I have fell behind and I need help with my weekly discussion for MNGT 5650 Webster University . Each discussion only has to be 350 words.

Week 4 Discussion: Question

In Capstone, most product or organizational advantages (strengths, etc.) can be purchased given enough capital, just as the real-world. For example, products may be improved through R&D (increased resource commitment), or adding plant capacity (increased resource commitment) may be added to overcome market shortages. But there is ONE advantage in one specific market that may not be ‘bought’. Do you see it?

Week 4 Discussion: Break-Even Analysis in Capstone

Now that you’ve reviewed the basic break-even analysis, explain how you would make this calculation in the Capstone Simulation? Identify which specific factors (name the specific variable and fixed costs) which should be used to calculate the break-even point (number of units sold to break-even) in Capstone.

Week 6 Discussion: Understanding Plant Capacity in Capstone (See attachment for numbers)

In the Capstone Simulation, as in the real-world of business, it is always helpful to understand the level of industry capacity and the related concept of total industry supply.

Given the data found in the Capstone Courier regarding company plant capacity, calculate the total plant capacity (all companies first shift capacity) in the Low End segment. (5 points)

See Capstone Courier page 4 (example data below).

Follow-up question, assume you are product Bead. What portion (percentage) of the Low End market does Bead have in total (segment) capacity? Explain your answer. (5 points)

To further clarify the question, we need to be aware of the comparison between our desired market share and our production capacity. For example, if our goal is to capture 30% of a given market, but we only have 10% of the market’s production capacity, then it simply is not going to happen. Obviously goals must be realistic, and companies must build capacity with their realistic market share goals in mind.

As decision makers, we need to coordinate our strategic objectives (how much market we think we can capture) with our internal scale (size, plant capacity, distribution chain etc.) in mind, and then build the right amount of plant capacity to make that happen at an efficient cost. It’s just a simple reality check, but use it as it works.

Week 6 Discussion: Apply HR and OB to Value Chain, and to ADR Framework

To connect strategic thinking to your other classes in your Master’s program, think back to either or both your Human Resource Management course (HRMG 5000 at Webster) or Organizational Behavior course (MNGT 5590 at Webster). Choose one HR or OB concept (topic) and discuss how it applies to the Value Chain? For example, how could organizational behavior topics such as teams, human capital development, communication etc. help build a stronger Value Chain? (5 points)

2.How would your topic effect expectancy (5 points) or valence (5 points)?

Week 6 Discussion: Applying the Value Chain to Capstone

As you have learned this week, the Value Chain analysis is an internal analysis tool used to examine key internal functions that most business must cover in one way or another (i.e. internally or outsource). These functions are part of the overall ‘Relative Strength’ concept, and specifically these functions represent ORGANIZATIONAL strength (as opposed to PRODUCT strength which is how well your product meets customer preferences.)

Identify the nine functions of the Value Chain, and then explain what specific information is provided in Capstone to do this kind of organizational analysis? Are all functions accounted for within the simulation? Where would you find data in the Reports to do a Value Chain analysis? Be as specific as possible.

Week 6 Discussion: Understanding Factors of Strength and Weaknesses in Capstone

Referring to the Capstone simulation, if we were to conduct a SWOT analysis on a product (any product), which factors or metrics (data from the Capstone Courier) would be the most useful in assessing strengths and weaknesses for the product?

Hint: You would start with the product itself, and how well it met customer preferences. Then you would want to consider the strength and weaknesses of the organization. For example, plant capacity would be one metric you would want to consider. Without capacity, one can’t produce, or sell, which limits market share and causes stock outs. So what other metrics would you consider, is the Discussion question.

Hint: Do not use financial results. This is not a finance class, it’s a strategy class, so focus on the company (team) strengths and weaknesses. Be as specific as possible.