1. The story “What’s in a Name?” takes place during which historical event?
a. the Great Depression
b. World War I

c. the Great Cultural Revolution

d. the Korean Conflict
2. From which point of view is “What’s in a Name?” told?

a. first person
b. second person

c. third person
d. omniscient
3. Why does the narrator have to change his name in “What’s in a Name?”

a. He does not think his name is a reflection of his personality.
b. He wants to honor his wife’s family with a new name.

c. His father died, so he can’t use his name any longer.
d. He wants to be politically correct with his name.
4. What is the Red Guard in “What’s in a Name?”

a. It is the national army who fights in the war.
b. It is a symbol that is placed on all of the buildings.

c. It is the name of the Chinese flag.
d. It is a group of young people who are Mao’s followers.
5. “What’s in a Name?” begins in about what year?

a. 1945
b. 1966

c. 1980
d. 1992
6. What is the name of the document that must be displayed to change one’s name in “What’s in a Name?”

a. a proletariat
b. a dazibao

c. a filial
d. a betrothal
7. What is the main type of conflict that the main character faces in “What’s in a Name?”
a. human versus nature
b. human versus technology

c. human versus society
d. human versus animal
8. What was the meaning of the narrator’s original name in “What’s in a Name?”
a. obedience to one’s parents
b. gentle flower

c. counter-revolutionary
d. great warrior
9. What is the main symbol in “What’s in a Name?”
a. a flag
b. a flower

c. a name
d. a statue
10. Why is the ending of “What’s in a Name?” ironic?
a. The narrator marries a woman with his original last name.
b. The narrator loses his job because of his name.

c. The narrator becomes a political leader named Mao.
d. The narrator can’t get married because of his name.
11. In “The Rain Came,” who or what is the antagonist?
a. the cave monster
b. the weather

c. Oganda
d. Osinda
12. Which of the following is an example of foreshadowing in “The Rain Came”?
a. The denizens of the forest flee from Oganda.
b. The medicine man has a vision of a girl by a lake.

c. Oganda saw a snake in the hut.
d. Osinda was seen making a suit out of a bush.
13. Why does Labong’o agree to allow his daughter to become the sacrifice in “The Rain Came”?
a. He has many other daughters.
b. He does not want to be the sacrifice himself.

c. He had promised to protect his people.
d. His sons were too important to him to be sacrificed.
14. Which of the following makes Oganda’s story a hero’s quest in “The Rain Came”?
a. She dies because she is sacrificed to the lake monster.
b. She married a cruel husband and suffered for many years.

c. She returns home a hero, and her people worship her.
d. She is willing to sacrifice herself to save the community.
15. A talisman is a special item that protects a hero. Which of the following is Oganda’s talisman in “The Rain Came”?
a. a chain
b. a flower

c. a spear
d. a gem stone
16. How is Osinda disguised when he rescues Oganda from the lake monster in “The Rain Came”?
a. as a lake monster
b. as a rain maker

c. as a cow
d. as a bush
17. The fact that Oganda survives and her village still gets rain is an example of which literary device in “The Rain Came”?
a. symbolism
b. foreshadowing

c. irony
d. archetype
18. How did the people of Oganda’s village feel about her being sacrificed to the lake monster in “The Rain Came”?
a. They thought it was exciting and a great honor for her.
b. They were very sad and did not want her to go.

c. They didn’t care one way or the other as long as it rained.
d.They refused to let her go to the lake.
19. What does Oganda do as she walks toward the lake in “The Rain Came”?
a. She tries to think of ways to escape.
b. She skips joyfully toward the lake.

c. She sings a song about her death.
d. She holds the hands of her father and mother.
20. What is the main type of conflict that Oganda faces in “The Rain Came”?
a. human versus nature
b. human versus technology

c. human versus animal
d. human versus society
21. What is the setting for “Jovita?”
a. Brazil
b. China

c. Africa
d. Italy
22. How did the Governor use Jovita to help her people?
a. He let her fight in the war.
b. He had her sold as a slave.

