Diploma of Business (BSB50207)
Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes
Participant’s Assessment Guide

Notes for the participant
General information
• Please submit the completed assessment/task to your training facilitator/ assessor by the due date. QIBA will not accept assessment tasks submitted after the due date. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
• All task questions (parts) must be completed; incomplete assignments will not be accepted.
• All task responses must be typed using a word processing programme. Where the participant is required to use specific templates, they will be provided as an electronic file.
• All assessment activity documents must be formatted to workplace industry business standards.
• All assessment tasks must have a header and footer with the following information
o Header – Unit code (left), Task number (centre), Date (right)
o Footer – Name (left), Version (centre), page number (right)
• All answers must be identified by the question number and the FULL question above the participant’s response.
• When an assessment is re-submitted, the version must be changed.
• If you need any assistance with your assessment or the submission of an assessment please speak with your training facilitator/ assessor.
• If delivering a presentation as part of your assessment please confirm the documentation that is required and attach a cover sheet before submitting your assessment.
• Ensure that you take copies of your assessments before you submit them to your training facilitator / assessor. This is the responsibility of the participant
Submitting assessment tasks electronically
• All assessment tasks must be submitted electronically; a coversheet must completed and be given to your trainer / assessor when summiting the assessment task.
• All tasks must be provided in a Microsoft Word file (or compatible file).
• Answers must be typed in the electronic version of the assessment which is accessible on My QIBA. Questions are not to be re-typed on a separate document. If the submitted assessment is not on the original electronic version provided, it will not be accepted.
• Assessments submitted by email must have the following file name format in the subject line.
o Unit code_Task Number_Version_Participants name
? E.g. BSBHRM506A_T1_V1_John Smith
Classroom / College based assessment
• If you are undertaking these assessment activities using a workplace or organisation as the business base, but are not employed by the organisation or being assessed on the job, you are to implement your process under the supervision or your assessor.
• If you are undertaking these projects using your college as the business base, you are to implement your process under the direct supervision or your assessor or allocated manager.
On the job assessment
• You will need to confirm the suitability of the workplace, and obtain permission to use your workplace with your trainer /assessor.
• If you are undertaking these projects using your workplace as the business base, you are to implement your process under the direct supervision of a manager holding the current TAE40110 CERT IV in Training and Assessment and ensure access can be arranged for the training facilitator and/or assessor.
These assessments must:
a. using a registered and operating workplace
b. ensure access to customers relevant to the work role and unit requirements
c. ensure access to staff members / colleagues
d. ensure candidate is working in a suitable role to the unit (i.e. – candidates undertaking units requiring staff supervision must have staff to supervise, and authority to do so)
e. ensure access to relevant, working and current tools and equipment as appropriate to the unit requirement
f. relating their project to their current or preferred vocational direction
Project and Work Samples
The candidate is required to undertake the activities included in the workplace and then complete work samples. Work samples are documents which have been created in the workplace or in the same style and manner which is appropriate to the workplace. With all work samples it is essential that you maintain confidentially of all parties including the employer, clients and any other parties.
Successfully gaining competence in the unit
• To achieve competence in this unit the participant must successfully complete all task activities satisfactorily.
• Follow the specific instructions provided for each task activity.
• Participants are entitled to two (2) re-assessments for any question, activity or the entire assessment. When re-submitting, change the version in the footer to V2 or V3.
• Participants’ are required to read and apply the feedback and support provided by the Trainer/assessor as required following an assessment, to ensure you are prepared for reassessment.
• QIBA will provide feedback on assessment submissions within 10 working days upon receipt.
Answering Questions
Candidates are required to answer questions in their own words to demonstrate understanding. Most questions require short answers or lists. Questions can also be completed orally. You can complete these questions orally with an assessor or other support person such as supervisor or mentor to complete the questions. In the event of oral assessment you are required to answer the question in your own words and your assessor or other support person is required to document your answers.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a module or a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessments, please consult with your facilitator.
The following list outlines some of the activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:
• Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally
• Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
• Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
• Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet
You must be careful when using work from others. Copyright covers all work that is not your own including textbooks, newspapers, website information, music, magazines, movies etc.
You are allowed to do a certain amount of copying for research or study purposes. Generally, 10% or one chapter of a book is acceptable, where the participant is studying with or employed by an educational institution. All material taken from another source, word for word or paraphrased, must be acknowledge using an acceptable referencing system.

