The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.

The paper demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper.

The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.

The paper does not demonstrate that the author has fully understood and applied concepts learned in the course.



The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by statement of a position or hypothesis.

The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic but the writer has not established a position.

The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.

The topic is not clearly defined.


In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections of the paper.

In-depth discussion & elaboration in most sections of the paper.

The writer has omitted pertinent content or content runs-on excessively. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively.

Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections.


Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

For the most part, ties together information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

Paper does not flow – disjointedness is apparent. Author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationships


No spelling &/or grammar mistakes.

Minimal spelling &/or grammar mistakes.

Noticeable spelling & grammar mistakes.

Unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes.


Implemented peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. . All sites utilized are authoritative.

Somewhat implemented journal articles or scholarly books. Quotes chosen are often short and not substantial. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Fewer than required peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are credible.

Did not use journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web sites utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.


Cites all data obtained from other sources. MLA citation style is used in both text and Works Cited.

Cites most data obtained from other sources. MLA citation style is used in both text and Works Cited.

Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect.

Does not cite sources.

Also, I am providing on what the essay is supposed to be on and also the movie of the Death of a salesman.

Topics to cover in your final essay:

How reliable is the narrative in Death of a Salesman?

Consider the following in your answer: Are Willy’s words to be trusted? Biff’s? How does the rotation of time affect the reliability? Is Willy suffering from a psychological breakdown? If so, what is it and what are the symptoms he is exhibiting. can any character be trusted here?

What does this play reveal about the American Dream? How does the reader view it through the lens of this “old man”?

Consider the following in your answer: Miller’s view of the concept of the American Dream with other traditional definitions. Is Miller subverting the American Dream or exploring the way it affects one’s expectations? Is it overly cynical (negative) or realistic? Finally, is this subject and tone still relevant today?

Discuss one of the many motifs in the play (i.e. stockings, diamonds, garden, jungle/woods, stealing).

Consider the following in your answer: What are the various attitudes about stockings/selected motif? Is the motif selected a symbol in the play as well? If so, how. How does the motif further the plot and overall meaning of the story? Example, the stockings are a symbol that measure Willy’s success, Biff’s recognition of his father’s betrayal, and Willy’s guilt.

What is the author’s view on modernity/progress? What is his purpose in including the tape recorder, new car, etc.?
Finally, what are the internal and external conflicts between Willy and Biff that set up this climax of the story?

Consider the following in your answer: Have new gas heaters, tape recorders, cars changed the American Dream? Relate how Willy is left behind (hint: title connotations) and is overly reliant on these innovations. Is the little guy able to survive with the advent of progress and sophistication?

6 page minimum.

MLA style – you must use at least 3 outside sources (i.e. history, psychology or critical analysis texts) and QUOTES FROM THE PLAY ITSELF.