c. He had her marry the Marquis.
d. He made her a national hero.
23. What was the result of Jovita’s effort to fight in the war?
a. She was killed in battle and awarded medals for her bravery.
b. She was put in prison for deserting her troops.

c. She was forbidden to fight, and her brother died.
d. She was hated by the people for living a lie.
24. Which of the following best explains this quote from “Jovita”? “A wave of civic pride inundated the little city; the young men enlisted . . .” (87).
a. The men were forced to join the army or be beaten or killed.
b. The young men fled the city to avoid joining the army.

c. The young men refused to join the army and instead flirted with the women.
d. The young men joined the army because they became patriotic and proud.
25. At the end of “Jovita,” how does Jovita feel about her popularity?
a. ashamed
b. proud

c. unconcerned
d. amused
26. How did Jovita differ from the group of recruits that Captain Jonas brought to town?
a. She was taller than most of the men.
b. She was small and looked like a child.

c. She was captured as a slave and forced to go with Captain Jonas.
d. She was obviously a peasant.
27. Who first points out the fact that Jovita is a woman?
a. her brother, who followed her into town
b. Pedro, who was her fiancé

c. the school teacher, who was also a midwife
d. the Governor, who points it out to the crowd
28. Why did Jovita’s brother not want to go to war?
a. He was responsible for the farm, and they had no other family.
b. He was a coward and refused to defend his country.

c. He was blind in one eye and would not qualify for the military.
d. He had three children and did not want to leave them.
29. What is the symbolism in “Jovita”?
a. Jovita has made a flag for her country, and they are proud of it.
b. Jovita becomes the symbol of patriotic pride in the country.

c. Jovita has created a song that becomes the national anthem.
d. Jovita paints a portrait of the Marquis to be hung the capitol building.
30. How does the Governor feel about Jovita by the end of the story?
a. He thinks that she is just a stupid little girl who wants to play soldier.
b. He does not care what happens to her as long as she fights in the war.

c. He uses her as a political pawn and later feels bad about it.
d. He likes her so much that he appoints her as the head of the military.
Part B: Matching
Match each character with the appropriate quote.

a. Dexiao (“What’s in a Name”)b. Oganda (“The Rain Came”)c. Labong’o (“The Rain Came”)d. Osinda (“The Rain Came”)e. Jovita (“Jovita”)

“I will lay down my life if necessary, and the life of my household, to save this tribe from the hands of the enemy.”

“My name reeked of the ruling class of feudalist times. Virtue and filial obedience . . . ”

“By your leave, sir, I ain’t no child. I already turned seventeen!”

“We must run away from the wrath of the ancestors and the retaliation of the monster. ”

“Let me die, let them have rain.”

Part C: Matching
Match each character with the appropriate quote.

a. Dexiao (“What’s in a Name”)b. Oganda (“The Rain Came”)c. Labong’o (“The Rain Came”)d. Governor (“Jovita”)e. Jovita (“Jovita”)

“I was now a skilled turner in a factory. Some people said I was quite handsome.”

“I stand behind what I said: you are my guest at the Palace!”

“I’m dyin’ of shame. Please, Father, gimme absolution, I sinned for being proud.”

“One whom we love and treasure must be taken away from us.”

“Whenever you want to see me, always look at the sunset. I will be there. ”

Part D: Matching
Match each term with the correct definition.

a. archetypeb. conflictc. protagonistd. frame of referencee. symbolism

the lens through which a person sees the world

an object, image, or idea that represents a larger concept or meaning

the main character of a story or the hero or heroine

the problem in the story that builds tension

a plot, character, symbol, or idea that recurs in literature of many cultures

Part E: Matching
Match each term with the correct definition.

a. ironyb. foreshadowingc. omniscientd. settinge. legend

an unexpected twist that is the opposite of what a character or reader expects

hints given by an author about events that will happen later in a story

a story in which a character becomes larger than life and often times a national hero

the time, place, and surroundings of a story

a narrator who is uninvolved in a story and knows what all characters are thinking