Follow is the requirement and please follow the requirement.
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to give you the opportunity to examine the kinds of books read to children or read by children and young adolescents and to consider the implicit and explicit messages they absorb from this literature about the values their society holds. You should understand the role of context in the growth and development of children and adolescents and their socialization by family, community, society, and culture.
Task: You should make an in-depth analysis of five of the childrenâs books from the list below. You should analyze three of the books listed for younger children and two of the books listed for older children. These books are on reserve at King Library under Connell ChAD 168.
Objectives: Your analysis of these books should include identifying the ways in which the books implicitly or explicitly communicate societyâs values and views regarding the following concepts. You will need to select four of these values and concepts.
Altruism, empathy, or kindness.
Personal responsibility for the consequences of oneâs actions.
Display of aggression
Resolution of interpersonal conflict (i.e., conflict between people)
Maturity demands (autonomy/decision-making) made of children/adolescents
Competition versus cooperation
Gender socialization/gender roles
Culture, cultural roles, or cultural conflict
Adult roles and responsibilities towards children/adolescents
Stereotypes and prejudice
Fear and anxiety
Friendship and Loyalty
Book List
These books are on reserve at the SJSU King Library under Connell ChAD 168.
Age Author Title
Young Bunting, Eve One Green Apple
Young Choi, Yangsook The Name Jar
Young Coleman, Evelyn White Socks Only
Young Crimes, Carolyn Donât Need Friends
Young Henkes, Kevin Wemberly Worried
Young Lovell, Patty Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
Young Ludwig My Secret Bully
Young McKee, David Elmer and the Stranger
Young Polacco, Patricia The Junkyard Wonders
Young Raina, Queen of Jordan The Sandwich Swap
Young Ross, Tony I Want to Win (A Little Princess Story)
Young Scotto, Thomas Jerome by Heart
Young Woodson, Jacqueline Each Kindness
Young Williams, Vera A Chair for My Mother
Older Applegate, Katherine Wishtree
Older Erskine, Kathryn Mockingbird
Older Kadohata, Cynthnia Kira Kira
Older Kormon, Gordon Restart
Older OâBrien, Annemarie Laraâs Gift
Older Schmidt, Gary D. The Wednesday Wars
Older Williams- Garcia, Rita One Crazy Summer
Older Woodson, Jacqueline Harbor Me
Technical Aspects of the Paper:
The paper should be double-spaced typed, with one-inch margins and times/times new roman 12-point font. The paper should be 6 pages in length (excluding the title and reference page). Spend about half a page on question (a), about 3-4 pages on question (b) and 1 2 pages on question (c). The paper must be organized by the values and concepts, not by book.
Content of the Paper:
(a) Identify the five books you analyzed and the four values/concepts you selected from the list. Describe why/how you selected the books and why/how you selected the values.
(b) This section of the paper should be organized by the four values/concepts not by the books. Compare and contrast how these values/concepts were dealt with in two or more of the five books you analyzed for each of the four themes. Do not expect to find evidence of all the themes in each of the books. You should indicate specific episodes, passages, illustrations, or themes from the books that reflect how these values/concepts you have selected are treated in the story. Direct quotes are not necessary (avoid them). Briefly discuss similarities and differences among the examples you analyzed for each theme. Make sure you address each book at least once in your examples of the values.
(c) Respond to the following sets of questions:
1) Summarize what you think children are being taught about the world they live in through these books (e.g., families, communities, society);
2) How do you think a child from a different cultural background would respond to these books (are the concepts, values universal)? How do you think a child from a disadvantaged background (low income, maltreatment, developmental disability) would respond to these books (are these concepts, values applicable to everyoneâs lives)? Make sure you address each book individually in your response to this question. ;
3) Which books would you want to read to children in your care and why? Which ones would you choose not to read to children in your care and why? Make sure you address all 5 books individually in your response to this question. ;
4) What book not on this list would you read to a young child in your care â briefly describe the book (title, author, plot â and say why you would select this book; make sure you list which of the values listed above it illustrates)?; and
5) Finally, describe how you think that all of these books can affect the values that children and adolescents have.
