Hey There!

I am hoping for some help on this assignment! It has seven parts, and the rubrics are broke out into each part. *See Attached ‘International Business Project’ file.

I have also attached the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Case Study.

The country needs to remain the same throughout the assignment and can be Japan, Brazil, India, Liberia, Ukraine, or Thailand. It has to be one of those countries!

This is a helpful link was also presented https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world…

Part 1 – Factors Affecting International Business Expansion


Determine relevant factors allowing international business to succeed in a particular region or country.


Case Study

Review the case study above and prepare the necessary document as explained below.

Use the following website as a starting point for research on this project:

The World Factbook

In addition, you may likely need to do some additional research to help complete this project.

Please choose from one of the following countries to expand into: Japan, Brazil, India, Liberia, Ukraine, or Thailand.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (RMCF) has hired you as a consultant to help them with a planned expansion into a new market. Your role is to help facilitate this expansion into a new country/region, and to point out options and possible hurdles the company will face that they aren’t aware of. Write a report to the Chief Operations Officer (COO) and outline the overall business environment for the expansion, including the following:

Choose a country or region for the expansion, considering the details of the case study.
Identify the four relevant factors that will affect an expansion into this new market in a positive way.
For each factor identified, identify how these factors will directly benefit RMCF in its expansion into the new market.
What are at least two obstacles will need to be overcome in this expansion effort, and what is the recommendation to overcome them?
Ensure your report has an introduction properly describing the general scenario of what it will address, and then a conclusion wrapping up your points and what you addressed in the report.
Part 2 – Market Entry Methods for International Expansion


Analyze the right market entry method(s) for a given company for a particular region.


Case Study

Review the case study above and prepare the necessary document as explained below.

Use the following website as a starting point for research on this project:

The World Factbook

In addition, you may likely need to do some additional research to help complete this project.

Please choose from one of the following countries to expand into: Japan, Brazil, India, Liberia, Ukraine, or Thailand.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (RMCF) has hired you as a consultant to help them with a planned expansion into a new market. Your role is to help facilitate this expansion into a new country/region, and to point out options and possible hurdles the company will face that they aren’t aware of. Write a business memo to the Director of New Business (DNB) outlining the overall business environment for the expansion, including the following:

Indicate what the expansion strategy method should be for the country or region of your choosing.
Identify three different factors that would support your entry strategy that you choose for your particular country or region and explain why they will beneficial.
For the market entry method you choose, discuss two disadvantages to using this method for the expansion.
Ensure your report has an introduction properly describing the general situation of what it will address, and then a conclusion wrapping up your points and what you addressed in the report and validating the market entry method you choose for RMCF.
Part 3 – The Role of Culture and its Effect in International Business


Analyze the role of culture and its impact on international business for a particular country or region.


Case Study

Review the case study above and prepare the necessary document as explained below.

Use the following website as a starting point for research on this project:

The World Factbook

In addition, you may likely need to do some additional research to help complete this project.

Please choose from one of the following countries to expand into: Japan, Brazil, India, Liberia, Ukraine, or Thailand.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (RMCF) has hired you as a consultant to help them with a planned expansion into a new market. Your role is to help facilitate this expansion into a new country/region, and to point out options and possible hurdles the company will face that they aren’t aware of. Write a cultural assessment report to the Director of Human Resources and outline the overall business environment for the expansion, including the following:

Review the cultural aspects that need to be considered with the expansion into the new country or region.
Identify how the company culture and the business of selling chocolate will work with the culture of the target market you will expand into.
Identify and discuss at least two strategies that RMCF will need to adopt in order to effectively do business in the new country or region
Ensure your report has an introduction properly describing the general situation of the target country and what the general culture is like, and then a conclusion wrapping up your points and what you addressed in the report and validating the strategies to deal with the target market culture in general.

Part 4 – Methods for Marketing, Recruiting, Leading, and Human Resource Management


Select proper methods for marketing, recruiting, leading and human resource management within an international business.


Case Study

Read the above case study and prepare the necessary documents as explained below.

Use the following website as a starting point for research on this project:

The World Factbook

In addition, you may likely need to do some additional research to help complete this project.

