggle with the moral dilemma of the killing and eating of animals. Temple Grandin who is a well known advocate for animal welfare and also a meat eater is recognized for her efforts for ethical treatment of animals by The People for the Ethical treatment of Animals. She is also the creator of the squeeze machine which was invented to ease the stress for animals going into slaughter. For Temple Grandin she is dealing with her dilemma of being a meat eater by caring for the way animals are being treated despite them being for food.The belief is to provide the best possible life while on the earth . I also take this stance on eating meat and do everything I can to support the ethical treatment and well being of animals such as buying free range, hormone free and antibiotic organic fed meat.

Thiroux, J.P., & Krasemann, K.W. (2017). Ethics Theory and Practice, Eleventh Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Is there a Moral Case for Meat? By Nathanael Johnson on Jul 20, 2015