NOTE – I changed the AVAILABLE UNTIL DATE to Monday, Dec. 9. Assignments turned in after Friday at 11.58pm will be marked LATE. The importance of this change is that you will be allowed to turn in the assignment. Canvas does not accept late assignments without the Available until date being later than the due date. With peace, Leslie


After offering your 6 hours of Service Learning, write up your reflection of your participation in your event or events.

In your assessment and reflection of your Service Learning experiences, please include the information listed below in paragraph format.

Write a detailed assessment of your volunteer/service that includes this information AND anything else you would like to include. Your paper needs to be a least several paragraphs, but longer is great! I expect 1 page could cover most of what you did, but please make your reflection 2-3 pages if you have more to say. You may type in text box OR upload a file with your reflection and assessment. Include photos if you wish, but photos are not necessary!

Information to include:

Introduction: Your name, Where you went, date you went, with whom you went.

Important data to include in paragraph format:

With whom did you interact during your Service? Who benefited from your service (include beneficiaries who will benefit down the road, as well as currently)?

Why did you choose this Service Project? What did you do during your project? In what ways does the organization with whom you worked make a sustainable and lasting impact in the community?

How will you continue to make a lasting investment in your community? Would you do more service in the future?

Would you work with this organization again? Would you suggest that someone else work with this organization? Why or why not? (If you did an individual service, this question might not apply).

(These are suggestions to get you started!… ANSWER in paragraph format. Do NOT just answer questions in isolation. I want to read your story of what you did!)

If you have more information to include, please do!

I enjoy reading your thoughts and hearing about your adventures.

go over the questions please you can add, edit make up anything that match.

my name: Yousef

, Where you went, Hoover islamic center

date : today 6 December

you went, with whom you went: I went alone

Important data to include in paragraph format:

With whom did you interact during your Service? Ritha and Amal

I interact with a old lady her name was : Amal she was really and welcoming

and then an old man his name was Ritha he took me over the mosque he shoed me kitchen and classes for kids and adults and told me taught me how to open filters of the air-condition and after that i was looking over and picking any trash there was not a lot of trash

Who benefited from your service: the people who go to the mosque and kids because i removed the dust from the air conditioner.

(include beneficiaries who will benefit down the road, as well as currently)?

Why did you choose this Service Project? My friend suggested it for me

What did you do during your project?

remove the dust from the air conditioner and wipe the dust around it

In what ways does the organization with whom you worked make a sustainable and lasting impact in the community?

the place is a mosque so muslim community go there to pray and sometimes the read quran and learn arabic i think.

How will you continue to make a lasting investment in your community? Would you do more service in the future?

Yes thats make me feel happy when i help people I thinking smiling to people and help them would build a safe and healthy world.

Would you work with this organization again?

Sure why not.

Would you suggest that someone else work with this organization? Why or why not? (If you did an individual service, this question might not apply).

Yes people can learn and see different culture and different people around the world practicing one thing in one place that was nice.

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