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GOVT 322. International Relations Theory. Term Paper Topics. Prof. Eric Shiraev

 Selection 1. American public opinion about foreign countries. Paper is due: See the Syllabus. Submit a paper copy (no emails).

Goal: Use data from electronic databases and write a research paper on how the American public views foreign countries. Period to cover: from 2008 to 2018. You must choose six countries (to find information and polls about): China, Russia, Canada, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. (You may replace any two countries from the list by any two countries of your choice).

The following sites can be helpful:

Roper foundation (available through electronic databases at GMU), and http://pollcats.net/ ,

and http://pewglobal.org/

What to find and analyze data:

Number of polls about each country (on the list) and the years when these polls were taken. Which country or countries did attract most and least attention from pollsters? (2 points)

What types of issues or events did these polls cover? (For example, wars, conflicts, negotiations, local events, or just general topics related to perception of other countries, nations, or their governments). Provide empirical evidence. Why did these tendencies, in your opinion, occur?

(2 points)

Identify general trends in the survey’s responses. Have opinions been predominantly neutral, positive, or negative? Were they interventionist, internationalist, or isolationist? (Use class materials or ask your professor for additional information on interventionism, internationalism, and isolationism). (3 points)

Make your overall conclusion about the surveys you have found. What did you learn from the data? What was the main focus of attention (maybe several?) of the American public during a 10-year period? How did Americans see these countries in general? (see class notes) (3 points).

Suggested length: 2,500 words

How to display references in your paper

For a book: indicate author’s name, year of publication, book title, city of publication, and publisher. Example: John Johnson (2007). How to Lobby Foreign Governments. New York: New Publishers

For an article: include author’s name, year of publication, article title, journal number, and month of publication, and article pages. Example: Roberta Robertson and Bill Hope (2003). On using eavesdropping. “Journal of Modern Intelligence”, 28, June, 45-50.

For a website: include the whole address of the site. Example: http://references4u.com

All work submitted to fulfill course requirements is to be solely the product of the individual(s) whose name(s) appears on it. Except with permission of the instructor, no recourse is to be had to projects, papers, lab reports or any other written work previously prepared by another student, and except with permission of the instructor no paper or work of any type submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of another course may be used a second time to satisfy a requirement of any course in the Department of Public and International Affairs. No assistance is to be obtained from commercial organizations, which sell or lease research help or written papers. With respect to all written work appropriate, proper footnotes and attribution are required.
GOVT 322. International Relations Theory. Term Paper Topics. Prof. Eric Shiraev
 Selection 2. Judging about “just wars.”

Paper is due: see the syllabus. Submit a paper copy (no emails).

 Assignment. You are invited to a television program to discuss what a “just war” is. Prepare talking points (your opinion) about the following wars (see below). Do you think they have been justified from the standpoint of international law?

Case 1. China attacking Vietnam in 1979 in the wake of Vietnam’s occupation of Cambodia and Laos.

Case 2. British military actions against Argentina (known as the Falkland War or La Guerra de Las Malvinas, 1982) in the wake of Argentina’s capturing of the cluster of islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Case 3. An international coalition attacking Libya in 2011 and removing its leader, Muammar Gaddafi, from power. Case 4. Russia occupying Crimea in 2014.

Case 5. Russia and the United States attacking the ISIL’s positions in Syria and nearby territories in 2016-18.

Use the following questions (criteria) to explain your views:

Was this war the last alternative available to the attacking nations or were there, in your opinion, other real possibilities to avoid the war? (2 points for covering 5 cases).

Was this war waged by a legitimate authority? (2 points for covering 5 cases).

Was this war started to redress a wrongful act, such as an act of profound violence or armed aggression? If yes, which one? If no, explain. (2 points for covering 5 cases).

Did this war to establish (or re-establish) peace? Explain your view. (2 points for covering 5 cases). Overall conclusion (2 points).