Please choose from one of the following countries to expand into: Brazil, India, Japan, Liberia, Thailand or Ukraine.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory International (RMCF) has hired your consulting firm to outline The Marketing Mix by product mix and product categories for the introduction of RMCF products into a new country/region of your choice. In addition, in preparation for entering the new market set forth a recruiting campaign in order to get personnel in place. Coupled with the recruiting campaign will be determining the scope of Human Resource Management in leading, training and development, and compensation. Read the above case study and any additional research needed to create your analysis. In your analysis, be sure to include the following:

Introduction to your findings.
Identify The Marketing Mix by product mix, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, creams, caramels, nougats, nuts and product categories, chocolates, fudge, and novelties for entry into the country/region.
Develop policies and procedures for recruiting managers for foreign assignment.
Examine ways to provide diversity training as a leadership development opportunity, a training and development program, a program on how to appraise performances, and provide compensation and benefits information to all employees of RMCF and their franchisees.
Based on your findings, prepare a report to the Vice President of Marketing and the Vice President of Human Resources of RMCF.
Conclusion of your findings.
Part 5 – Different Forms of International Investment


Describe and categorize the different forms of international investment.


Case Study

Read the above case study and prepare the necessary documents as explained below.

Use the following website as a starting point for research on this project:

The World Factbook

In addition, you may likely need to do some additional research to help complete this product.

Please choose from one of the following countries to expand into: Brazil, India, Japan, Liberia, Thailand or Ukraine.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory International (RMCF) has hired your consulting firm to make a recommendation on which category of international investment the company should pursue. Prepare a report to the CFO with your analysis and recommendation for the entrance of RMCF into the country/region that you have chosen. Read the above case study and any additional research needed to create your analysis. In your analysis, be sure to include the following:

Introduction to your findings.
Compare and contrast the two categories of international investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
Identify the numerous factors; supply, demand, and political, that may influence the company’s decision regarding the choice between FPI and FDI.
Based on your analysis, detail the pertinent decision-making criteria, your recommendation and prepare a report to the CFO of RMCF as a conclusion of your findings.
Part 6 – The Nature of International Organization Design


Examine the nature of international organization design and how international organizations manage the control function.


Case Study

Read the above case study and prepare the necessary documents as explained below.

Use the following website as a starting point for research on this project:

The World Factbook

In addition, you may likely need to do some additional research to help complete this project.

Please choose from one of the following countries to expand into: Brazil, India, Japan, Liberia, Thailand or Ukraine.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory International (RMCF) has hired your consulting firm to outline an organizational plan and design which clearly details the reporting structure from the perspective of the franchisee to corporate within the country/region of your choice. Prepare a report to the Vice President of Human Resources with your organizational plan and design for the entrance of RMCF into the country/region that you have chosen. Read the above case study and any additional research needed to create your analysis. In your analysis, be sure to include the following:

Introduction to your findings.
Analyze which international organizational design, product, area, functional or customer meets the specific goals and fits into the strategic plan of the company.
Identify the various techniques for control within the organization and determine how these techniques tie to the company’s strategy for expansion of their franchises.
Based on your analysis, detail the organizational design with how the control function ties into the company’s strategy, and prepare a report to the Vice President of Human Resources of RMCF.
Conclusion of your findings.

Part 7 – Making the Decision to Expand


Based on all research and work done prior, create a presentation to convince decision makers of the RMCF of the soundness for expanding into a new market that you have chosen.


Case Study

Review the case study above and prepare the necessary document as explained below.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory(RMCF) has hired you as a consultant to help them with a planned expansion into a new market. In this final step, you need to create a PowerPoint presentation that will be presented to the CEO and board of directors for the RMCF. In this presentation, you need to include the major points covered in the previous modules, and use this information to present a cogent, logical argument for making the expansion into the country or region of your choice. Remember, your goal is to convince the CEO and board of directors that this move will work out for RMCF both from a business point of view and also affect their bottom line in a positive way. You can assume they have read your previous reports, but feel free to bring up major points or information from them to help support your presentation.

Based on the case study and other research you conduct:

Create a PowerPoint presentation that will be seen by the CEO and board of directors of RMCF.
Assume that you will be delivering the presentation, and understand that these people have access to your previous reports that you have written on various points of this expansion.
Based on the major points presented in your previous report, you need to create a compelling business case for executing the expansion into the market of your choice. Your PowerPoint should contain the following points in it as you make your overall recommendation in the presentation:
Factors important in the expansion
Market expansion method chosen
Role and effect of culture in the expansion
How recruiting, marketing, and human resource management will come into play
Role of investment in the international business
How group dynamics will factor in the expansion
Detail the organizational design and how the control function ties into the company’s strategy
Ensure your PowerPoint has an introduction and conclusion. The conclusion should provide a strong recommendation and an overall strategic reason for making this expansion into the country or region you are choosing.
Be sure to follow normal conventions for creating slides, work on keeping verbiage to a minimum on them, and utilize the speaker notes area as the place where you will, in great detail, write out your reasons and verbiage that you will use in the presentation and for each slide.