Use the IRAC method to outline Reid v. Covert . Produce a three- to six-page analysis utilizing the IRACâissue, rule, analysis, conclusionâmethod in the module 2 commentary. IRAC is a method used to deconstruct a judicial opinion, but it can be used for anything that you read. Identifying and assessing the merits of an argument or position are academic skills that you will continue to apply and develop. Use this template for your paper with the American Psychological Association (APA) style and format, 6th edition. Note that no additional research is required. All the information is contained in the case.
Grades are based on the following:
Identification and articulation of the specific, general, and sub-issue(s), rule, analysis, and conclusion
Description of the dicta (opinions of the court on related issues, and not part of the official ruling)
Fully performing the task assigned
Offering creative and/or critical opinions
Expressing yourself clearly and concisely
Forming logical arguments and conclusions
Grammar and compliance to APA (6th)
Case Analysis
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Due Date
Nov 10, 2019 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: Assignment Rubric
Rubric Total Score
/ 100
Overall Score
Overall Score
A Grade
90 points minimum
B Grade
80 points minimum
C Grade
70 points minimum
D Grade
60 points minimum
F Grade
0 points minimum
Rubric Name: Assignment
This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.
Fair / Adequate
Poor / Unacceptable
Attention to instructions and assignment
10 points
Can earn between 9-10 points. Follows and exceeds expectations noted in instructions
8 points
Follows instructions
7 points
Follows some but not all instructions
6 points
Can earn between 1-6 points. Gestures toward instructions but demonstrates little comprehension or competency
0 points
Disregards instructions
/ 10
Creative thought / problem-solving / self-assessment
20 points
Can earn between 19-20 points. Demonstrates a high degree of originality, insight and/or problem-solving skill
18 points
Can earn between 17-18 points. Shows some originality, insight and/or problem-solving skill
16 points
Can earn between 15-16 points. Shows minimally acceptable originality, insight and/or problem-solving skill
14 points
Can earn between 5-14 points. Demonstrates very little creative thought or insight; consists mostly of second-hand ideas
4 points
Can earn between 0-4 points. Shows no original thought; all second-hand ideas
/ 20
Adherence to APA 6th ed. style
15 points
Can earn between 14-15 points. No APA style errors
13 points
No more than three APA style errors
12 points
Can earn between 11-12 points. Demonstrated four or five APA style errors
10 points
Can earn between 3-10 points. More than six APA style errors
2 points
Can earn between 0-2 points. No attempt at APA style
/ 15
Development and support
30 points
Can earn between 28-30 points. Thoroughly and insightfully explores, explains and supports each idea
27 points
Can earn between 25-27 points. Develops and supports key points
24 points
Can earn between 22-24 points. Inconsistently develops and supports ideas
21 points
Can earn between 6-21 points. Inadequately or ineffectively explains and defends ideas
5 points
Does not make a meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas
/ 30
Source use, including appropriate guidelines
10 points
Can earn between 9-10 points. Demonstrates comprehension of all source material; integrates sources appropriately and effectively
8 points
Most source material is appropriate, but some if not fully explained or integrated into the paper
7 points
Source material is not consistently appropriate or integrated into the paper
6 points
Can earn between 1-6 points. Source material is rarely appropriate and/or rarely integrated into the paper
0 points
No use of source material
/ 10
Clarity, including grammar
15 points
Can earn between 14-15 points. All ideas are presented clearly, using appropriate language and grammar conventions.
13 points
Most ideas are presented clearly but sometimes too simplistically or not all grammar conventions are followed.
12 points
Can earn between 11-12 points. Wordy; some points require rereading to understand fully: grammar conventions are not followed.
10 points
Can earn between 3-10 points. Unclear and difficult to understand.
2 points
Can earn between 0-2 points. Largely incomprehensible
/ 15
Rubric Total Score
/ 100
Overall Score
Overall Score
A Grade
90 points minimum
B Grade
80 points minimum
C Grade
70 points minimum
D Grade
60 points minimum
F Grade
0 points minimum