Final Annotated Bibliography

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade, so don’t skip it!

Find Four college level resources related to your topic for your research essay in ENGL 100 or ESL 400. If you are not in ENGL 100, research something you are writing about in another class or something you are interested in. Your research should be on a SINGLE topic.
These resources CANNOT be an assigned reading or textbook from any of your classes.
At least one resource (you can have more than one) MUST be a peer-reviewed article from a library database

All resources must be credible and college level.
Cite your resource using MLA. Remember to double space your citations and include a hanging indent.
Write a short summary (2-3 sentences) of your resource. What are the main points? What is the resource about?
Evaluate the resource’s credibility and quality. Answer at least two of the following:
Currency- When was the article written? Is it recent enough for your topic?

Relevance- Who is the audience for this article? Students, teachers, the general public, children, professionals, etc.

Authority- Who is the author or publisher of the article? What are their credentials (do they have a degree in the topic, for example). Why is the author qualified to write on this topic?

Accuracy- Is the information supported by evidence? Are there any citations or a list of resources that the author used in their article?

Purpose- What is the purpose of the information? Is the author trying to inform people about a particular topic or teach students about a certain subject? Is the author trying to sell you a product? Is the author trying to persuade you to agree with a particular idea or point of view? Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases? Hint: to evaluate purpose use words like persuade, inform, educate, entertain, sell, etc. Note: The purpose is different from the summary.

Write a short description (2-3 sentences) describing how you will use your resource in your ENLG 100 essay. If you are not in ENGL 100 write how you will use your resource in an essay you are writing for another class, or why the resource interests you.

Do this for each resource. Be sure to look at the example Annotated Bibliography before turning in your assignment.


Final Annotated Bibliography Rubric Online Class

Final Annotated Bibliography Rubric Online Class


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Citations

35.0 pts

All citations are formatted correctly

31.0 pts

Citations are formatted in MLA style, but there are a few minor errors

27.0 pts

Citations are formatted in MLA style, but there are some errors

21.0 pts

Citations are formatted in MLA style, but there are many errors

11.0 pts

Citations are not formatted in MLA style or there is only one citation.

0.0 pts

There are no citations

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResources

35.0 pts

There are four college level resources and one is a peer-reviewed article from a library database.

28.0 pts

All the resources are college-level but there is no peer-reviewed article from a library database.

25.0 pts

There are only three college level resources, including one peer-reviewed article from a library database.

20.0 pts

There are only three college level resources, but no peer-reviewed article from a library database.

17.0 pts

The resources are not college-level and are of poor quality.

11.0 pts

There are only one or two resources.

0.0 pts

There are no resources

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary

35.0 pts

There is a well-written 2-3 sentence summary of each resource.

32.0 pts

There is an adequate 2-3 sentence summary of each resource.

30.0 pts

There is a short summary of each resource.

28.0 pts

The summary is not well written or is too short

23.0 pts

Only 3 resources have a summary.

18.0 pts

Only one or two resources have a summary.

9.0 pts

The summary isn’t in the student’s own words

0.0 pts

There is no summary

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation

35.0 pts

There is a well-written evaluation of the resources using at least two aspects of CRAAP.

33.0 pts

There is an adequate evaluation of the resources using two aspects of CRAAP.

29.0 pts

There is an adequate evaluation using at least one aspect of CRAAP for each resource.

26.0 pts

There is a minimal evaluation for each resource.

18.0 pts

Only one or two resources are evaluated.

0.0 pts

There is no evaluation.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance

35.0 pts

There is a well-written 2-3 sentence explanation of how each resource relates to the research paper or why each resource is interesting.

33.0 pts

There is an adequate 2-3 sentence explanation of how each resource relates to the research paper or why each resource is interesting.

32.0 pts

There is a short explanation of how each resource relates to the research paper or why each resource is interesting.

26.0 pts

There is minimal explanation for each resource

22.0 pts

Only 3 resources have an explanation of how each resource relates to the research paper or why each resource is interesting.

18.0 pts

Only one or two resources have an explanation

0.0 pts

There is no explanation.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat

25.0 pts

Annotated Bibliography is formatted correctly.

20.0 pts

Annotated Bibliography is formatted well but there are minor errors.

13.0 pts

Annotated Bibliography has many formatting errors

0.0 pts

There is no Annotated Bibliography

25.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0
