Trump & the Republican Congress have already challenged many of the fundamental assumptions and practices of American government. For your research paper, you will be asked to select one specific proposal Trump has made or action he has taken and argue for or against its adoption.

This assignment has three parts( I have already done the first and second part, you only need to use my work to finish the 8 pages essay ):

1. Topic Selection & Approval (0 points)

2. Outline & List of Sources (10 points)

3. Paper (40 points)

Step 1 – Topic Selection & Approval

Please click on the “assignments” link to find a place where you can tell me what specific proposal or action you want to write about. I will send you a reply email letting you know whether your topic is approved or not. There are NO points associated with this.

Step 2 – Outline & List of Sources

Using the “assignment” tab in Canvas, please submit a one-page outline of your paper,along with a list of 15 sources that you might use in the paper. These sources should be credible, unbiased sources, and at least five (5) should be peer-reviewed articles, law review articles, or other academic sources. You should use proper bibliographic form, but I do not care whether you use MLA, APA, or another style. [Please note: By listing sources here, you are NOT committing yourself to using those exact sources in your final paper.]

Step 3 – The Paper

Your final draft should be a minimum of 8 pages long and should use a minimum of 8 high-quality sources. It should address the following elements:

1) You should provide a brief historical overview of the issue that you’re discussing.

2) You should present evidence regarding public opinion on your topic, discussing any relevant differences between different racial, gender, age, religious or other relevant demographic groups

3) You should discuss any action that has been taken in Congress in response to the proposal

4) You should discuss any major constitutional provisions and major relevant Supreme Court precedents that apply to your issue

5) You should make sure to make a persuasive argument for or against the proposal Please note several important aspects of this assignment:

● This is an analytical paper . In other words, your paper should be devoted to defending your conclusion using logic and evidence. It should use only credible sources, and it should back up its assertions with facts taken from credible sources. It should also consider both sides of the issue.

● This is a research paper . That means that you should conduct research to find relevant information to support your conclusion. Although I am interested in your opinion, you must be able to support that opinion with facts and figures and

evidence. You will obtain these facts and figures and evidence from your research. Please note that the better and more numerous your sources, the higher your grade is likely to be. Academic sources are especially encouraged. Papers

that use only web sites as sources cannot receive a “A” or “B.” Papers that use Wikipedia or an online encyclopedia as a source cannot receive an “A.”

● This is a paper about government . Although your paper should certainly address the issue of whether the proposal is a good idea (would it work?), it should also address issues such as its constitutionality, its effect on federalism, its effect on

separation of powers (if any), etc.

● You must provide attribution . In an academic paper, you must cite your sources within the text of the paper, as well as provide a “works cited” page at the end. This applies both to direct quotes from other authors AND circumstances in

which you merely use the ideas or information reported by another author. Please note: all papers are automatically submitted to

● Your writing counts. Points will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.

● Effort counts. This paper should be at least 8, typed, double-spaced pages long,

and it should use a minimum of 8 sources. Papers that demonstrate more effort

are more likely to receive a higher grade than papers that demonstrate less effort.

● Certain Topics Are Off Limits – There are several topics that you may not write

about. These include (but are not limited to) any proposals or actions related to

LBGTQ rights, marijuana, abortion & birth control, the death penalty, or gun

control.. Furthermore, the topic should be about domestic affairs rather than

foreign affairs. It should also be controversial — proposals with broad, bipartisan

support are not appropriate.