A student may appeal a decision made in relation to an assessment outcome. Where a student feels they have been incorrectly judged and assessed on a specified task, project, or assessment requirement they may have the decision reviewed by QIBA by submitting an appeal form. It is recommended that students speak with their trainer/assessor first about their concerns with the assessment outcome.
Students must provide explanations or supporting evidence as to why they feel the decision or outcome was unfair or why the decision / outcome should be reviewed. The decision of the appeals process for assessment review is final.
Assessment introduction
This unit may be undertaken as a single unit of competence to acknowledge participants skills and knowledge in a specific area of work. This unit may also be undertaken as one unit of competence within a qualification. This unit forms part of a Diploma of Business.
The purpose of this assessment is to test your skills, knowledge and ability required to manage all aspects of the recruitment selection and induction processes in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
1. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures
2. Undertake recruitment and selection methods
3. Apply and assess compliance with relevant legislation
4. Manage Staff induction
This assessment will take place at QIBA in the classroom and/or workplace or a simulated environment. Some assessment tasks may be required to be completed by participants in their own time outside of QIBA and/or workplace or the simulated environment.
Assessment methods:
This assessment is broken up into four parts. Each part must be completed and submitted as evidence of competence.
• Task 1: Activity: Develop an HR Proposal
• Task 2: Activity: Develop Recruitment selection and induction policies, procedures and documents
• Task 3: Case Study: Managing Recruitment and selection processes
• Task 4: Project: Managing the induction process
After a review of evidence, your Assessor may wish to discuss your responses with you to get further evidence of your understanding of the topic area.
What you will need:
• Access to learning guide
• Participant Assessment Workbook
• Access to a computer, internet and word processing software
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Participants who believe that they already have the skills and knowledge required to manage work priorities and professional development through previous training or workplace experience may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning. Please see your Training Facilitator/Assessor for further instructions
This classroom assessment will take approximately 9 weeks to complete as negotiated with your Training Facilitator/Assessor. Please ask your Assessor for the individual task submission dates and final assessment date.
Week Assessment Submission Date Date of second submission
(if required)
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 2
7 3
8 4

Once you have successfully completed all four parts of this assessment, or demonstrated competence through Recognition of Prior Learning, you will be deemed competent in the unit BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction.
Instructions to the participant
1. Read and review the assessment requirements.
2. Ensure you document is formatted with appropriate headings for the required information.
3. Ensure that you complete a spell check, the appropriate headers and footers before you submit your assessment.
4. If you are submitting your assessment electronically, make sure you save the file in the appropriate format.
5. Prepare for the practical assessment where a trainer will observe you conducting a meeting. You will need to ensure the appropriate procedures are being followed and the correct language is being used.

Assessment Task 1 – Analyse business plans and develop strategies for recruitment and selection.
Assessment description
Below are a number of practical tasks to be completed over a period of time in simulated workplace where you will perform the duties of a manager
Compile all the above documents together. They will be assessed separately and then assessed for overall readability, which includes use of appropriate grammar and punctuation in sentences and paragraphs.
Part 1
Analyse strategic and operational plans and policies
Review the following STAR Industries strategic and operational plans:
• Business Plan – New Product
• Future Business
• Strategic Directions Document
• CEO Memo
Based on the information contained in the strategic and operational plans, what do you consider to be the short term objectives of the business? (Please provide 3 short term objectives)
Part 2
Prepare an HR Proposal (in a report format) for the expansion for the most immediate HRM priority.
Based on the information provided in the CEO Memo, the Board of Directors have decided to open an office in Adelaide. This memo provides the Human Resource requirements for this office. (Maximum 1600 words). Please use the headings in bold for your report headings.
Include the following information in your proposal for each of the job types:
1. Background – please provide an introduction as to the current trends in South Australia and how are Star Industries going to take advantage of the current trends?
What are the human resource needs for the new office in Adelaide?
2. Methodology
2.1.1 Recruitment internally or externally
Provide an explanation of each of these methods for recruitment.
Provide a recommendation as to which recruitment method Star Industries should use for each of the new positions for Adelaide outlined by the CEO.
Explain why you have chosen this method for each of the positions.
2.1.2 Outsourcing Recommendation
Provide an explanation of what outsourcing recruitment is.
Would Star Industries benefit from outsourcing? Please provide an explanation for either for or against outsourcing recruitment.
3. Selection process
What selection process would you recommend to Star Industries in order to choose the best candidate for each of the advertised positions?
Points to consider:
• how you would short list a candidate?
• Would you recommend the use of job descriptions and job criteria? How would you use these?
• How would you ensure that your selection process complies with the relevant legislation?
• What types of legislation would you need to follow during this process?
• Who will take part in the selection process of candidates?
• Would any training need to be provided to those involved in the recruitment and selection process?
• Would you use any type of testing of the candidates for recruitment purposes? (for example personality type testing or skills testing)
• How will you advise candidates of their selection or non selection for the roles? What is the process for this?
4. Induction plan summary
Points to consider;
• Who in the organisation will induct each of the new employees?
• What types of information about Star Industries will each of the new roles have to have? This information may differ for each of the roles.
• Will the staff required for inducting the new employees be different for each role?
• Will the persons conducting the induction require any training prior to inducting the new employees, if so what types of training or support will be required?
• How long will the induction take for each new role?
Part 2
1. Analyse your HR Proposal and review options for technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process. What types of technology could be used to expedite the recruitment and selection process?

