Pan for Professional Development Workshop TO COMBAT GENDER AND CULTUAL BIAS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1. Revise Assignment 3 based on feedback from your professor. (Revision of the previous assignment is not included in page count.) 2. Revise Assignment 4 based on feedback from your professor. (Revision of previous assignment is not included in page count.) 3. Propose three (3) goals of the planned professional development workshop on assessment for the designated audience that you described in Assignment 1. 4. Speculate on at least three (3) ways in which the needs and learning objectives of the students in the district will be met by the assessment proposal. 5. Recommend and provide a rationale for at least three (3) methods for accommodating the needs of special needs students regarding the assessment topic addressed. 6. Recommend and provide a rationale for at least three (3) areas or questions for further research on the topic. 7. Recommend and provide a rationale for at least two (2) pertinent professional organizations and at least one (1) grant opportunity that might help K-12 teachers improve their skills in assessment. 8. Provide at least four (4) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references published within the last 10 years. (Original text of laws or court judgments may be more than 10 years old.) (Include at least two (2) additional sources from those used in Assignments 2, 3, and 4.) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: ¢ Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. ¢ Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page, revised assignment, and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: ¢ Assess various measures for assessing learners’ progress, including formal, test-based measures, and informal and observational measures. ¢ Evaluate alternate forms of assessment for special populations. ¢ Utilize a methodology for linking assessment practices to learning objectives. ¢ Apply new advances and current thought in the field of educational assessment. ¢ Use technology and information resources to research issues in educational assessment. ¢ Write clearly and concisely about educational assessment using proper grammar and mechanics The use of aptitude and standardized tests as a basis for decision making in education is not fair. It is unfair that only a single test is used to determine the course for a child’s education and probably his or her future. Consistent large scale evaluations are more effective and significant tools for assessment of the performance of students, and making different comparisons and decisions and this is not considered in aptitude and standardized tests. Additionally, dishonesty most of the time result from the fact that the results of the tests affects not only the students, but also the teachers and the school in general. The design flaws in the aptitude and standardized tests have been identified as a challenge to the application of these tools in evaluation and assessment. Some studies have showed how in the classroom the students improve in their mathematical concept learning. However, at the end of the year the students’ scores on the TAKS tests only had a slight increase. Messerli (2012) argues that the flaws in the exams are caused by the use of œitem response theory. Recommended ways of addressing the challenges To be fair, it is important that the performance of students is measured after looking for balance of information that include in-class performance, observation, interviews, projects, and class work. Suitable, consistent large scale evaluations are effective and significant tools for evaluating the performance of students as well as making various comparisons. There should be use of tests, projects, observations, interviews, quizzes, and class work. Such a collection of formal and informal evaluations can give a very good picture of the student performance. For teachers, to avoid dishonesty, it is important that their performance is not measured by the results of the children in standardized tests. Teachers should be assessed along a rubric that also includes visits to class by inspectors, course material reviews, and interviews among other significant examinations of the kind of education being provided by the instructor. With these solutions, it is possible to eradicate the use of standardized tests, and therefore the challenge of the flaw in their design will be automatically eradicated (Messerli, 2012). A summative assessment tool 1. Once a theory has been established, do you believe that the theory is subject to change? 2. If you are convinced that the theories are subject to change, explain why the scientific theories are taught. Provide examples to defend your answer. 3. In the atomic theory, how does an atom look like? 4. How convinced are scientists regarding the nature of an atom? 5. What is the available evidence from scientists confirms the nature of the atom? 6. Is scientific theory different from scientific law? Illustrate your answer with an example. 7. Compare and contrast art and science 8. Scientists carry out experiments or investigations in seeking to resolve problems. Besides design and planning for the experiments or investigations, do they utilize their imagination and creativity in the process and following collection of data? Explain your answer with relevant examples. 9. Is scientific knowledge different from opinion? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples. 10. Some astronomers hold the belief that the universe is expanding while others hold then belief that it is shrinking; there are yet other who hold the belief that the universe is in a static state, it is not expanding or shrinking. Why are their deductions different while all the scientists look at the same data and experiments? (Adopted from Driver, 1993) A rationale for the use of the tool, and the theory on which the tool is based The tool is based on the summative assessment theory which is used in elucidating the views of students regarding several concepts related to a topic, such as the œnature of science in this case. The rationale for the application of this tool is that there are various aspects of the nature of science that are tested; this means that the tool is important in assessing what aspects of the topic the students understand and which ones they do not (Driver, 1993) Benefits of the tool One of the benefits of such a tool is to break down the while topic into parts in order to understand the parts that the student understands and the parts that he or she has problems in. this way, it is easier for the teacher to identify the areas of weakness in particular students and address them appropriately. Another benefit in the use of this tool is that it adopts an already developed and field tested instrument for summative assessment. The conceptual diagnostic tests which are already established are grounded on research, already tested and used my many other students in different institutions, it is the end-results of long periods of time interviewing participants to validate distractors, and they are subject to extensive peer review (Driver, 1993). Limitation of the tool and propose a way to address the limitation Having been used for a long time, it is possible for the teachers to get accustomed to and fail to take into consideration the fact that knowledge is dynamic. Teachers may also be at a risk of using the tool without following guidelines due to the assumptions that they are already used to it. The solution is in doing a lot of constant research in the use of the tool to find and adopt any changes or new information. It is important to follow the guidelines which are developed for its use to get reliable and valid results. This generally means giving the test as a pre-test as well as post-test, securing the tests, providing sufficient time in order for the students to finish the test, stating that this is only a diagnostic test and therefore has no effects on their final grades, and giving all the items of the test in the very order which they are presented on the tool (Driver, 1993) A summative assessment tool 1. Once a theory has been established, do you believe that the theory is subject to change? 2. If you are convinced that the theories are subject to change, explain why the scientific theories are taught. Provide examples to defend your answer. 3. In the atomic theory, how does an atom look like? 4. How convinced are scientists regarding the nature of an atom? 5. What is the available evidence from scientists confirms the nature of the atom? 6. Is scientific theory different from scientific law? Illustrate your answer with an example. 7. Compare and contrast art and science 8. Scientists carry out experiments or investigations in seeking to resolve problems. Besides design and planning for the experiments or investigations, do they utilize their imagination and creativity in the process and following collection of data? Explain your answer with relevant examples. 9. Is scientific knowledge different from opinion? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples. 10. Some astronomers hold the belief that the universe is expanding while others hold then belief that it is shrinking; there are yet other who hold the belief that the universe is in a static state, it is not expanding or shrinking. Why are their deductions different while all the scientists look at the same data and experiments? (Adopted from Driver, 1993) A rationale for the use of the tool, and the theory on which the tool is based The tool is based on the summative assessment theory which is used in elucidating the views of students regarding several concepts related to a topic, such as the œnature of science in this case. The rationale for the application of this tool is that there are various aspects of the nature of science that are tested; this means that the tool is important in assessing what aspects of the topic the students understand and which ones they do not (Driver, 1993) Benefits of the tool One of the benefits of such a tool is to break down the while topic into parts in order to understand the parts that the student understands and the parts that he or she has problems in. this way, it is easier for the teacher to identify the areas of weakness in particular students and address them appropriately. Another benefit in the use of this tool is that it adopts an already developed and field tested instrument for summative assessment. The conceptual diagnostic tests which are already established are grounded on research, already tested and used my many other students in different institutions, it is the end-results of long periods of time interviewing participants to validate distractors, and they are subject to extensive peer review (Driver, 1993). Limitation of the tool and propose a way to address the limitation Having been used for a long time, it is possible for the teachers to get accustomed to and fail to take into consideration the fact that knowledge is dynamic. Teachers may also be at a risk of using the tool without following guidelines due to the assumptions that they are already used to it. The solution is in doing a lot of constant research in the use of the tool to find and adopt any changes or new information. It is important to follow the guidelines which are developed for its use to get reliable and valid results. This generally means giving the test as a pre-test as well as post-test, securing the tests, providing sufficient time in order for the students to finish the test, stating that this is only a diagnostic test and therefore has no effects on their final grades, and giving all the items of the test in the very order which they are presented on the tool (Driver, 1993) ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!



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