Throughout your textbook the authors return to the importance of interpreting the findings of a research project.

Explain two reasons why this is an essential element in a high-quality research report.
Then, discuss two benefits of examining and understanding the intrinsic meaning of the data.
Lastly, explain three disadvantages of going too far beyond the scope of the data.

Minimum 300 words answer

Classmate #1:

Hello Class,

I can’t believe that we are already in the 7th week of class, time is really starting to fly by! The importance of interpreting the findings of a research project is arguably the highest priority. When conducting research, there are many factors that contribute to the overall goal. The actual process of coming up with a hypothesis, conducting research, gathering data, sifting through the data, interpreting the findings, and presenting the information. It would be a massive waste of time if we didn’t interpret the findings to the highest level possible. The lesson plan this week does an awesome job talking about academic integrity and the importance of interpreting your data. We need to make sure we aren’t getting carried away or losing sight of the actual research that we are conducting. The research or study is being conducted for a reason, so we need to make sure that are using all of the data to help support our claim and add a benefit to society.

The intrinsic meaning of our data can be defined as “what the data really means”. This portion of the study usually happens in the data analysis phase. How does the data support our claim or question, and how can the data be used to teach us. We just spend all this time collecting data, now it’s time to find out what it really means. This portion is important because people need to remain un-bias and use what information is in front of them, rather than going down a rabbit hole of information and losing sight on the main objective.

Disadvantages of going too far beyond the scope of data: You will most likely lose sight of the main goal or objective. This can lead to unorganized data, making it so that it’s almost impossible to follow. When people get too carried away, they might accidentally oversee information that is actually pertinent to the study. We need to provide the most accurate, un-bias, honest information in research. This could be hard to do when we have too many sources or we go off on other tangents (Leedy, n.d.). Stick to the proposed study or question that you came up with, and use the data that you found to support your claim or question.

Classmate #2:

The results section is where a researcher reports the findings of their study based upon the methodology applied to gather information. The results section should state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation. A section describing results is particularly necessary if the paper includes data generated from their own research. When formulating the results section, it’s important to remember that the results of a study do not prove anything. Findings can only confirm or reject the hypothesis underpinning your study. However, the act of articulating the results helps you to understand the problem from within, to break it into pieces, and to view the research problem from various perspectives.

The importance of interpreting the findings of a research project is an essential element because the reader should not be left on his or her own to make sense of the findings of a research project and that the data needs to be analyzed. This leaves the door open for misinterpretation by novice or uninformed readers and calls into question the expertise of the researcher. It is important that the author, who presumably has expertise in the area of the study, to aid the reader in seeing how the outcomes bring to light on the research problem, advance the understanding of the field, call into question other findings or assumptions, and point the way to additional fruitful research problems.

Examining and understanding the intrinsic meaning of the data is an important element of research. Without inquiring into the intrinsic meaning of the data, no resolution of the research problem or its sub problems would be possible. When interpreting the data, it is important not to go beyond the information of the data. So often the excitement of the researcher’s finding s leads them to extravagant claims and false information. Losing sight of the issue can lead to no data collected about the research, it is also highly advised to be careful about not drawing conclusions about the causations or influence when the research does not warrant it. Lastly avoiding the prove and research data is rarely proved and based mostly on probabilities.

Minimum 200 words answer to each