Suggested length: 2,700 words

How to display references in your paper

For a book: indicate author’s name, year of publication, book title, city of publication, and publisher. Example: John Johnson. 2009. How to Lobby Foreign Governments. New York: New Publisher

For an article: include author’s name, year of publication, article title, journal number, and month of publication, and article pages. Example: Roberta Robertson and Bill Hope. 1998. On using eavesdropping. “Journal of Modern Intelligence”, 28, June, 45-50.

For a website: include the address of the site. Example: http://references4u.com

All work submitted to fulfill course requirements is to be solely the product of the individual(s) whose name(s) appears on it. Except with permission of the instructor, no recourse is to be had to projects, papers, reports or any other written work previously prepared by another student, and except with permission of the instructor no paper or work of any type submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of another course may be used a second time to satisfy a requirement of this course. No assistance is to be obtained from commercial organizations, which sell or lease research help or written papers. With respect to all written work as appropriate, proper footnotes and attribution are required.

GOVT 322. International Relations Theory. Term Paper Topics. Prof. Eric Shiraev
 Selection 3. International Relations in an Carbon-less World
Paper is due: see the syllabus. Submit a paper copy (no emails).

Imagine that affordable alternative energy sources have finally emerged and fossil fuel such as oil and coil have become too expensive and thus almost obsolete. How could these changes affect the United States’ foreign policy and international relations? As an expert in international energy policies prepare a policy brief to the U.S. Congress. What is a policy brief? In general terms, this is a relatively short summary of an expert’s opinion (or several expert’s views) on a specific issue that has or may have implications on a country’s security, economic, or political situation. A policy brief usually offers a forecast and discusses the government’s policy options to deal with the issue in focus. Some suggestions on the best option are offered as well. Policy briefs are either solicited or offered to government policymakers and others who are interested in formulating or influencing policy (foreign policy in our case). In your brief, discuss the following:

How plausible is it that affordable alternative energy sources finally emerge and ready for distribution in 5 years? In 10 years? Later? Explain your view. (10% of the grade)

Assume that that affordable alternative energy sources appear in several years. Which country or countries could be the biggest producers of such sources? Could it be China producing solar panels? Or maybe Brazil with its ethanol fuel? Could it be the United State or the European Union? Or maybe other countries? (10% of the grade)

If oil no longer is a top commodity on the global energy market, how will this new development affect:

(1) Washington’s policies toward Saudi Arabia?

(2) Washington’s policies toward other oil-producing countries?

(3) Washington policies toward China and China’s foreign policy?
(4) European Union’s and the United States’ policies toward Russia?
(40% of the grade)

If oil no longer is a top commodity on the global market, how this will affect international relations in general? Will the new situation reduce or widen the North-South gap? Will regional conflicts increase or decrease? Will new international alliances (security, political, or economic) emerge and which ones? Discuss you opinions (30% of the grade)

Overall conclusion: Discuss the key implications for the US foreign policy in a carbon-less world (10% of the grade)

Suggested length: 2,900 words

How to display references in your paper

For a book: indicate author’s name, year of publication, book title, city of publication, and publisher. Example: John Johnson. 2009. How to Lobby Foreign Governments. New York: New Publisher

For an article: include author’s name, year of publication, article title, journal number, and month of publication, and article pages. Example: Roberta Robertson and Bill Hope. 1998. On using eavesdropping. “Journal of Modern Intelligence”, 28, June, 45-50.
For a website: include the site’s address. Example: http://references4u.com

All work submitted to fulfill course requirements is to be solely the product of the individual(s) whose name(s) appears on it. Except with permission of the instructor, no recourse is to be had to projects, papers, reports or any other written work previously prepared by another student, and except with permission of the instructor no paper or work of any type submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of another course may be used a second time to satisfy a requirement of this course. No assistance is to be obtained from commercial organizations, which sell or lease research help or written papers. With respect to all written work as appropriate, proper footnotes and attribution are required.