NSB305. Leading and Learning: Building Professional Capacity.

NSB305 – Assessment Task 1. Page 2 of 6

Assessment Task 1.

Assessment name: Managing conflict resolution.

Task description: Your task is to analyse the dynamics of a real-world scenario and identify and discuss key strategies that a beginning registered nurse leader could use to promote team cohesion and conflict resolution.

What you need to do to prepare:

Read the TASK instructions carefully being sure that you understand all of the key words and directive terms.

Watch the prescribed video (availability TBA) making notes of the issues (skill mix, scope of practice, delegation) that each speaker is raising as beginning registered nurses.

Engage with your groups online discussion on your allocated WIKI site. (This is for all students enrolled in NSB305).

TASK STEPS. How to write your paper.

1. Choose one of the issues raised by the graduate nurses described in the video. (Your choice is either scope of practice, skill mix or delegation). Justify your choice, by referring to your groups online discussions and selected literature. (Include a screen shot of the relevant discussions to reinforce your choice in an appendix).

2. Explain how, if the issue is left unresolved, it could cause conflict in the

workplace and impact on positive nursing teamwork.

3. Discuss 3 realistic leadership strategies that a beginning registered nurse could use to resolve the identified conflict and enable team cohesion

Length: 1000 words +/-10%. Word length excludes in-text referencing, your reference list, direct quotes and appendices. Please note markers will not mark beyond the work limit.

Suggested (not mandatory) word count structure. Introduction (100 words) Choice of issue and justification (200 words) Explanation of impact if issue is left unresolved (300 words) Discussion of 3 realistic strategies (300 words) Conclusion (100 words)

Literature and writing standard requirements:

This paper needs to be:

Written as an academic paper in 3rd person, with an introduction, body and conclusion.

This is a contemporary paper, and unless you are referring to a historical event, literature and resources need to be within 7 years of age

Literature must be of highest possible quality, with peer reviewed research based material as the preference.

Textbooks may be used but to a maximum of 20% of your total reference list. Legitimate websites such as the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia may be

used. Careful use of well-developed paragraphs that logically and clearly address the

task steps and marking criteria (CRA) is essential There is an expectation of no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Correct use of the QUT APA referencing style is required.


NSB305. Leading and Learning: Building Professional Capacity.

NSB305 – Assessment Task 1. Page 3 of 6

Format of assignment Your assignment should be formatted and presented as follows: Use the provided Coversheet template with the assessment title, your name, student

number, tutor name and word count, as a single document that includes your paper. Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page

number. 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text Times new roman/arial, font size 12 QUT APA style referencing (see http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/) Headings and sub-headings may be used to structure your assignment if you prefer To be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin.

What you need to submit:

One word document that contains the following items: Assignment Cover Sheet & your work in the provided template

Resources needed to complete task:

Prescribed video xxxxxxxxxx Screen shot of relevant discussion (in an appendix) QUT Cite|Write APA guide. Turnitin Tip Sheets.

Assessment Support Engaging in your online WIKI study group will provide you with a rich source of discussion about the content and topic area, and an opportunity to ask questions.

Go to Support for Learning on the Blackboard site or contact HiQ in the library for further advice on assessment support.

Estimated time to complete task:

10 – 15 hours.

Weighting: 40%

Learning Outcomes assessment.

1. Apply knowledge and skills of professionalism and strategic leadership in the context of the role of the new graduate registered nurse. 2. Analyse and respond effectively to complex health situations and promote work-life balance and resilience to enable the provision of holistic, person-centred care. 3. Interpret and apply strategic thinking and key skills relating to intra- professional and inter-professional practice including conflict resolution, team functioning and advanced communication.

Individual/Group: Individual

Formative/Summative: Summative

How will I be assessed:

7-point grading scale using a rubric

Due date: Sunday 16th September submitted via Turnitin in your NSB305 Blackboard site by 11.59pm. More information about Turnitin is available on the FAQs about Turnitin page.

Academic Integrity The School of Nursing takes academic integrity very seriously. All work submitted must be your own work. The work of others needs to be correctly acknowledged and referenced according to the APA guidelines. There are serious consequences that will be imposed should you be found to breach academic integrity. Make sure you are familiar with the MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity and view the Academic Integrity video and explore the Academic Case Studies available on your Blackboard site. Maintaining academic integrity is your responsibility. If in doubt, check it carefully.

NSB305: Leading and Learning: Building professional capacity.

NSB305 – Assessment 1 Page 4 of 6

NSB305 Assessment Task 1 Rubric Student Name: Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2 and 3. Weighting: 40%

Criteria 7 6 5 4 3 2 – 1 Analysis & knowledge. Identify & justify professional issue from the prescribed video.

Weighting: 20%

Identifies & convincingly justifies your choice of professional practice issue based on decisive WIKI discussions & relevant literature. (Screen shot in an appendix).

The writing is well supported by accurately referenced quality, highly relevant, and well-focused literature that exactly addressed the task.