Assessment Task 2 – Develop Recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures and supporting documents
Part 1
Develop recruitment, selection and induction Policies
Prepare a general HR policy to be implemented into STAR Industries to be used across their Australian divisions.
Include the following information:
1. Policy name
o Introduction – policy statement / purpose
2. Preparation:
o Analyse the vacant position
o Position descriptions
o Lodge an advertisement
o Applications
3. Selection procedure:
o Short-list applicants
o Interview preparation
o Interview applicants
o Reference checks
4. Notification:
o Offer of appointment
o Feedback to unsuccessful applicants
5. Orientation and Induction:
o Orientation
o Induction
6. Probation:
o Probation periods
o Performance evaluation
o Probation outcome
NB: incorporate the following information into each section
• Time frames – how much time will be allotted for each key area
• Personnel – who will have responsibility and accountability for the different key areas
• Legislation – considerations and requirements to meet legislative obligations – list relevant legislation where appropriate.
• Documentation – what is required to perform the procedure
• Details of procedures for each of the key areas

Part 2
Communicate recruitment, selection and induction Policies and provide access to training.
1. How would you communicate the policies and procedures you have developed and had approved to relevant staff?
2. Explain how you will provide access to ongoing training and support to all persons involved in recruitment selection and induction.
Part 3
Develop recruitment, selection and induction documentation.
1. Prepare an offer letter of employment for one (1) of the three positions. Your letter must include advice regarding the salary to be paid, start date and any other terms and conditions of employment.
Assessment Task 3 – Case Study: Managing the recruitment and selection of staff
Case Study: Gus Tinsdale
Job advertisements have been prepared and published and recruitment is in progress. You’re monitoring the process via regular quick meetings with the people involved – during one of these an HR Officer hands you an email just received from an applicant, Gus Tinsdale, who was rejected.
You’ll see that Gus has two items for complaint and – while his assessment sheet shows he’s unsuitable – you also notice a comment regarding his age. As you investigate further you notice a problem with the advertisement (‘How did that get through?’ you ask yourself!) and you notice that the rejection letter was sent too early – be sure to check the STAR policy for Recruitment and Selection on this point. Looks like there’s work for you to do!
FROM: Gus Tinsdale
TO: Bettina Rusque, HR Assistant WA
SUBJECT: Your Rude Letter
Dear Ms Rusque
I was most disappointed to receive your letter informing me that I was not to be offered an interview for the shift supervisor position, and that you would not discuss the matter further.
The tone of your letter suggests to me that STAR is attempting to cover up questionable, or even illegal, recruitment practices. Indeed the fact that you will not discuss applications or provide feedback may itself be illegal.
In particular, I am concerned about possible age discrimination. The selection documents did not mention age, although the advertisement said ‘youthful’. Moreover your Mr Perez told me on the phone that he was looking for a ‘young, dynamic team’. I assure you life begins at 40, and I regard myself as both young and with plenty of `youthful exuberance’, and I would like to know whether I have been refused an interview because you thought that I was too old.
Yours sincerely,
Gus Tinsdale
Rejection letter to Gus
Dear Mr Tinsdale
Thank you for your application for the position of shift supervisor. We have had many applications from better experienced and qualified people, and on this occasion you have been unsuccessful in gaining an interview.
In view of the amount of interest in this job, we will not be discussing the matter further with unsuccessful applicants like yourself. So please do not attempt to contact us.
Yours sincerely
Ms B Rusque (HR Assistant)
STAR Industries
Job advertisement:
Manufacturing Career Opportunity
STAR Industries is seeking a vigorous person to fill the demanding role of shift supervisor in our new plant.
You will be full of youthful exuberance, and have well-developed interpersonal skills.
Ability to build and supervise a production team, and at least three years’ experience in window coverings production, are necessary requirements. Tertiary qualifications in management and leadership would be well regarded

