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Instructions: Write an analysis of at least 2.500 words in essay form of one of the primary sources listed below.

Create a Word Document. Label it: Last Name, PSA. Submit it to your assignment folder when completed. Do not use a title page. At the top of the page, place your name, date, and Primary Source Analysis. Double space the paper and use 12 point font. Number the pages. Use footnotes placed at the bottom of each page, not at the end.
Select ONE primary source reading from the list below
Read the primary source several times. Learn the topic by reading the other material in that week’s lessons. You must refer to those readings (primary and secondary sources in your analysis.
Write a neutral, objective essay. (Do not use “I,” “we,” “you,” or “one.”) Avoid using adjectives and adverbs that cannot be quantified, such as “very”, or “large”.
Place the complete bibliographic reference for the primary source as your title. (The examples are given below with the list of sources.)

Format to use when writing the primary source analysis:
Answer questions one to six using this format, not a paragraph:

Give the complete bibliographic citation for the primary source. Note – a bibliographic citation differs from a footnote. See: For additional information refer to this Chicago Manual of Style “Quick Guide” http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html; accessed December 30, 2016
Author of document:
Name of document:
Date of document:
Type of document (private letter; official government document; court decision; other -be specific):
Intended Audience for the document:

The next part of the assignment is a three-part essay (historical context, key points, and conclusion). Write at least 2.500 words.

Provide the historical context for the document. Write in your own words. This is an essay. Refer to “Notes about Sources,” the other primary and secondary sources, the lectures, maps, and timelines to help enhance your answer. Prove you are learning the material. Use footnotes placed at the bottom of each page. The historical context contains a description (including full names and dates) of events prior to and during the time of the document to necessitate its writing. Write at least three paragraphs. Place footnotes at the bottom of each page.
Describe at least five key points the document conveys and explain why they are important. Write in your own words. This is an essay; do not make a list. Place footnotes at the bottom of each page.
Write a conclusion that assesses the important consequences of the document and the events surrounding it to prove you are learning the material
Include a separate bibliography of primary and secondary sources you used to write your analysis. You may include maps and illustrations as additional pages.

Rubric Name: Primary Source Analysis

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.

9-10 Points

7-8 Points

6 Points

5 Points

4 Points or Fewer

To earn an A, or 9-10 points:
All the questions are answered accurately and in full detail, with correct footnote documentation. The student understands the historical background and explained it well. Sentences are well constructed. Spelling and grammar are excellent.

To earn a B, or 7-8 points:
Two-thirds of the questions are answered accurately and in full detail. The student understands the historical background, but missed a few key facts. There are a few citation errors. For the most part, sentences are well constructed. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors.

To earn a C, or 6 points:
One-half of the questions are answered accurately. The student did not fully understand the historical background. Footnote citations are missing or inaccurate. Sentences are often unclear. Grammar and spelling need improvement.

To earn a D, or 5 points:
One-quarter of the questions are answered but there are factual errors. The student does not understand the historical background. Footnote citations are missing or inaccurate. There are numerous errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

To earn an F, or 4 or fewer points:
Fewer than one-quarter of the questions are answered. Numerous factual errors appear in the explanation. Footnote citations are missing and/or inaccurate. Sentences are often unintelligible; there are numerous errors in grammar and spelling.