I need the same tutor forTTs060318_546126_82 assignment to answer this questionsPlease provide a 1 paragraph response to include intext citation and min of 1 reference
the following concept, called ALIGNMENT, is very important for you to understand as you progress along in this class and in your doctoral journey. Please see below, and note that the PPRQ (Problem statement, Purpose statement, and Research Question) has to be aligned, and the words you use MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME in the (a) specific business problem sentence in your problem statement, (b) the first sentence of your purpose statement, and (c) the research question:
ALIGNMENT OF YOUR PROBLEM STATEMENT, PURPOSE STATEMENT AND RESEARCH QUESTIONThe most significant issue that many doctoral students have is mis-alignment of their problem statement, purpose statement and research question. I’ve posted an announcement, and posted the requirement for alignment in the discussion board. Before I talk about alignment, there are a couple issues that I need to address:-There is a difference in the verbiage between qualitative and quantitative studies in the problem and purpose statement. Qualitative studies EXPLORE. Quantitative studies INVESTIGATE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VARIABLES. There are no variables, hypotheses or relationships/correlations in qualitative studies.Okay, let’s talk about Alignment.Remember the following:The specific business problem, the first line of the purpose statement, and the research question must all be identical!Also, as stated above, for a qualitative study, the specific business problem MUST be from the business leader’s perspective, and must contain the phrase: “lack strategies to .”Here’s the guidance I’ve provided: The problem statement, purpose statement, and research question should ALIGN. Specifically, the following three elements of your proposal/study should be virtually identical:-The last sentence of your Problem Statement (Specific Business Problem)-The first sentence of your Purpose Statement-The Research QuestionExample (this is for a qualitative method study):The Problem Statement-Hook (a wow statement with peer reviewed or government citation that will meet the 85% rule by the time of your graduation)-Anchor (includes a # supported with peer reviewed or government citation that will meet the 85% rule by the time of your graduation)-General business problem is (lack of profitability, customer satisfaction, strategies to xx, etc)-Specific business problem is (xxx who?) business leaders lack strategies to do what? XXXThe Purpose StatementThe purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore (XXXXXX strategies that business leaders in the xxx industry use to xxxxx? To do what ? XXX) copy directly from your specific business problem. The targeted population will consist of (XXXX who will give you the data- i.e.owners of companies) located in (XXXX what geographical location,). The implication for positive social change includes the potential to (provide social change statement XXXX).The Research Question(What are the strategies business leaders in the xxxx industry use to xxxxx? To do what? (Use your specific business problem to craft your research question) Real Example (note this is for a qualitative study):Problem StatementTotal annual U.S. beer production in 2014 was over 192.5 million barrels (U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, [TTB], 2014 ) or approximately 6 billion gallons, generating about $100 billion in revenue. In 2014, there were over 3,150 craft beer breweries generating $14.3 billion in sales in the U.S., more than double the number in 2000 (Brewers Association, 2014). The general business problem is that approximately 50% of small business startups survive five years (SBA, 2014). The specific business problem is many craft beer owners lack strategies to remain profitable beyond five years.Purpose StatementThe purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study is to explore the strategies craft beer brewery owners used to succeed beyond five years. The targeted population is craft beer brewery owners in southern Maine. The population is appropriate for the study because Maine is currently home to 47 craft breweries and has seen an 18% increase in the number of craft breweries since 2011, which places the state fifth in the nation for number of breweries per capita (Brewers Association, 2014). The implications for positive social change include the potential to identify strategies such as money management, effective marketing techniques, outstanding customer service practices, and development of stakeholder communication methods that may encourage economic strength and job growth in Southern Maine.Research QuestionWhat strategies can craft beer brewery owners use to succeed beyond five years?Example (Quantitative Method Study)Problem StatementIn 2012, 95 million Americans acquired antistress medications (Nasr, 2012). In the United Kingdom, employers lose 9.1 million workdays each year, at a cost of £3.7 billion, because of workplace stress, and in the United States, the cost of workplace stress exceeds $300 billion per annum (Spurgeon et al., 2012). The general business problem is that excessive workplace stress results in (a) lower productivity, (b) increased costs, and (c) lower profits (Avey, Luthans, Hannah, Sweetman, & Peterson, 2012; Bucurean & Costin, 2011; Burton, Hoobler, & Scheuer, 2012; K. Leung, Huang, Su, & Lu, 2011; Sinha & Subramanian, 2012). The specific business problem is that some business leaders do not know the relationships between social support, work-life conflict and profits.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this quantitative correlational study is to investigate the relationships between social support, work life conflict. The targeted population are business leaders in the call-center industry. The independent variables are social support and work-life conflict. The dependent variable is profits. The implications for positive social change include the potential to identify correlations in the variables which may lead to greater quality of life for workers int he call-center industry
Research Question
What are the relationships between social support, work-life balance and profits in the call center industry?

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The post provide a 1 paragraph response to include intext citation and min of 1 reference the following concept, called ALIGNMENT, is very important for you to understand as you progress along in this class and in your doctoral journey appeared first on BEST NURSING TUTORS .