Assessment against selection criteria
POSITION: WA shift supervisor
APPLICANT: Gus Tinsdale
1. Minimum of three years’ experience in production of windows, doors and related products 5 years manufacturing experience in various building-related industries
2. Ability to liaise with suppliers, other staff and management Yes
3. Ability to supervise and build a team, with well-developed interpersonal and leadership skills No, was not able to answer these questions in interview or show evidence from previous jobs
4. Working knowledge of quality improvement systems and tools, and ablility to problem–solve and instigate process improvement strategies No, probably too old to understand modern quality improvement systems
5. Extensive knowledge of stock control and production computer database programs Expert in stock control; recently completed a short course in database management
6. Three years’ experience in production and stock control of window coverings No
7. Broad knowledge and interest in related products and services such as shower screens, home security systems, skylights General interest but superficial
8. Previous experience in managing and developing a self-directed team No
Tertiary qualifications in management and leadership No tertiary qualifications; unlikely he would be willing to take on further study at his age
Additional requirements
Willingness to work in different plants as needed Yes, but prefers 2 weeks notice due to family commitments; appeared to be inflexible on this point
Willingness to work regular overtime As above
Do not interview; did not meet essential criteria, no tertiary qualifications, and may be unavailable to work away or work overtime at short notice.

Your HR Officer will handle this complaint but you need to examine how the problem arose, and prevent it happening again:
1. What changes would you have made to the job advertisement?
2. What changes would you have made to the rejection letter which was given to Gus?
3. What changes would you recommend to the recruitment processes which will prevent these incidents in the future?
4. Describe how you will communicate these changes to staff & managers

Assessment Task 4 – Managing Staff induction
Using feedback to make refinements to induction policies and procedures.
The induction program is complete, and feedback has been gathered from participants and line managers. Brett Downie, the HR officer responsible for the induction program, has written a short report on this feedback. You decide to go a step further by assessing the new employees against the intended outcomes. You can also see that strategic changes to induction at STAR may be needed
Extracts of feedback from induction participants
• `The program had some good content at times but it was too rushed. I would have liked more time spent on getting to know some of the other company products. That would help me see where I fit in. But overall it was very good.’
• `I got the sense that the people running the induction program had more important things to do. We would start something and then they would have to rush away for a short time. Brett from HR was able to fill in but it seemed a bit disorganised.’
• `It’s good to have an induction. In my other jobs I’ve always just been thrown in at the deep end.’
• `I found the induction very useful. I know what to do and how I fit in. Some of the presenters seemed a bit nervous, though.’
• `I think that the induction program was too short and it concentrated on administrative issues rather than helping me fit into the work environment.’
• `I wanted to know what the company expected from me when I do my job. The induction program has helped me understand my duties and responsibilities. Thank you.’
• `Let’s keep on thinking about variety in the induction methods we use – eg, on/off job, different locations, technology, etc. I just say this because induction’s got a long history of being boring and irrelevant at STAR, although I’m not suggesting your program was like this.’ (Manager)
• `The new employees seemed pretty enthusiastic when they got onto the job, but after the existing staff gave them the real version of how STAR works I could see a bit of cynicism creeping in.’ (Manager)
• `I’d be interested in a stronger connection or follow-up between the induction program and the on-the-job introduction/training that people get. Maybe we should look at our policy and procedures on induction – they don’t provide much real guidance to line managers.’ (Manager)
FROM: Brett Downie, HR Officer NSW
TO: General Manager, Human Resources
SUBJECT: Feedback on Induction Program
The recent induction program was conducted according to the plan you put together, and overall it went quite well. All of the key information was covered. Time was also spent on administrative issues.
There were some resourcing problems during the program, which meant that staff scheduled to meet with the new employees had conflicting priorities, but overall this did not have a significant impact on the information that we were able to get through.
I interviewed each participant after the program to ensure that unanswered questions were dealt with and misunderstandings clarified. Line managers and participants also provided written feedback on the induction program.
Some areas for improvement could be: more emphasis on making people feel part of the team and reducing first day anxiety, more overall product information, a stronger link between the induction program and on-the-job training, and somehow making sure that conflicting priorities on the day (for presenters and managers) do not interfere with the induction program.
The managers also raise a bigger cultural problem to do with induction at STAR which I expect is something you’ll want to take up.
Brett Downie
Based on the feedback obtained, outline your recommendations for any changes necessary to the way induction is conducted at STAR. Please outline at least 3 changes necessary to the induction.



The post Please submit the completed assessment/task to your training facilitator/ assessor by the due date. QIBA will not accept assessment tasks submitted after the due date. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. appeared first on BEST NURSING TUTORS .