Overview: You must use the same multi-sided environmental topic or issue you selected for your first paper. Write 4-5 paragraphs (a minimum of 800 words and nothing more than 1000 words), that advocates for A DIFFERENT OR OPPOSING side of the issue. The word count does NOT include the reference list at the end of the paper. Advocacy papers should be persuasive, concise, and compelling in order to garner support for this new position. Use research, evidence, and specific examples to argue your case. Please note that your research and evidence will likely be very different than your first paper.

Introduction: Clearly state the issue and position you are advocating. Give the general background of your issue and why the readers should care about it. Your introduction will provide a general outline for your essay and the rest of the paper will provide details.

Body: Provide added depth, background story and details about your cause. As you explain a particular

point, bring it back to the goal in getting the reader to support your cause. Use specific examples, facts, and statistics from resources and citations to give your position and paper legitimacy. Cite your sources IN-TEXT at the end of the sentence in APA format (Author, Year).

Conclusion: Quickly review the issues you have already discussed and conclude with a strong final statement or emotional appeal to readers.

References: Include full citation information in APA citation format in a References section at the end of your paper. This should include all the references you cited in your paper. Alphabetize by author’s last name. Must include at least five information sources out of which one needs to be a peer-reviewed source for full credit. Do not use blogs or social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram etc.) as points of reference. Grey literature (e.g. government documents or international organization reports) can be used for additional information.

Cheating, plagiarism, or fabrication are acts of academic dishonesty and will absolutely not be tolerated. Quite simply, anyone caught cheating or engaged in any form of academic dishonesty will possibly fail the course. Note that PLAGIARISM is a form of academic dishonesty and intellectual theft that violates long-held and widely recognized principles of

academic integrity including, but not limited to:

•Intentional Plagiarism: the deliberate act of representing the words, ideas, or data of another asone’s own without providing

proper attribution to the author through quotation, reference, or footnote;

•Inadvertent Plagiarism: the inappropriate, but not deliberate use of another’s words, ideas, or datawithout appropriate

attribution, failure to follow established rules for documenting sources or from being insufficientlycareful in research and


•Paraphrased Plagiarism: is paraphrasing without acknowledgment of ideas taken from another thatthe reader might mistake

for your own;

•Plagiarism Mosaic: the borrowing of words, ideas, or data from an original source and blending thisoriginal material with

one’s own without acknowledging the source;

•Insufficient Acknowledgment: the partial or incomplete attribution of words, ideas or data from anoriginal source.

Grade Rubric for Advocacy Papers

Points (30) Item

5 Position clearly formed and articulated

Background on the topic provides context for your position. Includes a clear and well- written thesis stating your essay’s position. Is it clear what the main thrust of your argument will be?

5 Argument is logically constructed

Body paragraphs are organized logically and include topic sentences. Critical analysis of sources is used to create a convincing argument.

5 Evidence is used to support your argument

How well do you build a case in support of your position? Credible sources are selected and smoothly incorporated into your paper. Examples and evidence are analyzed and used

to provide legitimacy to your claims.

5 Conclusion

Clearly restates your arguments and thesis. Persuasively engages your reader in favor of your position.

5 Writing quality and professionalism

Clarity, conciseness, readability and appropriate style and tone. Evidence of proofreading and revision to result in polished prose. Points will be deducted for not following the formatting guidelines described below.

5 References and in-text citations

Includes at least 1 peer-reviewed source