For Section B and questions c2 and c3, be sure to cite and discuss all 5 books at least once in your response to that question or section.
Essay 3 Rubric
Essay 3 Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation Regarding Books
4.0 pts
Full Marks Clearly identifies all 5 books, includes 3 younger and 2 older children books. Gives a thorough overview of why and how books were selected. Clearly identifies 4 values and describes how they were chosen.
3.0 pts
Has all required information but needs more thorough explanation or contains information that is not required in the introduction
2.0 pts
Missing one piece of required information
1.0 pts
Missing 2 pieces of required information
0.0 pts
No Marks No required information was included in the introduction
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBooks and Values
12.0 pts
Full Marks Perfection
Discusses four values and includes clear and specific examples of the values (using episodes/passages from at least 2 of the 5 books for each value). The student provides examples from the books that clearly illustrate the value (i.e., makes the connection between the value and the book example). Does not retell the story in order to illustrate the value. For each value describes the similarities and differences across the books cited.
10.0 pts
Almost complete
Discusses four values and includes clear and specific examples of the values (using episodes/passages from at least 2 of the 5 books for each value). Most of the examples the student provides from the books that clearly illustrate the value (Does not retell the story in order to illustrate the value. For some examples only explain similarity OR differences of the examples.
8.0 pts
Discusses four values and includes clear examples of the values (using episodes/passages from at least 2 of the 5 books for each value). The student provides some examples from the books that clearly illustrate the value, but not consistently. Author might retell too much of the story for some of their examples. For all of the values describes the similarities OR differences across the examples but does not do both.
6.0 pts
Missing information
Discusses four values and includes examples of the values, although a few values are not clearly identified. Provides a few examples that are not appropriate or concise or may only have one examples of one of the values. Writer may also consistently retell too much of the stories to illustrate a value. Writer may not included any similarities or differences between the examples
4.0 pts
Missing a significant amount of required information
1. Writer may only have one example for each of the values 2. The paper is organized by book and not by value and therefore is not complete and is missing comparison and contrast 3. Most of the examples of the values provided are not appropriate examples. 4. There are only 3 values in this section
2.0 pts
Less than 2 values are discussed and those examples are missing a significant amount of required information as well.
12.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking and Questions
8.0 pts
Full Marks Thoughtfully describes comments/opinions about what student thinks children are being taught about the world through these books. All questions from the activity guidelines are thoroughly answered.
7.0 pts
Almost complete
One question or response needs more explanation or information. Writer may not have addressed all 5 books for question 2 OR question 3.
6.0 pts
All questions from the activity guidelines are answered, but not thoroughly or thoughtfully enough or question 2 AND 3 were not answered for all 5 books.
5.0 pts
missing minimal info
One question was not answered or addressed at all
4.0 pts
Missing more information
2 questions were not answered at all
3.0 pts
Missing 3 questions
2.0 pts
Missing 4 questions
0.0 pts
Missing all the required information
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting, APA, and general writing style
5.0 pts
Full Marks
Accurate use of APA style (referencing, citations, page set-up). Book titles are in italics. Follows paper format guidelines and has no grammar/spelling errors. Writing is organized and clear.
4.0 pts
Almost perfect
Generally uses correct APA format (references, citations, title page) but there may be one or two minor errors. There could also be a few spelling and grammatical errors throughout the paper
3.0 pts
Minor errors
Consistent but minor errors with APA style. Few paper format or writing errors. Some spelling and/or grammatical errors but writing is generally organized and clear.
2.0 pts
Some errors
Major errors in APA formatting missing title page, reference page. Major errors in spelling and grammar throughout the paper.
1.0 pts
Many errors
Significant problems with APA style AND many grammatical problems. Does not follow paper format guidelines as well.
0.0 pts
No organization in the paper and there was significant writing problems. Professor was unable to comprehend information presented in the paper
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBooks for the AssignmentStudent chooses the appropriate books for this assignment.
1.0 pts
Full Marks
All books were appropriate
0.0 pts
No Marks
One or more of the books chosen were not appropriate or the student used fewer than 5 books for section B.
1.0 pts
Total Points: 30.0